2019.02.25 - There Is No Chance. There Is The Force.

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There Is No Chance. There Is The Force.

A not-so-chance meeting at the Khoonda spaceport.

Kentr Isrun is surveying the exterior of the Ebon Hawk, which is presently at the space port. The ship has held together well for how long it sat in a tomb. No doubt T3 was in no small way to thank for that. Even now the little droid was still repairing secondary and tertiary systems within. For his part, Revan meant to discover more about the state of Dantooine. If it was on scanners of this 'Empire' he had learned about. As well as find a way to re-provision the ship. His attention is drawn to a young man with blue black hair though. Something about him, which in Revan's experience usually meant The Force trying to give direction. So, for the moment he watches him as he waits for Anakin to disembark as well.

By the time Anakin does leave the ship, he's decently-dressed but not in clothes that he likes. They're not comfortable enough for him, for one, and he grumbles as he pulls at the ill-fitting things. By the time he catches up with Revan, he's got it as right as it can be, which isn't saying a lot. "Where's the clothing store here?" He mutters. "I need something that fits. Something that suits me better too." The second may not be possible, but the first should definitely happen, even if it's just to find a tailor to take up the clothes he's wearing.

From the direction of the market district comes a figure wearing a hooded, tan-colored robe of nondescript nature. He walks with the purposeful stride of one with somewhere to be, probably not familiar with the area but not behaving suspiciously, either. Just a traveler, for certain! That's the story, at least, until he senses a nearby presence, strong in the Force, nearby. His errand momentarily forgotten, he moves in that direction, casting his senses out and trying to understand the startlingly strong presence he feels. As he approaches the others, he puts on his blandest smile and says, "Excuse me! I don't suppose either of you gentlemen know where I could find the supply depot? I need to pick up a few things while I'm here in town."

The Blue-black haired youth enters with a Loth-Cat on his head he trails in after Galen. IF Galen is meant to blend in well Ezra isn't. His flight-suit is amazingly bright and his hair is most unusual. To those with force senses he's quite strong if barely trained in the force, and doesn't seem to know to hide it. He saunters along looking casually at some items that had fallen into his possession during the walk here and is appraising them idly to make sure he gets a decent price on them. He stops as he hears Galen talking to someone and tilts his head, even his untrained senses can tell something is unusual about those two.

Kentr Isrun glances at Anakin as he joins him outside the ship. As far as anyone knows, his name is Kentr Isrun. The very alias he once had so many, many years ago. After the Jedi Enclave on this very planet wiped away his memories and gave him the identity of a Republic soldier. An identity which his natural memories and connection to The Force allowed him to overwhelm and subsume in time. But the skill set, and occasionally the name has come in handy over the years. This being yet another time.

Kentr reaches out with The Force, and feels not one, but two powerful presences. The quick flash of one of them resolved into a young man with unusual hair. His potential was immense, but was as yet untempered. But the other, he was trained, and very powerful. Much like Anakin himself, whom he hissed out a quick warning to. "Anakin feel the Force around you." Before the robed figure approaches them, Kentr Isrun is already looking at him. His slightly amber eyes taking him in. "This is my first visit to Dantooine in a very long time. I expect I will need to look for it as well. That is where my friend and I were going though. Your welcome to join us, if you'd like." There was something to his words. Meanings within meanings. The Force had lead him here, as it had at other turning points in his life. That it lead these others here as well. There were no coincidences. There was The Force.

"I am feeling the Force around me," Anakin hisses back, tugging at a sleeve. "I want to feel nice-fitting clothes around me." But he does quiet down with the approach of the hooded man. That's certainly not suspicious or noteworthy, no sir. Anakin purses his lips, but he doesn't say anything. Kentris can handle this. Istr? Anakin can't remember the alias, so that's another reason not to speak up. He does manage to catch sight of the kid with the loth-cat on his head, or maybe it's the Force senses, given that there's manifestation of the Force, the gift of the Force, there.

For a moment, Anakin muses that it's the loth-cat and wonders, lost in a brief dream, what a loth-cat Jedi would look like.

"Ah," Galen says, looking between the two, cautious but still curious. "Well, that would be fine then, thank you. I'd be happy to see what we can all discover, together." He looks at Anakin again. There's... something about him, something Galen can't quite place, but it draws forth a smile that came easier than expected, perhaps because of Anakin's slightly comical antics. "I'm sure we can find you something there to wear, as well. What do you favor, shimmersilk?" Not likely that such a thing would be available on a relative backwater like this, but he attempts the joke, hoping to break the ice a bit, while cautiously waving Ezra closer.

