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Full Name:
Kentr Isrun
The Prodigal Knight, Gray Jedi
Young Adult (very well-preserved)
Quote-open.png Savior, conqueror, hero, villain. You are all things, Revan... and yet you are nothing. In the end, you belong to neither the light nor the darkness. You will forever stand alone." Quote-close.png
— Darth Malak to Revan
Revan has been a hero, a savior, a conqueror, and a villain. He has saved the Galaxy, and nearly conquerored it. For much of his early life he exemplified the ideal of 'The Greater Good.' Now, he seeks to attone for past misdeeds. Following where The Force would lead him to do the most good.


Revan was once a man of great extremes. He has studied the ways of the Jedi and the Sith. He has been a student to great teachers and a general to great armies--a hero and a villain, both of epic proportions. He both saved and came perilously close to destroying the Republic. Strong in the Force as few have ever been, it was only ever an instrument to serve him in his quest for the greater good.

Since achieving equilibrium, balance, a One-ness with the Force, that has changed. The greater good is now as the Force would will it. He has learned a certain humility in the face of the balance he has attained, something he never felt as either a Jedi or a Sith, a sense of the wrongness in either extreme, be it Jedi or Sith. The Force is neutral, like life itself, neither light nor dark, but gray. Revan now strives to maintain that balance and to atone for his past, to teach the truth of the Force as he has come to know it to those willing to listen.


Born roughly four thousand years ago, the boy who would one day be called Revan ws born somewhere on the Outer Rim of the galaxy. He was taken at a young age to be trained by the Jedi Order, training under Jedi Masters Kreia and Zhar Lestin on both Coruscant and the Jedi enclave on Dantooine alongside fellow padawan, Alek. With an insatiable desire for knowledge, he was a very eager student. In due time, he became a powerful and well-known Jedi Knight, but he was not fully content with the life of a Jedi.

With the coming of the Mandalorian Wars, the young knight was outraged that the Jedi Council refused to intervene in the conflict. He campaigned so hard for their involvement that the Republic media got wind of it, dubbing him the "Jedi's own crusader." Soon enough, the young knight and Alek--his first follower--gained greater influence, and the young knight began to command the same prestige as a Jedi Master without actually holding the title. The knight and his followers began to overtly investigate the state of the Mandalorian War, but many of them were captured in an ambush on Suurja.

Revan returned to the Jedi Council on Coruscant, the Republic having now been drawn into the war, and reported his findings. The Council still refused to act, insisting that the Jedi had no place in the conflict. However, Revan was sent to rescue those Jedi who the Mandalorians had captured. Fugitive padawan Zayne Carrick got there first, but soon enough Revan was reunited with Alek and the others. He continued to campaign for Jedi intervention in the war, gaining great renown and coming to be known as "the Revanchist."

The Revanchist continued to advocate for Jedi involvement in the war. Becoming involved in the plight of the Cathar people, whom the Revanchist believed had nearly wiped out by the Mandalorians, he led a group of Jedi to investigate their homeworld. While they investigated, Mandalore the Ultimate attacked the planet Serroco, bombarding the planet's surface with massive warheads. The Revanchist felt their deaths from several sectors away. During the investigation, he discovered a Mandalorian mask, receiving a Force vision of the Mandalorian-led genocide of the Cathar on their homeworld. Then, he took up the mask as his own, vowing to wear it as a symbol of this wrongdoing, and first began to call himself Revan.

News of the atrocity led the Jedi Council to reluctantly sanction direct action against the Mandalorians by Revan and his followers. Revan sought to appeased them somewhat by agreeing to operate as a Republic Mercy Corps, which Jedi had done in the past, but the Council was still not well pleased. Revan used the opportunity to lead his followers to a series of victories against the Mandalorians, and in light of his accomplishments, Supreme Chancellor Tol Cressa named Revan the Supreme Commander of the Republic forces. Revan was brilliant but perhaps reckless in his campaign, such was his fervor, which led to heavy sacrifices to accomplish his victories.

