Jasper Udyan

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Full Name:
Jasper Udyan
Courtesan and Healer
A seeker of greater enlightenment and a truly tender soul, Jasper studied at the Gardens of the Moon to enrich himself and to bring comfort to others. After a few years at the Gardens, the disaster of Planet X motivated many there to apply their unique skills to soothe the physical, mental, and emotional stresses the tragedy caused. Now aboard the Artful Venture, Jasper continues to try and bring relief to all he can, as well as acting as the ship's doctor.


Jasper is the perfect host and the perfect guest, charming and easy to like. He seems patient, kind, giving, loving...but just as easily, he can also seem insistent, assertive, imperious, and with lofty standards. The true Jasper is some combination. He's not perfect, but he knows how to cultivate a good image. He doesn't let his hair down, so to speak, with just anyone. But those who get to know him will find he's a good person and, deep down, chiefly wants to help others, especially to heal them. It is a deep desire of his to spread healing and understanding through the universe, as much as he is able. If he has to go through hardship to accomplish this, then so be it. He has tremendous dedication and focus, but he also struggles at times with the state of things and his life. So it goes, and he knows he's not alone in finding his meaning and his still point in the cosmos.


Jasper would never say he had an easy life, but his life wasn't entirely fraught with tragedy or despair. After scraping by for some time, unfulfilled and taking positions in ports and stations and the occasional colony, he made the decision to study at the Gardens of the Moon, a sort of temple dedicated to sensual healing and enlightenment. After some years there, learning their craft and enriching himself, the disaster of Planet X motivated him and many others at the Gardens to venture out into the universe. Initially, they concentrated heavily on supplementing existing treatment of survivors and victims of the disaster, but as time passed, Jasper and many others ventured out farther and spread out to offer more healing to a wider range of people in need.