ATHLETICS: Expert - Ezra is a highly skilled athlete when it comes to running, throwing, climbing, jumping, lifting, swimming, and so forth. He has excellent stamina, reflexes, and general fitness.
BRAWLING: Novice - Ezra has been in a few scraps, but he's never particularly delved into serious fighting. He's not helpless, but he's far from a seasoned warrior.
CHARISMA: Expert - Ezra is a natural fast-talker and can be quite charming or even manipulative when he wants to be. Unfortunately, he can also be a bit awkward at times, but then, this often works for him in one way or another. The result is, he's often actually more charismatic than he realizes, especially when he's actually sincere.
KNOWLEDGE: Novice - Ezra has a basic knowledge of various galactic cultures, planets, and so forth. He's also pretty familiar with how to get by on the shadier and less affluent side of the galaxy.
LIGHTSABER: Novice - Ezra has only begun to train in use of a lightsaber, but he has a strong connection to the Force and excellent reflexes, making him a promising student.
MECHANICAL: Competent - A natural builder, Ezra is a capable mechanic. He understands mechanics and machines quite well, and while he isn't a great prodigy in this area, he's still solidly capable.
PILOTING: Competent - Ezra is a gifted pilot. Despite a relative lack of experience, he can fly a speeder quite well, and he can manage a starship reliably, despite having virtually never had the chance to fly one before. He can even fake his way through some fancy maneuvers with a swoop or starship, and he's only getting better at this with time.
SECURITY: Competent - Ezra has kitbashed together his own electronic lockpicking tools and is quite skilled when it comes to breaking past even reasonably sophisticated security measures.
STEALTH: Competent - While stealth is not part of Ezra's primary skill set, it still comes in handy enough that he has made sure to cultivate the ability to sneak around or hide at a reasonable level of competence.
SURVIVAL: Competent - Part of Ezra's training has been how to survive and blend in to various environments, especially when it comes to scrounging here and there for necessities.
TECHNICAL: Competent - Ezra is no technician, but despite formal training he can make almost any technology work with a bit of tinkering. He knows enough about it to casually (and safely) remove expensive or vital components with ease, and he can even cobble together some decent gear from scrap.
WEAPONS: Competent - Ezra has only limited experience when it comes to firing blasters, but he's quite a good shot with them, having honed his skill as a dead-eye with his stun slingshot. He can manage most ranged weapons reasonably well and is even a solidly competent gunner, whether using ground or starship based artillery emplacements.
CREATURE AFFINITY: Supreme-level Force - While this ability is as yet untrained and unrefined, Ezra has a profound connection through the Force to natural creatures. This normally allows him to touch the minds of beasts and animals, calming them or even making friends of otherwise hostile creatures. He does not yet know the full extent of his ability in this area, but he has a rare talent in this area that, when developed, could allow him to summon and even, if he so chose, command large numbers of otherwise wild creatures.
ENHANCE TRAIT: Enhanced-level Force Power - The Force can enhance its user in many ways. Specialized uses of this talent include Force healing and Force speed, but in more general terms it can be used to enhance the user in various ways. These include improving a skill that relies on mental focus or manual dexterity, imparting increased physical toughness such as to reduce injury, sharpening senses, or increasing physical strength. In practice, this ability can stand in for any other personal attribute when invoked, though only one attribute can be enhanced at a time: strength, dexterity, toughness, perception, intelligence, etc. This is accomplished via a brief meditation, after which the effect generally lasts from a few minutes up to a few hours, depending on the ability of the user and the length of time spend preparing. It can also be used in brief bursts of up to a few seconds with no advance preparation.
Ezra is a fairly typical user of this ability. He most often uses this ability to sharpen his reflexes in tandem with athletic moments, frequently passively boosting his agility up to the Enhanced level for up to several minutes at a time.
FARSIGHT: Basic-level Force Power - This form of advanced clairvoyance allows the Force-user to see visions of other locations, even other times. This may include seeing a target in real time, witnessing the events happening to and around them, but it may also convey glimpses of the future, though these are seldom to be depended upon, as the future is always in motion, always changing. The more physical and emotional distance between the farseer and their target, the more difficult the feat becomes. Between two farseers, it's possible to achieve mental communication in this way, though usually such effects are limited.
In Ezra's case, he has no practical experience with farsight, but he is awakened to the Force, and as such he can still receive seemingly random, unpredictable visions or flashes of insight and knowledge without always realizing where they came from.
FORCE SPEED: Enhanced-level Force Power - Force speed is a combination of applied telekinesis and body control an enhancement, allowing the user to move at up to hundreds of miles per hour, usually only for a few seconds before it becomes physically harmful to maintain. The greater one's aptitude with the ability, the faster one can move and the longer they may safely maintain that speed. While accelerated in this fashion, the user does not only become physically faster, but their agility, thoughts, and perceptions are similarly enhanced, the world seeming to slow around them and enabling greater accuracy in attacks or making it easier to defend against them. To safely avoid harming oneself, after using a burst of speed, one must rest for at least as long as that burst of speed lasted.
