Jahn Rixx

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Full Name:
Jahn Rixx
GEAS Morale Lt Commander.pngChief Morale Officer of the GSS Escapade
Young Adult
Quote-open.png You look like you need to relax. I can help with that. Quote-close.png
— Himself
Jahn is a GEAS fleet officer, currently assigned to the GSS Escapade as Chief Morale Officer. His duties are to improve morale and help the crew of his ship relieve stress. He uses his unique heritage and skills to perform said job admirably. He also can work as a diplomat or chef should those skills be needed.


Jahn is fun loving laid back and very free with his love. He likes to make other people happy and keep everyone in a good mood. He's typically always happy, though sometimes uses little tricks like pretending to be sad so someone else can 'cheer' him up to make them happy.


Jahn was born when a noble Betazoid ambassador had a dalliance with a Zeltron companion who came from a line of Zeltrons living in the Milky Way Galaxy, rather than Galaxy 1138. From an early age he was taught how to use his various abilities and eventually followed his mother into the diplomatic corps. After the third time he ended up in bed with the wrong person, he decided to change his choice of careers and went into the morale division of GEAS. Since many ships go a long time between shore leaves, having a morale division makes sense. In Jahn's case he used his natural looks and gifts that come from both his Zeltron and Betazoid sides, as well as training he'd learned from his companion father, to entertain the male members of the crew to relieve tensions.