Kentr Isrun watches the pair closely. But he detects no real trace of a threat. "You may call me Kentr Isrun. This is my associate Anakin, and our ship the Ebon Hawk." With partial introductions made, Kentr looks around across the spaceport for the most likely direction for the marketplace. He knows where it used to be. But well it might have moved in the over four thousand years since he last visited.

Ezra wasn't picking someone's pocket. Nope not at all. He quickly walks over and waves at the others, well after he finishes what he's doing. He comes up closer casually counting and appraising his goods, and blinks, "Shimmer silk around here? I don't think you could find clean linen." Okay he was vastly exaggerating, but it wasn't home and it looked like a bit of a dump to his eyes at least. Granted it was also likely the first planet he'd ever been to other than Lothal.

Kentr Isrun watches the pair closely. But he detects no real trace of a threat. "You may call me Kentr Isrun. This is my associate Anakin, and our ship, the Ebon Hawk." With partial introductions made, Kentr looks around across the spaceport for the most likely direction for the marketplace. He knows where it used to be. But well it might have moved in the over four thousand years since he last visited. "Dantooine used to be a very important planet, a very long time ago. For the outer systems particularly."

Oh thank goodness. "Kentr" said his name again. Anakin starts to repeat it to himself when he's completely derailed in thought by the new guy mentioning what he does. "Shimmersilk? Yeah! They have shimmersilk here?" Even if Ezra doesn't seem to think so, for Anakin, hope somehow springs eternal. "Do they just...well, I was going to ask if they get it from the source here, but I don't actually know what it's made from. Is it a secretion? Does it come from some kind of glands of wild animals?" His eyes light up as he starts to explore his curiosity on the topic. "Or better yet, some kind of local plant life? Maybe we could set up a hydroponic garden and never have to be out of fashion again!" At least, if they're on Chandrila or somewhere else mad for shimmersilk.

"Kentr," Galen says with a nod, saying, "Call me Galen." He also nods politely to Anakin, smiling slightly. "I doubt we'll find any, but I think it's made from... a plant? Or, it might be a worm. I don't know that one." He turns vaguely toward the marketplace, having passed it on his way here (and assumed that there would be a supply depot in the spaceport--leftover military thinking, that). "So," he says, looking between the others. "This is a planet with some history, I'm sure. I noticed the ruins outside the city." He keeps a loose eye on Ezra, figuring the kid can take care of himself, but... well, he might pickpocket the wrong person or something.

"Um I found a silky um thing." He waves a silken handkerchief towards Anakin. Someone had it in their pocket just like poking out, like they wanted him to take it. "I don't know if it's shimmer silk. And I don't think you wear it?" He shrugs a bit. He definitely wasn't a Jedi trainee he was about as restrained and emotionally repressed as your average wookie, on caffeine.

Kentr Isrun glances at Anakin, trying to decide if he really is that enthusiastic about the topic, or if it is a bluff of some sort. He did only meet him recently after all, so it was hard to say. Noting a number of workers hauling bulk items to the starport, all from a certain direction he gestures that way. "I think the markets are that way." It was an educated guess, and if not someone would certainly know. It accomplished his goal regardless. To see if this Galactic Empire had a foot hold on Dantooine or not. He gestures to the young pick pocket. "And your friend Galen?" So far there had been no introduction there. When ruins are mentioned he casually comments. "Ruins. I believe Anakin we should take a look at those." He doesn't emphasize exactly why, but he does test the water a little more. "Dantooine once held a enclave for one of the older religious orders in the galazy. The Jedi order, specifically." The hook was baited, now to see if anything bit.

Anakin is immediately deflated by the dragging down to earth, so to speak. "They should at least have something sturdy and better fitting than this." He seems resolved, though Ezra waving that handkerchief around gets his attention. "Where did you get that?" He gets a bit closer, almost too fast. He has this kind of remarkable grace to him that seems to add to his speed and smoothness in moving. "That's not yours, is it?" Though even with such gravity in the topic, he immediately turns to look at the loth-cat companion of Ezra's. "Is it yours? Suits you more."

Though when Kentr speaks up, Anakin glances back to him. "I'm doing it. I think he needs a bath, but the loth-cat's clean. But then, aren't cats always more clean than kids?" And he should know.

"Ezra," Galen says, nodding to the boy in a way that makes it clear that this is their introduction, "is always finding things. Just lucky, I suppose." He shrugs, offering a faint little smile, doing his best to just be passably pleasant when he feels rather on edge... and he visibly stiffens at the mention of Jedi, though he almost instantly relaxes. "Jedi ruins? Well, I guess... that makes sense. They used to be everywhere, didn't they?" He raises an eyebrow, distracted a bit by Anakin's distraction with Ezra, but generally goes with Kentr... so long as the others don't fall behind.

