Savior, conqueror, hero, villain. You are all things, Revan... and yet you are nothing. In the end, you belong to neither the light nor the darkness. You will forever stand alone." |
— Darth Malak to Revan |
Revan has been a hero, a savior, a conqueror, and a villain. He has saved the Galaxy, and nearly conquerored it. For much of his early life he exemplified the ideal of 'The Greater Good.' Now, he seeks to attone for past misdeeds. Following where The Force would lead him to do the most good.
Revan was once a man of great extremes. He has studied the ways of the Jedi and the Sith. He has been a student to great teachers and a general to great armies--a hero and a villain, both of epic proportions. He both saved and came perilously close to destroying the Republic. Strong in the Force as few have ever been, it was only ever an instrument to serve him in his quest for the greater good.
Since achieving equilibrium, balance, a One-ness with the Force, that has changed. The greater good is now as the Force would will it. He has learned a certain humility in the face of the balance he has attained, something he never felt as either a Jedi or a Sith, a sense of the wrongness in either extreme, be it Jedi or Sith. The Force is neutral, like life itself, neither light nor dark, but gray. Revan now strives to maintain that balance and to atone for his past, to teach the truth of the Force as he has come to know it to those willing to listen.
Born roughly four thousand years ago, the boy who would one day be called Revan ws born somewhere on the Outer Rim of the galaxy. He was taken at a young age to be trained by the Jedi Order, training under Jedi Masters Kreia and Zhar Lestin on both Coruscant and the Jedi enclave on Dantooine alongside fellow padawan, Alek. With an insatiable desire for knowledge, he was a very eager student. In due time, he became a powerful and well-known Jedi Knight, but he was not fully content with the life of a Jedi.
With the coming of the Mandalorian Wars, the young knight was outraged that the Jedi Council refused to intervene in the conflict. He campaigned so hard for their involvement that the Republic media got wind of it, dubbing him the "Jedi's own crusader." Soon enough, the young knight and Alek--his first follower--gained greater influence, and the young knight began to command the same prestige as a Jedi Master without actually holding the title. The knight and his followers began to overtly investigate the state of the Mandalorian War, but many of them were captured in an ambush on Suurja.
Revan returned to the Jedi Council on Coruscant, the Republic having now been drawn into the war, and reported his findings. The Council still refused to act, insisting that the Jedi had no place in the conflict. However, Revan was sent to rescue those Jedi who the Mandalorians had captured. Fugitive padawan Zayne Carrick got there first, but soon enough Revan was reunited with Alek and the others. He continued to campaign for Jedi intervention in the war, gaining great renown and coming to be known as "the Revanchist."
The Revanchist continued to advocate for Jedi involvement in the war. Becoming involved in the plight of the Cathar people, whom the Revanchist believed had nearly wiped out by the Mandalorians, he led a group of Jedi to investigate their homeworld. While they investigated, Mandalore the Ultimate attacked the planet Serroco, bombarding the planet's surface with massive warheads. The Revanchist felt their deaths from several sectors away. During the investigation, he discovered a Mandalorian mask, receiving a Force vision of the Mandalorian-led genocide of the Cathar on their homeworld. Then, he took up the mask as his own, vowing to wear it as a symbol of this wrongdoing, and first began to call himself Revan.
News of the atrocity led the Jedi Council to reluctantly sanction direct action against the Mandalorians by Revan and his followers. Revan sought to appeased them somewhat by agreeing to operate as a Republic Mercy Corps, which Jedi had done in the past, but the Council was still not well pleased. Revan used the opportunity to lead his followers to a series of victories against the Mandalorians, and in light of his accomplishments, Supreme Chancellor Tol Cressa named Revan the Supreme Commander of the Republic forces. Revan was brilliant but perhaps reckless in his campaign, such was his fervor, which led to heavy sacrifices to accomplish his victories.
During this campaign, Revan and Alek--now using the name Malak--discovered a Rakata ruin on Dantooine, near the Jedi Enclave, where they found a fragment of a star map to an ancient space station known as the Star Forge. Tracking down the other fragments led them to such places as the Sith tombworld of Korriban and to a Sith temple of learning on Malachor V, where Revan began to first experiment with the Dark Side of the Force, leading Malak to do the same.