During this campaign, Revan and Alek--now using the name Malak--discovered a Rakata ruin on Dantooine, near the Jedi Enclave, where they found a fragment of a star map to an ancient space station known as the Star Forge. Tracking down the other fragments led them to such places as the Sith tombworld of Korriban and to a Sith temple of learning on Malachor V, where Revan began to first experiment with the Dark Side of the Force, leading Malak to do the same.

Revan did not immediately depart the Jedi Order, despite his growing fascination by the Dark Side. He had ordered the construction of a superweapon called the Mass Shadow Generator, which he planned to use as part of a massive trap for the Mandalorians in the Malachor system. In the course of the ensuing battle, Mandalore challenged Revan to a personal duel aboard the Mandalorian flagship. Revan defeated Mandalore, but as he lay dying, Mandalore revealed that he had been manipulated into starting the war by a crimson-skinned Sith Lord. Revan claimed Mandalore's mask, his symbol of leadership, and then proceeded with his plan. The Mass Shadow Generator created an enormous gravity vortex, destroying most of the Mandalorian fleet and no small number of Republic vessels, as well. The surviving Mandalorians were so dispirited by their losses that they offered unconditional surrender.

Revan ruthlessly disarmed the Mandalorians, stripping them of even their personal weapons and armor, and refused to return the mask of Mandalore to them. Many of their warriors were forced to leave their own culture, becoming mercenaries or bounty hunters instead. It was soon after this that Revan designed and constructed HK-47, and he used the assassin droid to kill selected targets whom he felt still stood in his way. The Jedi Council were demanding that Revan and Malak answer for their actions, but they left for the Unknown Regions, claiming to be pursuing remnants of the Mandalorian forces. In truth, they were investigating Mandalore's story, which led them to discover the world of Nathema, where Revan discovered the Ritual of Nathema, also known as the "Thought Bomb," that had destroyed all life on the planet. Following the trail of Lord Vitiate, the mastermind of the ritual, they discovered the rise of a new Sith Empire--with Vitiate as its Emperor--poised to invade the Republic.

Revan and Malak confronted the Sith Emperor, who used his vast power to dominate their minds, immersing them in the Dark Side and dubbing them now Darth Revan and Darth Malak. The two were sent to locate the Star Forge and turn it to the Emperor's use, and on the trail to uncover it, Revan delved deeper and deeper into the Dark Side, even plundering the tomb of the ancient Sith, Tulak Hord, and claiming his mask, and beginning to create his own Sith holocron. In the course of the search, the two were taken prisoner for a time by a group of surviving Rakata, but Revan struck a bargain with them to aid them with their own struggles if they would help him locate the Star Forge--a bargain that he then broke, abandoning the Rakata and leaving his holocron deep within one of their temples. By the time they reached the Star Forge, Revan and Malak had broken free of the Emperor's control, and Revan declared himself a Sith Lord in his own right, taking Malak as his apprentice.

Thus began Revan's campaign to conquer the Republic in order to take control of it, knowing that the threat of the Sith Empire loomed on the horizon. He used the Star Forge to create his own massive fleet. In the course of this twenty-year campaign, Malak came to resent his master and rebelled against him, but Revan defeated Malak. Malak lost his jaw in the fight, forced to wear a prosthetic and vocabulator for the rest of his life. Malak seemed to fall back into line, but when Revan was drawn into a trap by Jedi Knight Bastila Shan, capable of the rare Force power of Battle Meditation, Malak betrayed Revan by opening fire on Revan's ship. Critically injured, Revan was unable to duel Shan, but she rescued him and took him back to Dantooine, where he was healed--but the Jedi Enclave also suppressed his memories, leading him to believe he was just a Republic soldier named Kentr Isrun.

While serving aboard Bastila Shan's flagship, the Endar Spire, "Isrun" was separated from the Republic forces thanks to a sneak attack by Malak, and ended up stranded on a world called Taris. So began a long campaign to establish himself in the galaxy, knowing nothing of whom he had been. Isrun gathered many allies, even rediscovering his old droid, HK-47, who had been lost during a mission. He rescued Shan, who had also been stranded on Taris, obtained a starship, the Ebon Hawk, and escaped Taris, just in time to avoid its bombardment by Malak's forces, who obliterated much of the planet's surface with orbital fire. Shan suggested they go to Danto