"I'm NOT dirty! I swam just yesterday! ... and He says I'm his not the other way around." The Loth-Cat was eating a piece of fruit that was totally paid for. The cat preens at being called preen, and is to those perceptive very in tune with the force. "I was going to give you the silk thing. But I guess I'll just sell it instead." He's tempted to get distracted, but he doesn't want Galen to leave him behind and his ship is in Galen's sooo best to stay close.

Kentr Isrun is paying attention. To a trained eye he is usually looking in a direction before something occurs, not reacting to it, but anticipating it. "They were very prevalent once. As were their opposite, the Sith." Galen at least had nibbled at the bait, and so it was time to sweeten it with a bit more. The crowds are sparse enough that by just being a little careful, it is unlikely they will be overheard.

"So it isn't yours." Anakin looks pleased with himself at getting a kind of confirmation past Ezra trying to avoid addressing the topic at all. He moves when the others do, intent on keeping close to Kentr too, but definitely trying to usher things in the direction of the market. If anything happens and he needs to call upon his training, he doesn't want to do a majestic leap right out of his clothes, here of all places. "Is it yours?" He looks at the loth-cat.

Galen regards Kentr for a long, quiet moment before murmuring, "I wouldn't say that word too loud, if I were you. There's nothing but trouble, there." He glances back to Anakin and Ezra, smirking faintly in spite of himself, and when satisfied they're keeping up, continues on toward the market. "I'm sorry I can't offer your friend any help," he tells Kentr, clearly referring to Anakin. "I'm not really an expert on fashion. I'm just happy to have clothes on my back and fuel in my ship."

The Loth-Cat looks at Anakin and seems to be trying to grab for a finger but also possibly might be asking for fruit. Ezra tilts his head hrms... And ties the shimmer silk handkerchief around the cat's neck like a bandanna and he actually looks quite fetching. He then bounds up to Galen, because otherwise he might end up stun-shotting Anakin and that would just be trouble. And it would be trouble cause he can tell these two would totally catch him. He blinks and says too loudly, "Sith? What are Sith? I've heard of the Jedi but not the Sith." Subtlety is not Ezra's first last or middle name.

Kentr Isrun nods to Galen quietly. He knows all he needs to, for the moment. "Galen, that is a variety of trouble I have some history in dealing with. Thank you however, for the honest warning." Noticing a stand selling clothing, Kentr reaches in his robes, and removes a small starship component. It looks burnt out, but it is something that has not been seen in likely centuries. "Anakin, the junk dealer over there. Bring him this, and sell it for whatever he offers. It's worth far more, but we need the credits. Then buy yourself clothing. We will use the rest for parts and supplies for the Hawk, T3, and HK." The time for pretense was in the past, ten minutes ago. Kentr just looks at Galen, and there is something there that wasn't before. The subtlest hint of a buried power. A power just daring anyone around them to intervene. The sparse crowds separate around them like a river around a boulder. "Are you training him?"

Anakin watches the cat, amused by those movements. He doesn't move his fingers out of the way. If the little fellow wants to grab at his hands, sure. He's patient enough. He's very patient. "What's your friend's name?" He asks Ezra, as they move along.

When Kentr hands him the component, he reaches his hands out and looks at it. Bringing it up to his face, he picks it up with one hand and starts to move it around, examining it. "This thing's ancient. I've never seen one in person, just read about 'em. Where'd you get this?" A grin spreads over his features again. "You must be stinking rich."

Galen glances with vague curiosity at the component, and he's just about to chuckle at Anakin's enthusiasm for the part--but then Ezra speaks up, and so does Kentr. Galen immediately takes a single, careful step, but it's all he needs to insert himself quietly but pointedly between Ezra and the others. One hand vanishes just beneath his robe, a gesture that would look casual to most--not to these people, certainly, but to most. He quietly answers Ezra, "They're trouble. Bad, bad trouble." Then, staring down Kentr, he replies evenly, "I'm not sure you really realize what you're asking--but if you do, it's almost worse. I've just been across the galaxy over that kind of trouble, and all it brought was more trouble. If you're looking for a fight, then you'll get more of one than you're looking for from me." The words aren't spoken as a threat. If anything, they sound like an appeal, an unspoken request not to make this into something they'll both regret.

Ezra instantly changes his stands his hand going to his arm and reading a stun-shot. After all if he was wrong the worst that would happen would be he might stun someone or make their arm fall asleep. The Loth-Cat whom if he has a name isn't revealed yet jumps down from his head to go be somewhere less hostile. He's already been hit by a stun-shot and he didn't like it. He wasn't over fond of lightsabers either.