Revan did not immediately depart the Jedi Order, despite his growing fascination by the Dark Side. He had ordered the construction of a superweapon called the Mass Shadow Generator, which he planned to use as part of a massive trap for the Mandalorians in the Malachor system. In the course of the ensuing battle, Mandalore challenged Revan to a personal duel aboard the Mandalorian flagship. Revan defeated Mandalore, but as he lay dying, Mandalore revealed that he had been manipulated into starting the war by a crimson-skinned Sith Lord. Revan claimed Mandalore's mask, his symbol of leadership, and then proceeded with his plan. The Mass Shadow Generator created an enormous gravity vortex, destroying most of the Mandalorian fleet and no small number of Republic vessels, as well. The surviving Mandalorians were so dispirited by their losses that they offered unconditional surrender.
Revan ruthlessly disarmed the Mandalorians, stripping them of even their personal weapons and armor, and refused to return the mask of Mandalore to them. Many of their warriors were forced to leave their own culture, becoming mercenaries or bounty hunters instead. It was soon after this that Revan designed and constructed HK-47, and he used the assassin droid to kill selected targets whom he felt still stood in his way. The Jedi Council were demanding that Revan and Malak answer for their actions, but they left for the Unknown Regions, claiming to be pursuing remnants of the Mandalorian forces. In truth, they were investigating Mandalore's story, which led them to discover the world of Nathema, where Revan discovered the Ritual of Nathema, also known as the "Thought Bomb," that had destroyed all life on the planet. Following the trail of Lord Vitiate, the mastermind of the ritual, they discovered the rise of a new Sith Empire--with Vitiate as its Emperor--poised to invade the Republic.
Revan and Malak confronted the Sith Emperor, who used his vast power to dominate their minds, immersing them in the Dark Side and dubbing them now Darth Revan and Darth Malak. The two were sent to locate the Star Forge and turn it to the Emperor's use, and on the trail to uncover it, Revan delved deeper and deeper into the Dark Side, even plundering the tomb of the ancient Sith, Tulak Hord, and claiming his mask, and beginning to create his own Sith holocron. In the course of the search, the two were taken prisoner for a time by a group of surviving Rakata, but Revan struck a bargain with them to aid them with their own struggles if they would help him locate the Star Forge--a bargain that he then broke, abandoning the Rakata and leaving his holocron deep within one of their temples. By the time they reached the Star Forge, Revan and Malak had broken free of the Emperor's control, and Revan declared himself a Sith Lord in his own right, taking Malak as his apprentice.
Thus began Revan's campaign to conquer the Republic in order to take control of it, knowing that the threat of the Sith Empire loomed on the horizon. He used the Star Forge to create his own massive fleet. In the course of this twenty-year campaign, Malak came to resent his master and rebelled against him, but Revan defeated Malak. Malak lost his jaw in the fight, forced to wear a prosthetic and vocabulator for the rest of his life. Malak seemed to fall back into line, but when Revan was drawn into a trap by Jedi Knight Bastila Shan, capable of the rare Force power of Battle Meditation, Malak betrayed Revan by opening fire on Revan's ship. Critically injured, Revan was unable to duel Shan, but she rescued him and took him back to Dantooine, where he was healed--but the Jedi Enclave also suppressed his memories, leading him to believe he was just a Republic soldier named Kentr Isrun.
While serving aboard Bastila Shan's flagship, the Endar Spire, "Isrun" was separated from the Republic forces thanks to a sneak attack by Malak, and ended up stranded on a world called Taris. So began a long campaign to establish himself in the galaxy, knowing nothing of whom he had been. Isrun gathered many allies, even rediscovering his old droid, HK-47, who had been lost during a mission. He rescued Shan, who had also been stranded on Taris, obtained a starship, the Ebon Hawk, and escaped Taris, just in time to avoid its bombardment by Malak's forces, who obliterated much of the planet's surface with orbital fire. Shan suggested they go to Danto
ATHLETICS: Expert - Revan is a highly skilled athlete when it comes to running, throwing, climbing, jumping, lifting, swimming, and so forth. He has excellent stamina, reflexes, and general fitness.
