GSS Escapade

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GSS Escapade
Deep Space Voyage Vessel
Explorer-class Heavy Cruiser
Quote-open.png To push the boundaries of known civilization, to encounter and understand new creatures and cultures, and to go bravely where no galactic explorer has gone before! Quote-close.png
— Ship's Motto
Dedication Plaque
Typical Corridor

The GSS Escapade is a GEAS Deep Space Exploration Vessel (DSEV) of Heavy Cruiser class. It serves as the flagship of the GEAS fleet. Though small by some standards, it is quite large for a GEAS vessel. Designed primarily for long-range exploration, the Escapade carries reasonably powerful armaments to defend itself against danger. It features some of the fastest hyperspace engines known, a vast and diverse crew compliment, and sophisticated sensory and scientific apparatus.


Fully equipped with the materials to construct a long-range Hypernet gate or to seed a colony world, it also carries hydroponic farms and extensive manufacturing facilities, a wide array of scientific laboratories, fairly luxurious crew accommodations for en exploratory vessel (including immersive holographic simulation technology), matter transporters, and other state-of-the-art facilities, such as a sickbay that rivals most of the finest hospitals in the known galaxy. It carries a compliment of shuttles that serviceably double as starfighters, and it can carry a large amount of cargo as well as accommodating over 1600 passengers in addition to its normal crew compliment.


Its mission? To push the boundaries of known civilization, to encounter and understand new creatures and cultures, and to go bravely where no galactic explorer has gone before! While the Escapade uses ranks and formal command structure, it is not strictly a military ship, and thus the regs are fairly relaxed about crew behavior and the like. So long as everyone does their duty and does not interfere with ship's operations or threaten the safety of the crew, they are generally left at liberty to do as they like. In matters of crew discipline or maintaining order, the captain has a fairly broad latitude in deciding how to handle it, so long as no permanent harm is done to any of the perpetrators.

Technical specifications

Manufacturer........: Galactic Explorers Alliance Starfleet
Model...............: Deep Space Exploration Vessel
Class...............: Heavy Cruiser
Length..............: 1,000 meters
Nav. Computer.......: GEAS Hypernet Navigation System
Sublight Drive......: GEAS Impulse Ion Drive
Atmosphere Speed....: 975 km/h; ~605 MPH
Hyperdrive..........: Class 0.25
Defenses............: Supreme-level deflector shields; Enhanced-level hull
Armament............: Enhanced-level photonic lances
                      Supreme-level assault proton torpedoes
Countermeasures.....: Advanced sensors and jamming technology
                      Teleportation array
                      Tractor beams
Crew................: 885 (130 Officers; 725 Enlisted Crew); 2,500 (with passengers); Skeleton 5
Cargo Capacity......: 20,000 tons
Consumables.........: Indefinite