Kentr Isrun had swapped out many of the older components on the Ebon Hawk before he had discovered Anakin. The components that were beyond salvage were stored away in one of the smugglers holds onboard. He would sell them as needed to bring the hawk and the droids up to more modern standards. Dantooine was a good place for that as well, as far removed as it was. "Just something I knew might come in handy to sell. If we needed the credits, which we do."

He then turns his attention back to Ezra and Galen. He makes no move to reach under his robe, for what Galen can easily suspect would be there. In fact he doesn't move at all. "I asked you a question Galen, nothing more. Search your feelings, and ask yourself if you sense I am an enemy." For the briefest second, "Kentr Isrun" opens himself up, just a crack. Like peering through a door left just slightly ajar. Then the door is closed again, but the half formed images of what were on the otherwise remain tantalizingly in your mind.

Anakin looks around at the others. "Can you all just calm down for a second? What are we even going to solve by going at each other's throats? And now I don't know the loth-cat's name." He folds his arms on his chest, which is less impressive-looking when his clothes don't fit so well. And naturally, he's keeping that component palmed until he can get the opportunity to either sell it or just move with it.

Galen relaxes by degrees, then casually removes his hand from his robe, resting it against his thick in a nonchalant fashion, but keeping within easy reach. He gives a slow nod to Kentr, then waves his other hand discreetly at Ezra, as if to tell him to stand down. He draws a slow breath, then puts on his best pleasant smile, which looks a bit pained. "Sorry. I guess you'll understand, knowing the kind of people we've been dancing around talking about, why I'm... cautious." His expression goes neutral again, and after a long moment he says, half looking at Anakin and half still watching Kentr, "Yes. I'm training him. As best I can."

"He hasn't told me his name yet. If he has one. He's a little rebel really." Then looking up at the others he grins putting his hands behind his head and grinning pretending that he didn't have a weapon built into his suit. " Yeah HE found me after I stole an imperial prototype star fighter." Again he was a bit too loud and far too casual, both about his skills and his opposing the Empire.

Kentr Isrun starts to walk again, staying relatively close by. Idly browsing the market as far as anyone might guess from the way he window shops. "I've only recently returned here after being, away, for some time. There is a great deal I do not know. There is likewise a great deal I suspect. But what I do know is that there are no coincidences. There is The Force. We did not all meet in a spaceport on Dantooine by random chance alone. You have ship, we should meet at the ruins you described to continue this discussion. If you have fled enemies, they may yet have followed you." Kentr glances at Ezra and a small smirk appears. "You stole a ship?" He nods in an appraising manner. "Untrained, but not untalented. Clearly."

"Got your work cut out for you!" Anakin announces, to Galen, looking almost proud at that assertion. He shifts in place, to return his attention to Kentr when he speaks. The news that Ezra has stolen a ship and seems very proud of it doesn't much affect Anakin in one way or another. Maybe it's just not relevant, to his mind. "So anyway, clothes?" He glances back to the other two, as if attempting to prompt some input from them too.

Galen eyes Ezra and mutters, "Maybe... don't say that so loud?" He shakes his head a bit, then nods to the clothing stall. "I guess we'll leave you to your shopping. I'll go and find the supply depot, get the fuel and consumables we came for... and then maybe we'll meet. At those ruins." He sounds skeptical, uncertain... and yet, clearly, intrigued. He nods politely to Kentr, then offers Anakin a smile. "Hope you find something you like, even if it's not shimmersilk." Then he turns to go, reaching to tap Ezra on the shoulder in a "come with me" gesture, muttering to him, "I hope you didn't plan to try selling that stuff here? It'll be safer at another port."

"Well its mostly junk anyway. But I think this might replace that burnt out modulator." HE said casually, he didn't seem remotely abashed by the don't talk to loud comment but he isn't mentioning the imperials and more so maybe he's learning. He does give Anakin a bit of a dirty look. And manages a polite half bow to Kentr, before he grabs the Loth-Cat up and runs off after Galen. Saying in a much lower voice that only Galen should be able to hear, "Are we gonna have time for more Light saber training? And did you say we might be able to find a crystal thingamajig here?"

Kentr Isrun nods to Galen as they move to part ways. He believes they will show at the ruins. But then that is because he places his faith in The Force. Then turning he smiles at Anakin, and gestures back to the junk salesman now that the tense moment has passed them by. "Lets go get those credits. Then we can get you something to wear Anakin." Again to outside observation it might just be a crew of a ship, separating to get supplies. Likely to meet back up soon enough at the spaceport. Kentr Isrun thinks rather prominently though, for anyone that might 'hear' it. 'No coincidences.'