CHARISMA: Expert - While Revan is generally charismatic and influential, he is most notably a leader. He is quite skilled at this, but it seems as much a natural talent as it is a learned skill. (This is expanded upon in his Leadership advantage.)
INSTRUCTOR: Novice - Revan has been many things over his time, but for much of it he has walked the path of the student. As a result of that, he understands the basics of passing on what he knows, but he has some ways to go before he is the equal in ability as an instructor to the many he himself has learned from.
KNOWLEDGE: Novice - Revan has a reasonable knowledge of many galactic cultures, planets, and so forth; however, that knowledge is woefully out of date. In theory, he knows how to get by on the shadier side of the galaxy or in the Imperial court with equal competence, but he is a man well out of time. His skill with language, thanks to his Force talents, is undiminished. Revan knows a variety of languages he has previously used his telepathy to learn. These include: Basic, Mando'a, Binary, Huttese, Shyriiwook, Selkath, and that of the ancient Sith.
LIGHTSABER: Expert - Aided by his control of the Force, Revan's lightsaber skills allow him to utilize a combat form otherwise never seen before he developed it. When the situation calls for it, he wields two double-bladed lightsabers simultaneously, occasionally utilizing others through his telekinesis if fighting a truly large group. He is able to deflect blaster bolts with almost unerring precision thanks to both his skill and battle precognition.
Revan generally uses Form VI, Niman. This form works well for anyone who is intelligent and adaptable, as Revan is. It has no real weaknesses, and even though it is not as aggressive as other forms it enables him to unleash powerful Force abilities more easily during combat. Revan is exceptionally skilled with lightsabers, but knows true strength comes from using the Force in conjunction with lightsaber combat. Niman offers no particular strengths or weaknesses in a strict lightsaber duel. Therefore, Revan can adapt to any situation by calling upon various maneuvers, attacks, and defensive techniques from other forms as he sees fit.
MECHANICAL: Expert - Revan is a skilled mechanic, exhibiting a natural talent and interest in machinery and, especially, droids. Revan constructed the sophisticated assassin droid HK-47 on his own after the Mandalorian Wars, and even after losing his memories, he was able to repair the droid and restore HK-47's access to most of his memories and combat protocols. In addition, he is quite able to repair systems on starships and upgrade weapons and other equipment, including, naturally, his lightsabers.
PILOTING: Competent - Revan proved adept at racing swoop bikes after defeating the veteran racer Redros on Taris. He later won both the Arkanis sector and Manaan swoop championships during the Jedi Civil Wars. His piloting extends to vessels such as The Ebon Hawk as well, and while there are better pilots, his battle precognition makes up the difference for him.
TACTICS: Expert - From a young age Revan demonstrated excellent strategic and tactical awareness. This was in no small part due to his burgeoning battle precognition, but even bereft of that he is able to effectively lead vast armies or smaller groups, as needed, to decisive victory.
UNARMED COMBAT: Expert - In addition to the seven lightsaber forms, Revan has also mastered the combat styles of both the Mandalorian and Echani cultures. This makes him a very dangerous opponent, even when not using his weapons of choice.
WEAPONRY: Expert - Revan's mind was wiped by the Jedi council and his identity replaced with that of a Republic soldier named Kentr Isrun. In that process he was given the skill set of said soldier as well. Revan built on that even after regaining his use of the Force. He is skilled with blasters, grenades, heavier weapons, and starship weapon systems, such as the various cannons on the Ebon Hawk.
WILLPOWER: Expert - Revan's mind is nearly unassailable. He is capable of enduring unspeakable tortures, drugs, force techniques, and other means of attack on his mind without any loss of resolve. His supreme mental defenses allow him to simultaneously block unwanted intrusion through any means. As well as potentially influence the mind of his attacker, if it is directed through some sort of a power. Revan has the mental fortitude to literally last for centuries of agony and torture without breaking. It is in no small part this trait that in his youth lead him down self destructive paths for 'The Greater Good.' A resolve that he would always endure, no matter the cost of what had to be done.
FARSIGHT: Supreme-level Force Power - This form of advanced clairvoyance allows the Force-user to see visions of other locations, even other times. This may include seeing a target in real time, witnessing the events happening to and around them, but it may also convey glimpses of the future, though these are seldom to be depended upon, as the future is always in motion, always changing. The more physical and emotional distance between the farseer and their target, the more difficult the feat becomes. Between two farseers, it's possible to achieve mental communication in this way, though usually such effects are limited.