Ezra is able to increase his agility to perhaps twenty times that of a normal human, able to catch slower-moving projectiles, such as primitive arrows, or to dodge blaster fire with a bit of luck. In this state, he can run at up to 250 miles per hour. He can maintain this state for up to thirty seconds at a time before doing himself harm, though he usually uses it for far less time than that at once, using it instead in tiny increments during a fight or for a momentary burst of acceleration when he needs it most.
MENTALISM: Basic-level Force Power - Force-users of sufficient ability are able to perform a vast array of mind-to-mind effects, from reading the thoughts of another or probing their memories to actually influencing or controlling their thoughts, telepathic communication, or shielding their own minds or the minds of allies from such effects or influences. Force mentalism can also be used for healing purposes, such as easing the trauma of another or helping them recover suppressed memories.
Ezra's mental powers are currently untrained and very limited. Though he has yet learned to do so reliably, with the proper focus he can perform the classic "mind trick," implanting straightforward suggestions into unprotected minds who lack great willpower. This enables him to convince a target that they have heard a noise they did not hear, make them fail to notice something for a moment, or even implant a simple command, such as making a guard allow him to pass them by. This effect clouds the thoughts, often leaving the memory of that moment very murky, but it does not work on especially strong minds. While he has not yet developed this ability, he seems to have a natural knack for it and could one day be highly skilled at Force mentalism.
TELEKINESIS: Basic-level Force Power - Telekinesis is the well-known ability to manipulate physical reality, especially physical or kinetic energy. It is commonly used to push or pull targets, to levitate creatures or objects, to deflect attacks, to apply crushing force to a target, to throw objects at a target, and even to allow the user to leap exceptional distances without harm, to simply name some of the most common applications.
Ezra has only begun to learn this ability, able to levitage small objects reliably and, with more focus, objects up to about what an adult human could carry, perhaps one or two hundred pounds at a time while focused.
BLASTER PISTOL: Enhanced-level Weapon - This blaster pistol is built into the handle of Ezra's lightsaber. It has both a lethal and a stun setting.
LIGHTSABER: Enhanced-level Weapon - An elegant weapon for a more civilized age, the lightsaber, sometimes referred to erroneously as a laser sword, is a legendary weapon favored by many Force-users, especially Jedi and Sith. Lightsabers consist of a plasma blade, powered by a kyber crystal, emitted from a hilt, usually made of metal. The blade can be toggled on or off, allowing the weapon to close down to just the hilt. A weapon as dangerous to the wielder as to their opponents if used carelessly, a lightsaber requires rigorous skill and training. The weapon becomes much more effective when used in conjunction with the Force.
Ezra has assembled his own lightsaber, which contains a blue kyber crystal. Unusually, it also has a light blaster pistol built into the hilt. (The pistol is detailed in a separate entry.)
STUN-SHOT: Basic-level Weapon - This wrist-mounted device, operating like a slingshot, allows Ezra to fire stun blasts in the form of energy orbs.
FORCE SYNERGY - Ezra is instinctively able to combine his Force-based abilities with those of others, making him a valuable asset even without having had extensive training, for while he lacks skill, he has a strong connection to the Force, and by working in tandem with others they will be stronger together than they would be apart.
LOTH-CAT - Ezra has a pet loth-cat
who followed him from Lothal when he fled the planet. They've been good friends ever since.
THE LOTH-WOLF - The Loth-wolf is a stolen prototype TIE fighter, a variation on the three-winged TIE/V38 assault fighter. While the prototype served as proof of concept for another line of TIE fighters that, as of the time Ezra stole it, had not yet gone into production, as the full production models would be built from the ground up rather than using a retrofitted TIE/V38. Fortunately for the Empire, they proved the concept before it was stolen. Less fortunately for them, Ezra stole it.
The V38 was considered a failed line for its original purpose as a heavy assault fighter, so many of them have ended up on the black market, which is good for Ezra, since the one stole would otherwise stick out even more than it already does. The prototype has been reconceptualized as a stealth fighter, and it serves very solidly in that capacity.
Though lightly armored, it features state-of-the-art cloaking technology and a top of the line hyperdrive engine, which allow the ship to travel long distances at great speed without risking detection. It carries a standard armament and deflector shields.
ORPHAN - Ezra's parents were killed for opposing the Empire. As a result, he grew up alone on the streets and has had to learn to fend for himself ever since. He's come through surprisingly well, but he has no family to fall back on and has had to find other ways to get by in life. It has not always been easy by any means.
REBEL - Ezra is a Rebel, largely just by existing. He ha defied the Empire's agents more than once, and as a Force-user who refuses to serve the Empire, he is automatically wanted dead by the Emperor's New Order.
THE KID - Still a teenager, Ezra tends to be treated like a kid by others and is sometimes kept out of places and situations that someone just a couple of years older would be allowed into without question. He also lives up to the youthful impression he gives by tending to leap before he looks and enjoying getting into and out of trouble as much as possible. Good-hearted but a bit of a brat, his immaturity can sometimes get the better of him.