Put up, or shut up. But, do something, god damn it! |
— Himself |
Lorcan Kilbride has been in starship security since the day he graduated from the
GEAS Space Academy, his body enhanced and bulked up to something monstrous. He's been in plenty of engagements, and even when he lost an arm and had an eye gouged out, they slapped in some cybernetics, gave him some pain meds and got him right back on the job. He's known to have a rowdy personality, a temper, and he's a bit of an asshole, but he gets the job done, only relaxing when in the company of companions and close friends.
Lorcan views the world with a cinical approach not believing anyone or anything is good. It doesn't mean that he can't be cheerful or happy, but it means that he views things in a negative light until someone or something proves him wrong. He is quick tempered and with his past experiences it can put him on the defensive. He's also protective of the ones he cares for though and that proves benefitial to anyone he develops some affection to.
Born into a space colony of more rugged living on the outer fringes of Humanity's reach, Lorcan grew up among spacers, working to further his education. Feeling that he was not skilled enough to serve in a technical position, such as an engineer, or a skilled position, such as a helmsman position, he pursued training in security when he entered the GEAS Space Academy. And he did a damn good job of it. From there he went on five voyages between the ages of 20 and 30, but on his last venture, his ship was boarded by pirates, his cruiser eventually losing its systems and the ship taken over, he was taken prisoner, tortured for a while, and then finally had his arm and left eye removed before he was retrieved by GEAS forces. Only then did he take some time off. He got some new cybernetics and a bit of therapy, but GEAS hated to see such a skilled officer go to waste, and so, after getting him back to some sort of stability, they placed him on another ship as a security officer, where he could embark on a new voyage.
ACADEMICS - Competent: He graduated from the GEAS Space Academy. He is familiar with academics such as relate to various procedures on starships.
COMMUNICATIONS - Novice: He has enough training to be a communications officer if needed, but he's not going to go high in the ranks.
FIREARMS - Expert: Using a variety of firearms however he's very good, ranking with high marks in his sharpshooting exams.
MARTIAL ARTS - Expert: Lorcan has been a seasoned veteran in engagements and on a ship usually resorts to hand to hand combat, having honing his skills to top shape.
MELEE - Competent: He'd rather use his fists than a blade but is able to deal out damage with one if necessary, or a table leg, baseball bat, etc.
SHIP SYSTEMS - Novice: He can fix a keypad, do security updates on doors, and runs cameras, but he'll definitely not be flying or managing specific engineering jobs.
STRENGTH - Enhanced: In his cybernetic arm he's got a fair bit of extra strength. allowing him to do anything from keep hold of things to well, crushing a bone.
VISION - Enhanced: His one good eye has been modified to give him enhanced perception and low light vision.
ARMORY He's got a great collection of weapons which he knows how to use.
CYBERNETICS He has a cybernetic limb which is very durable, it also is better for throwing a punch.
GEAS MEDICAL He gets his cybernetics worked on by GEAS directly, so replacements are easy to obtain.
ADDICTION Still is addicted to his pain meds and it makes him twitchy
IMPULSIVE If he's got a chance he'll take it, even if it's the wrong choice.
SHORT FUSE He's a hit first ask questions later kind of guy. If you piss him off he's going to get angry quick.