
From Wilde Adventures MUSH Wiki
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The game's setting is where its stories take place, working within the game's Theme.


Wilde Adventures has four very different but equally fun settings. Each has distinct tones and exists as a world separate from all the others, but various IC methods exist to travel between the worlds. So, occasional crossovers are certainly possible! As is applicable, each world's page will also contain notes on how powers and abilities may adapt for use there, as well as what kind of Feature Characters may be playable there and how they may fit into the world.

Arcadia - Information about Arcadia, land of High Fantasy.
Sangria - Information about Sangria, land of Modern Fantasy.
Superia - Information about Superia, land of Superheroes and Pulp.
Futura - Information about Futura, land of Space Opera and Sci-Fi.

Traveling Between Worlds

Main article: Traveling

It is absolutely possible to travel between game worlds, whether one's character is a traveler by default or not. This article contains more information about how.