Kade Novos

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Full Name:
Kaden Alexandre Novos
GEAS Science Cadet.pngGEAS Cadet, GSS Escapade.
Quote-open.png Well, we won't know if we don't push this button, will we? Quote-close.png
— Himself
Being the best of your generation on a hick colony halfway through a three century terraforming program does not make you particularly special in the wider universe. Kade is learning to live with being moderately bright, moderately tough and moderately cute and space is full of people who beat him on all three counts routinely. What most of them don't have is his sense of humor and cheerfully calm demeanor. He's a junior officer in GEAS, seeing the universe and figuring out his place in it. Think of him as a country boy in space.


Cocky, intelligent, affable and friendly. Kade is a social creature and a young man with empathy and interest in those around him. But his ferocious intelligence and self-assurance can drive people to see him as cocky or arrogant. His sense of humor is wry, sometimes sharp and often biting, though he goes after himself more than anyone else.


Kade is a fourth-generation settler of a hellish colony world that was settled only for deep ocean and underground deposits of rare materials that are used in high-end technology. The world itself is a virtual killing ground between environmental conditions and dangerous flora and fauna. All of the colonists are genetically optimized to peak human levels (which is a bit ethically shady by modern standards, but literally the only way people have a chance to survive) and often have cybernetics implanted as infants to help them survive. Kade's gift for the sciences and his ability to synthesize that knowledge led him to having a chance to become a GEAS cadet or stay and help continue the terraforming work to eventually convert his home world into a livable place for future (far future) generations. Kade decided to explore the stars, which has led to a massive rift between himself and his family, who consider him a deserter, more or less.