Arc Errant

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Full Name:
Arclight Errant
Captain Errant
GEAS Command Captain.pngCommanding Officer,
GSS Escapade
Quote-open.png I'm Captain Arclight Errant. My friends call me 'Arc.'
But, you? YOU can call me 'Captain.'
— Himself
Captain Errant is a captain in the Galactic Explorers Alliance Starfleet (GEAS) with the reputation for being a bit of a wild card with little patience for needless formality.

He'd retired from active duty and operated privately from his own small but scrappy starcruiser, the Artful Venture, but the recent encounter GEAS had with the Galactic Empire led them to entice Arc out of retirement.

Since then, he's been made captain of the GSS Escapade, the flagship of the GEAS fleet. The rumor is that Arc isn't quite human, and he has some unusual abilities to match, but he generally doesn't talk much about that.


While the classic Myers Briggs personality breakdown is an arbitrary and fundamentally synthetic way of classifying personality types, it's also convenient as a way to quantify a personality. Given this model, Arc would be considered Extroverted Sensing Thinking and Perceiving: "As an ESTP, your primary mode of living is focused externally, where you take things in via your five senses in a literal, concrete fashion. Your secondary mode is internal, where you deal with things rationally and logically." The ESTP archetype has been called "The Doer," valuing action and seeing things clearly over contemplation or trusting their instincts. Of course, even Jung said that everyone is an individual, and therefore everyone is an exception to the rule--so these aren't strict rules, just general guidelines. Still, the end summary of the ESTP is fitting enough: "ESTPs are practical, observant, fun-loving, spontaneous risk-takers with an excellent ability to quickly improvise an innovative solution to a problem. They're enthusiastic and fun to be with, and are great motivators. If an ESTP recognizes their real talents and operates within those realms, they can accomplish truly exciting things." --


Arclight Errant was born under odd circumstances. The details are vague, but his parents abandoned him on a small human agricultural colony when he was an infant. He grew up a happy child, adopted by a loving couple and their commune, but he always dreamed of the stars. As soon as he was old enough, he signed on to the first ship's crew he could, and from then on it was a spacer's life for him. In his early twenties, he became a GEAS officer and signed on to a deep space voyage. The life suited him. By his thirties, he was captaining starships. It was while captaining one such ship, the Starlighter, that Arc was lost for several months while on a scouting mission. When he returned, he had odd stories to tell about visiting a distant galaxy, but he was debriefed and little more was made of it. Later, while commanding a ship with the portentous name of The Albatross, Arc came to the world known as Planet X.

The catastrophe of Planet X is recorded elsewhere, but suffice to say, people awoke what should not have been disturbed, and the results were terrible. Planet X was quarantined, and few who were there escaped unscathed, if indeed they escaped with their lives at all. The encounter greatly enhanced Arc's psi-factor--what some might call awareness of the Force--thanks to touching the mind behind the catastrophe, and it took him years to recover. In time, though, he did recover, and he went back to the life of an explorer and a spacer. With a new ship, The Artful Venture, and a new crew, new adventures awaited. However, after some years had passed, GEAS made first contact with the Galactic Empire, and due to his past experience, they enticed Arc to return and take command of their flagship exploration vessel, the GSS Escapade, for a mission assess and understand this new, unknown faction from a distant galaxy.