Like most Light Side users of the Force, Revan is able to meditate and gain insight on the future. Sometimes truly horrible events will come to him while he is awake, great disturbances in the Force. He is additionally able to sense things around him with a Force-based awareness of his surroundings. Through concentration he is able to vastly extend this, using it to locate particular beings or objects over great distances.
Revan's skill as a battlefield commander earned him the undying respect of both the Mandalorian and Echani warrior cultures; the Mandalorians saw him as a supremely worthy foe--one that both embodied their philosophies and showed them their weaknesses. The Echani, on the other hand, believed that Revan represented the epitome of what one could achieve in the arts of war, and that much of his skill was born out of a highly advanced battle precognition. Revan is able to see an enemy's moves, read them a moment in advance or, with concentration, longer still. This is notably not a function of mind reading. He is seeing the immediate future, not reading an opponent's mind.
TELEKINESIS: Supreme-level Force Power - Telekinesis is the well-known ability to manipulate physical reality, especially physical or kinetic energy. It is commonly used to push or pull targets, to levitate creatures or objects, to deflect attacks, to apply crushing force to a target, to throw objects at a target, and even to allow the user to leap exceptional distances without harm, to simply name some of the most common applications.
Revan is able to use Force-related telekinesis to accomplish a variety of offensive and defensive feats. At its most basic, he can crush, throw, or grapple with substantial force. In the past he has pulverized stone to dust with the most casual flick of his hand, Force-choked numerous enemies simultaneously, thrown dozens of other Force-users away from him simultaneously, and hurled debris weighing multiple tons.
But, in addition to the basic brute force applications, Revan has learned to use telekinesis in a number of more precise ways. Some feats he has demonstrated include: shielding himself and others from harm in the form of force fields, wielding additional lightsabers in combat with telekinesis alone, temporarily incapacitating enemies by leaving entire groups spinning helplessly in mid-air even after he has departed, even pulling debris from space itself to rain down on enemies. Notably, Revan does not need line of sight to accomplish these feats of telekinesis, just an awareness of the location of the target that he is trying to influence.
Perhaps the most dangerous use of his telekinesis, however, is when it is used in conjunction with his other force abilities--lifting entire groups of enemies and then Force Draining them, for example.
FORCE LIGHTNING: Supreme-level Force Power - Most known for its use among Dark Side practitioners, Force Lightning is the ability to project energy in a directed form at one or more targets. This energy can be used in small doses to stun an opponent or, at higher levels, to kill. Sustained exposure is extremely painful, and some are known to use it at moderate levels as a form of torture. Long-term exposure can cause extensive damage to the body, especially the skeletal, muscular, nervous, and circulatory systems. When channeled via the Dark Side, the effects can be even worse, corrupting tissue and causing physical deformity.
Revan is able to use Force lightning, as many Sith are capable of doing. However, by raising his hand into the air, he is able to rain such lightning down on enemies all around him, striking upwards of a dozen or so at a time. He can regulate the attack to either stun and incapacitate enemies or to do Supreme level damage to a target. He is even able to apply his telekinesis to a target to incapacitate them, and then simultaneously devastate the helpless foe with lightning.
TUTAMINIS: Enhanced-level Force Power - Tutaminis is the collective name for a variety of defensive techniques that allow Force-users to absorb or dissipate energy, such as blaster bolts or Force lightning. Advanced users might even be able to contain and suspend or redirect such energy, leaving blaster bolts frozen in midair for as long as the user could concentrate on them or throwing Force lightning back at the one who projected it. It may also be used on other forms of energy, such as absorbing and redirecting lightning strikes, and it can aid in surviving dangerous energy exposures, such as to radiation.
Revan is a very capable practitioner of this power. He is easily able to absorb or dissipate blaster bolts, and he could even partially absorb an onslaught of powerful Force lightning, especially if he were able to deflect some of it with his lightsaber, while his inherent fortitude would also absorb some of the effect.
