Ezra Bridger

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Full Name:
Ezra Bridger
Force-sensitive Street Kid
Quote-open.png I've been on my own since I was seven, okay? If I'd let myself believe my folks were alive, if I let myself believe they'd come back and save me, I'd never have learned how to survive. Quote-close.png
— Himself
Ezra Bridger was a street kid on LothalReminder: The game does not treat every aspect of every source as canon. Click here to refer to the game's theme and canon guidelines!, apprenticed to a pickpocket and, while talented in many ways, he had no prospects. Then he stole an experimental Imperial starfighter and landed in no end of trouble, only to be rescued by Galen Marek, who couldn't stand to see the kid hurt. Plus, turns out Ezra can use the Force, and that's a big deal as far as Galen's concerned. Ever since, Ezra has found himself playing sidekick to one of the most wanted men in the galaxy and learning the ways of the Force. Life is weird, but hey, who says that's a bad thing?


Ezra Bridger's parents were killed for opposing the Empire when he was only seven years old. They'd been running a pirate broadcast, speaking out against the regime. Ezra was left alone and on the streets, forced to learn to steal and scavenge to survive. He lived by his wits, and he proved smart and skilled enough to survive--though, being a latent Force-user didn't hurt, even if he wasn't aware of it at the time. He always hated the Empire and had a particular hobby of finding ways to steal the helmets of stormtroopers and other Imperials. This, plus his scavenging, got him into serious trouble when he stowed away aboard an imperial freight shipment, ending up in the hangar of a transport, and stumbled upon a prototype TIE fighter that was being sent off to be placed in long-term storage. He stole it, of course. How could he resist? But then the Empire tried to kill him, and he had to run away, and things got pretty bad, but then Galen Marek showed up, protected Ezra, and generally proved to be kind of a badass, as far as the kid was concerned. Then Galen told Ezra that he could use the Force. Ezra has since attached himself to Galen, who somehow he persuaded to teach him to use the Force, and despite this being an absolutely insane plan, somehow it's worked so far. At the very least, working together, the two of them have managed to stay alive and out of the clutches of the Empire, which has to count for something.