Galen Marek

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Full Name:
Galen Marek
Former Sith Apprentice
Young Adult
Quote-open.png A Jedi's hand is at work. Quote-close.png
— Himself
Taken from his home by Darth Vader at a young age and dubbed "Starkiller," Galen Marek was raised to be an assassin, a pawn in his master's schemes, and a tool of the Empire. Caught up in the schemes between Vader and the Emperor, however, Galen was betrayed by his master and left for dead. Surviving through a combination of determination, desperation, and what some would call luck and others might call the will of the Force, he survived. Now an enemy of the Empire, Galen must try to forge a new path on his own, this time as nobody's pawn.


Not long before the fall of the Republic and the formation of the Galactic Empire, Kento and Mallie Marek, Jedi Knights, had fallen in love and married in secret. They left the order together, choosing love over duty, and together had a child, whom they named Galen. The boy wasn't even born yet when the Empire initiated the Jedi Purge, and the family was forced into hiding to avoid being hunted down and killed. They made their home on Kashyyyk, the Wookiee homeworld, and tried to build a life, but Galen was only an infant when his mother was killed by Transdoshan slavers while protecting the Wookiee village.

Galen's life was filled with tragedy, but this would not soon change. During the invasion of Kashyyyk, Darth Vader found Galen's father, and in their ensuing duel, Vader killed Kento. Sensing young Galen's Force potential, Vader took the boy as his apprentice. The rest of his rearing was traumatic and terrible, as the Dark Lord forged the child and then young man into a weapon. Galen's only friend in all this was PROXY, the trainer holodroid who aided him in refining his combat skills.

In time, Vader began to use Galen as an assassin and enforcer, but the Emperor learned of this and was not well pleased. Vader was forced, to avoid displeasing his master, to "kill" Galen. However, Vader ensured that Galen could survive, planning to later recover him and resume his training, once again in secret. Galen chose not to wait around for this. Betrayed and confused, he stole PROXY and the starship he'd been allowed to use, the Rogue Shadow, and fled for his life. He managed to track down his family home on Kashyyyk, learning his true identity and recovering what remained of his family's heirlooms, but since then he has been on the run with few credits and fewer prospects. What, exactly, does one do when one has burnt all one's bridges and being hunted by Darth Vader himself?

Galen has no idea, but he'll figure it out or die trying.