FORCE SPEED: Enhanced-level Force Power - Force speed is a combination of applied telekinesis and body control and enhancement, allowing the user to move at up to hundreds of miles per hour, usually only for a few seconds before it becomes physically harmful to maintain. The greater one's aptitude with the ability, the faster one can move and the longer they may safely maintain that speed. While accelerated in this fashion, the user does not only become physically faster, but their agility, thoughts, and perceptions are similarly enhanced, the world seeming to slow around them and enabling greater accuracy in attacks or making it easier to defend against them. To safely avoid harming oneself, after using a burst of speed, one must rest for at least as long as that burst of speed lasted.
Revan is able to increase his agility to perhaps twenty times that of a normal human, able to catch slower-moving projectiles, such as primitive arrows, or to dodge blaster fire with a bit of luck. In this state, he can run at up to 250 miles per hour. He can maintain this state for up to thirty seconds at a time before doing himself harm, though he usually uses it for far less time than that at once, using it instead in tiny increments during a fight or for a momentary burst of acceleration when he needs it most.
FORCE HEALING: Enhanced-level Force Power - By combining microtelekinesis and the ability to enhance the body in specific ways, Force-users are able to provide various healing effects for themselves or others. This includes repairing injuries, detoxifying poisons, combating illness, or even placing oneself or another in a stasis trance, allowing them to stabilize from injuries and exist with limited food, water, or oxygen or in other physically strenuous conditions for extended periods. This ability generally requires close proximity or contact with the intended target if it is being used on another. Such healing generally a gradual process, taking place over hours or days, though particularly gifted healers may be able to achieve much faster results.
Revan is able to harness the power of the Force to heal both himself as well as others. This healing is immediate on touch, seeing wounds stitch closed or blaster bolts heal with no scarring within moments. However unlike many of his other abilities Revan must be within a few meters of someone to use this power. The closer he is to them, the faster the healing will occur. This is, however, one of his more draining force abilities. As such, he uses it sparingly.
Revan is capable of placing himself or others into stasis. When used on others, even groups, it freezes them in place, suspending them and any biological processes until the power wears off. It is useful to incapacitate groups of enemies or keep someone alive until a rescue can be effected. When used on himself, he may enter into a stasis-like Force-sleep, awakening when in peril or when there is a grave disturbance in The Force.
MENTALISM: Supreme-level Force Power - Force-users of sufficient ability are able to perform a vast array of mind-to-mind effects, from reading the thoughts of another or probing their memories to actually influencing or controlling their thoughts, telepathic communication, or shielding their own minds or the minds of allies from such effects or influences. Force mentalism can also be used for healing purposes, such as easing the trauma of another or helping them recover suppressed memories.
Revan is able to reach out to minds he knows or is aware of, even over ranges as vast as that of an entire galaxy. Ranges beyond planetary distance, though, require him to be in a resting and meditative state. Of note, Revan has mastered the ability to pull the language of a sentient being from its mind, allowing him to communicate in any language his vocal cords can produce.
Revan is capable of Control/Influence, which is like the Jedi mind trick but is often more subtle. Revan is able to fool those of even considerable will with his direct influence over their minds. However, he is also able to subtly influence, which is often more useful, whispering thoughts or suggestions that worm their way into people's minds over a longer period, making them believe it was in fact their idea to start.
Supplementing his extreme levels of willpower, Revan is able to call upon the Force when that is not sufficient. Revan was even able to hide his thoughts from the entire Jedi council of his day.
ENHANCE TRAIT: Enhanced-level Force Power - The Force can enhance its user in many ways. Specialized uses of this talent include Force healing and Force speed, but in more general terms it can be used to enhance the user in various ways. These include improving a skill that relies on mental focus or manual dexterity, imparting increased physical toughness such as to reduce injury, sharpening senses, or increasing physical strength. In practice, this ability can stand in for any other personal attribute when invoked, though only one attribute can be enhanced at a time: strength, dexterity, toughness, perception, intelligence, etc. This is accomplished via a brief meditation, after which the effect generally lasts from a few minutes up to a few hours, depending on the ability of the user and the length of time spend preparing. It can also be used in brief bursts of up to a few seconds with no advance preparation.
