Bryce Taylor

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Full Name:
Bryce Taylor
OC (None)
Bryce is a bright and eager teenager, born to a wealthy family on Eidos IV, near the Core Worlds. By eager, that means he wanted nothing more than to escape the over protective leash of his parents. His greatest talent, aside from being a very focused and fast learner, is his psionic talent. He tested as a P10 on Psi Corps' scale and was quickly taken in for training. Guided in the use of his talents by the Corps, he was free to train in the Academy to become a cadet aboard a GEAS starship. With his keen intelligence, he earned cadet rank as well as gained good control over his telepathy, but he still has room to grow.


Bryce has an eagerness about hih, always willing to help out in a situation however he can. Other than that, he is a quiet studious youth, usually reading or studying since he isn't overly physically inclined. Having grown up in an over protective household, he struggles between looking for his own sense of independence and the inner need to seek an authority figure to guide him. This makes him nervous in social situations and he tends to stay in the background, at least until he can figure out to approach others and not make a fool of himself. Another manifestation of his innocence.


The Taylor family of Eidos IV is part of the aristocracy, one of the ruling families that oversee government, trade, scientific and technological development, diplomatic liaison with other worlds, and the military. The Taylor family had a military background on Eidos IV, but it had also been involved enough in exploratory development to have strong ties with GEAS. This is how Bryce got himself in the Academy's pre-training program at the age of 12. Tired of living under his family overly protective lifestyle, he tested for Academy entry without telling his parents. His genius gave him among the highest entry scores ever, and when the Academy officials approached his parents, they felt obliged to let him train there. They hoped Bryce would become a great officer and bring honor to the family name. This was not quite what he intended.

Maybe it was his own intelligence that got him into the Academy. Maybe it was his family name and ties to the military that did. Either way, Bryce was not convinced he'd escaped his family's leash of expectation. Shortly after beginning his studies, he discovered that the part of the entry exam that also tested psionic potential also came back with a high score, something he hadn't expected. Psi Corps had a training center in the Academy for such talent and he began a very strenuous training regimen that would have been crushing if not for his focus and drive. But now there was a Telepath in the Taylor family, the first one ever, and that gave Bryce the first taste of being independent and forging his own destiny.

At present, Bryce feels the pressure of being on his own. Without the shadow of his family looming over him, he feels exposed and helpless sometimes. One might even say homesick. But look at the life he has now! Exploring new worlds. Developing his psionic abilities. Meeting new people and forging new friendships. It will be a while before Bryce feels complete and whole, but he would never consider ending the journey he's own. Even worse, the idea of going back home!