Galactic Empire

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Name: Galactic Empire
Leadership: Emperor Palpatine
Area: Futura, Galaxy 1138
World: Unknown
Quote-open.png In order to ensure our security and continued stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the First Galactic Empire, for a safe and secure society! Quote-close.png
The Emperor

The Galactic Empire--also known as the First Galactic Empire, Palpatine's New Order, the Imperium, or simply the Empire--is the galactic government established by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to replace the Galactic RepublicReminder: The game does not treat every aspect of every source as canon. Click here to refer to the game's theme and canon guidelines! and, in effect, bring SithReminder: The game does not treat every aspect of every source as canon. Click here to refer to the game's theme and canon guidelines! rule to the galaxy.

The Republic, which had lasted for at least 25,000 years, ended following a period of intense political turmoil and the subsequent devastation of the Clone WarsReminder: The game does not treat every aspect of every source as canon. Click here to refer to the game's theme and canon guidelines!. In the final stages of the wars, Chancellor Palpatine (by then ruling with near-absolute power) began a purge of the Jedi OrderReminder: The game does not treat every aspect of every source as canon. Click here to refer to the game's theme and canon guidelines! and then proclaimed himself Emperor of the galaxy and reorganized the Galactic Republic into "the first Galactic Empire" on the galactic capital, Coruscant.

Adapted from WookieepediaReminder: The game does not treat every aspect of every source as canon. Click here to refer to the game's theme and canon guidelines!

Base of Operations

The Empire is based out of the planet Coruscant.