Revan has also conditioned himself to tolerate pain to a nearly superhuman level. Over time, this has resulted in his body becoming suffused with the living Force, particularly since he learned to balance the Light and Dark aspects of the Force. He is capable of enduring a wealth of combat injuries without faltering. In practical terms, he demonstrates Enhanced-level resiliency to injuries of all types, allowing him to even suffer lightsaber strikes with only limited harm.
FORCE RESISTANCE: Enhanced-level Force Power - The Force can be a powerful means of defense, even against other Force powers. The ability to resist other Force powers is especially useful when resisting invasive powers, such as draining one's essence through the Force, or exposure to the corrupting influence of the Dark Side. Force Resistance also grants passive defenses against powers that induced fear, disorientation, loss of senses, paralysis, or otherwise directly affect a target through the Force. Generally, it does not protect against having one's thoughts read or influenced via mentalism, however, and it does not counter powers such as Force lightning or telekinesis.
Revan is a skilled used of Force resistance, able to aptly resist direct force powers and the corruption of the Dark Side at an Enhanced level. Revan overcame the corrupting and draining Dark Side energies of the Star Forge--a feat that required considerable willpower and Force capability. Revan also proved capable of resisting the malevolent influence of Malachor V and the dark energies of Korriban with no loss of resolve at all.
FORCE DRAIN: Enhanced-level Force Power - Revan can drain the vital essence from up to a dozen or so targets at a time, initially slowing them considerably as they weaken. With continued application they will fall unconscious or even perish. Using this power renews Revan's strength even as he drains it from enemies.
TELEPORTATION: Basic-level Force Power - Revan learned to become one with the Force enough to physically move his body through it. Doing so is very draining for great distances, and so he typically will only do so over short jumps. Effectively, he is limited to line-of-sight use. However, it is a useful technique when moving around a otherwise chaotic battlefield. At great need, he can teleport greater distances, up to several miles at one go, but this tends to exhaust him, so in most cases he will only do so to escape to predetermined safe places where he knows he will have time to recuperate.
THOUGHT BOMB: Plot-level Force Power - Revan knows the secrets of how to create one of the most terrible of all Force-based techniques, the Thought Bomb. This ritual's origins date back to the Ritual of Nathema that saw the Sith Lord Vitiate consume an entire world, and its details were discovered during the Jedi Civil War by the then Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Revan, who recorded the secrets of its creation within his Sith holocron. Revan has sworn to use that knowledge only to ever diffuse such a terrible thing from ever occurring again.
THE MASK OF REVAN: Basic-level Armor - Revan's mask has become a Force-attuned object over the centuries, in essence a artifact of The Force. Its power can be felt by any Force-sensitive, but when worn by Revan it radiates a aura of intimidation to those that would oppose him--not enough to cause truly dedicated foes to flee, but enough to give most, at least, a moments pause, while simultaneously giving his allies a symbol to rally behind. As he spoke when he took up the mask again, "I am Revan reborn, and before me you are nothing."
STAR FORGE ROBES: Enhanced-level Armor - The robes created from the Star Forge are in fact closer to armor than robes. They are infused with the Oneness of The Force, the Light and the Dark intricately woven together as they are in the galaxy, itself. When wearing them, Revan is able to more efficiently call upon the Force, allowing him to perform more Force-related actions in a shorter span of time.
LIGHTSABER: Enhanced-level Weapon - An elegant weapon for a more civilized age, the lightsaber, sometimes referred to erroneously as a laser sword, is a legendary weapon favored by many Force-users, especially Jedi and Sith. Lightsabers consist of a plasma blade, powered by a kyber crystal, emitted from a hilt, usually made of metal. The blade can be toggled on or off, allowing the weapon to close down to just the hilt. A weapon as dangerous to the wielder as to their opponents if used carelessly, a lightsaber requires rigorous skill and training. The weapon becomes much more effective when used in conjunction with the Force.
Revan has used a number of lightsabers over the years, and typically has no less than four with him at any point in time. His arsenal includes: two double-sided saber staves, one with a green crystal and the other with a violet crystal, and four classic single-blade sabers, two of which have red crystals, one with a blue crystal, and one with a purple crystal.
BALANCE OF THE FORCE - Revan is able to call on the Force to accomplish a variety of tasks, often operating simultaneously with his Force-based telekinetic ability. Having studied both the Light and the Dark Sides of the Force extensively, his mastery allows him to open up to both sides of the Force simultaneously, summoning such power that he could then unleash the Force in its purest form, the energies balanced harmoniously between the Light and the Dark.
EBON HAWK - The Ebon Hawk is a Dynamic-class freighter and a smuggler ship that rose to fame due to its use around the time of the Jedi Civil War. It was well-known throughout the galaxy as a ship associated with the Exchange, and it passed through many hands before it was commandeered by amnesiac Revan, who was escaping the destruction of Taris. After Revan joined the Jedi Order, the ship was instrumental in his search for the Star Forge.
The ship was heavily modified over the course of its life, to the point that it was difficult to determine its origins. With its extremely powerful hyperdrive, the ship was believed to be in the top ten of the fastest ships in the galaxy during its time, as it was the fastest ship in the Outer Rim Territories.
HK-47 - HK-47 is a Hunter-Killer assassin droid constructed by Revan, shortly after the end of the Mandalorian Wars in 3960 BBY. Revan, then under the influence of the Dark Side, was inspired to seek more subtle methods of defeating his enemies. HK-47 was sent throughout the galaxy on his missions and successfully assassinated countless targets whom Revan had deemed threats to galactic stability and peace. However, HK-47 was badly crippled and captured on a mission in Mandalorian space shortly before Revan himself was captured by the Jedi Order.
As per protocol with Sith assassin droids prior to going on missions, HK-47's memory core was wiped of all knowledge of his original master. His memory could only be restored upon fulfilling his mission and successfully returning to his master. As he never managed to return to his master, the automatic recall function was never activated, and he couldn't remember Revan. He went from owner to owner, many of whom he inadvertently slew personally. Eventually, he ended up on the planet Tatooine, where he was sold to and unwittingly reunited with Revan, remaining with him since.
HK has a protocol droid's functionality, including the vast range of spoken languages.
Abilities: Omniglot, Enhanced strength, weapons expert.
Armament [Enhanced]: HK-47 has integrated modular weapon mounts, as well as the programming to use a variety of weapons and tactics. He regularly carries a Blaster rifle, or Droid Assassin's rifle in addition to an assortment of explosives and grenades.
Armor [Enhanced]: Blaster resilient armor plating gives him exceptional sturdiness in battle.
LEADERSHIP - Revan has an intrinsic quality that transcends merely a learned skill in leadership. He is a born leader, the type that inspires through his leadership and brings otherwise unlikely allies together--the type of figure that can lead armies, inspire generations, or inspire cult-like reverence in his wake. People rally to his banner as a result of his power, his presence, and his uncanny ability to inspire and lead.
LIGHTSABER CRYSTALS - In addition to having multiple colored lightsabers, Revan has collected a number of enhancement crystals which he keeps onboard the Ebon Hawk. These include--
BONDAR: This crystal was mined on a far orbit asteroid circling the Alderaan system. It produces a volatile lightsaber beam that pulses on impact, potentially stunning an opponent.
KRAYT DRAGON PEARL: Taken from the gullet of a krayt dragon, this crystalline "pearl" appears to have qualities that might allow it to function as a lightsaber crystal once properly adapted. It produces a beam that is extraordinarily intense.
JENRUAX: The refined form of Opila, this crystal has been cleansed of all impurities. When used in lightsaber construction it produces a blade of unerring quickness, enhancing the ability to reflect blaster fire.
FIRKRANN: This heavy crystal is created by the natives of Rafa V. If used in lightsaber construction it produces an electrically charged beam that is devastating to droids.
SOLARI: There are many famous lightsaber crystals spoken of in the history of the Jedi Order, though none is as powerful as the legendary Solari Crystal. An artifact of true Light Side power, only those Jedi who are pure in spirit can wield a lightsaber equipped with the gleaming gem. When the great Jedi Master Ood Bnar initiated his life-cycle change after a thousand years of serving the Order, he bequeathed the Solari Crystal to his most promising student, a young female Jedi named Shaela Nuur. When Shaela disappeared shortly after the time of the Great Hunt, the Solari Crystal vanished with her, only to be discovered many years later by Revan on Korriban.
T3-M4 - T3-M4, also called Teethree for short, is a T3-series utility droid built as a master slicer for crime lord Davik Kang. His life of crime was short-lived, however, after Taris was bombarded by the Sith and Davik was killed. He then accompanied Revan on his search for the Star Forge, and ever since. T3 communicates like astromech droids, through a series of beeps and whistles.
Abilities: Enhanced intelligence, sensors. Technology expert. Speaks Binary.
Armament [Basic]: T3's Armament is variable but includes such as: Repeating blasters (2), Flamethrower, Carbonite Sprayer, Electric Shock weapon. T3's primary purpose is less combat related; his standard assortment of tools include: Tool access port, Radar eye, Auditory and sonar scanners, Radionic scanner, Multi-function arm, Broadcast antenna and Binary vocabulator.
Armor [Enhanced]: T3 is heavily armored with blaster resistant plating, giving him functionality even on the field of combat.
THE REVAN MYSTIQUE - When fully outfitted in his robes and mask, especially when fighting with his signature style, Revan is truly unleashed. Even those that do not recognize him are like as not to realize his presence is a game-changer. Those that DO recognize him, as impossible as it might seem, will recognize that he has held the fate of the galaxy in his hands more than once and is absolute
A JEDI OUT OF TIME - Revan is a man well since out of his own time. The universe has changed dramatically in the thousands of years since his name made the galaxy shake. There are legends of him, certainly, and some cultures might well still know his name and deeds. Likewise, his trademark mask and fighting style might make any historian's eyes go wide, but overall he is unknown and likewise knows little, himself, about the galaxy. Four thousand years is a lot to catch up on.
INTOLERANCE FOR EXTREMES - Revan has walked the path of the Jedi Order. He has supped on the chaos of being a Sith Lord. Having walked the path of being one with the Force, of mastering the light and the dark, he has little patience for the dogma of either, now==the reckless, destructive abandon of the Sith or the rigid, nearly unbending laws of the Jedi. His former friend and and apprentice was right, in the end.
"Savior, conqueror, hero, villain. You are all things, Revan... and yet, you are nothing. In the end, you belong to neither the light nor the darkness. You will forever stand alone."
REVAN REBORN - Revan's power is not insignificant, as the most powerful Force-wielder of his time. However, as a instrument of the Force he has no real idea what it wills of him yet in this far-flung future. As a result, he tends to use his abilities with a minimalistic approach, pulling his punches as it were, unless he is compelled by a truly great need to do otherwise. Despite the vast power at his command, he is only willing to use a fraction of it, and he hides the rest behind his nearly unassailable mental defenses.
THE ATONEMENT OF FATE - Revan lived his life by a code of serving the Greater Good. Only one person ever really understood that: a former mentor of his, Master Kreia. When it was suggested to her that Revan had been a villain she replied:
"Is that what he was? Or was he always true to himself, no matter what personality he wore? And there is something that the Council may never understand, that perhaps Revan never fell. The difference between a fall and a sacrifice is sometimes difficult, but I feel that Revan understood that difference, more than anyone knew. The galaxy would have fallen if Revan had not gone to war. Perhaps he became the dark lord out of necessity, to prevent a greater evil."
Revan nearly took over the galaxy to reforge it into a force that could stop the coming of the True Sith, leaving the infrastructure of everything he raised in place. It was only the betrayal by his short-sighted apprentice, Malak, that prevented him from accomplishing his goals, but with the benefit of hindsight he has seen the errors of his own ways.
Revan has achieved a Oneness with the force, the light and the dark. He listens to its whispers and seeks to atone for his past. The Force has awoken him in this time of turbulence for reasons he does not know yet, but he does know enough to realize he is not awake once more to usurp anyone's destiny. Whatever his fate is in this time with so few Jedi or Sith left, the Force will reveal it in time. Until then, Revan seeks to make as little impact on the galaxy as is possible.
THE GREATER GOOD - Revan once fell prey, in his conceit, to allowing himself to be brought to the Dark Side for what he felt was "the greater good." The man he was then is quite different from the man he is now, yet he remains forever cautious of the temptation to unleash the full measure of his might, to usurp the will of the Force with that of his own. The temptation is always there, and Revan has come to realize that few greater atrocities have ever occurred than those we tell ourselves are for the greater good.