He's often impetuous, which is worrying. Sometimes it carries over into impatience, which is dangerous. But he has gone through and survived a great deal, and he is an avid student of Jedi lore. There are subjects in which he excels, such as lightsaber combat. And he's a natural pilot. |
— Obi-Wan Kenobi |
The galaxy does not know that Anakin Skywalker is Darth Vader. The thing is, neither does Anakin! The last thing the young former Jedi remembers, he was leaping into the night after an assassin, who had tried to kill Padme Amidala. Then, he woke up over twenty years later, confused and shocked at the changed state of the galaxy. There is much truth left for Anakin to discover, and no matter what he finds, his life has certainly changed forever.
A supposed miracle of the Force, Anakin Skywalker had no father that he knows of. His mother, Shmi Skywalker, always insisted this was true, in any case. Anakin and his mother were sold into slavery to the Hutt Gardula Besadii when he was only three years old. He displayed technical skills from a young age, enough to inspire a Toydarian named Watto to gamble for and win both Anakin and his mother. Anakin worked in Watto's junk shop, happy enough and even allowed to learn to podrace, until he was nine, when Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi found him. Anakin soon found himself swept up into matters of galactic importance, even flying a starfighter in a battle to protect the planet Naboo and destroying a battledroid control ship. Before he knew it, Anakin had said goodbye to his mother and been taken to join the Jedi Order. Despite the initial concerns of Yoda and some others, Anakin flourished as a student, advancing much faster than his peers. It was difficult without Qui-Gon, who had died during the battle on Naboo, but Obi-Wan befriended Anakin, and the two became close. This was helpful, as Anakin struggled with the repressive environment of the Jedi, but he learned much, and in due course he was taken on as Obi-Wan's padawan learner. Nearly ten years later, he was charged with guarding Padme Amidala, the senator from Naboo, and an assassin tried to kill her. Anakin charged after the Assassin, literally leaping off an airspeeder to try to catch her.
No one ever realized that Anakin never returned from that encounter. Agents of Chancellor Palpatine, who had ambitions far beyond what anyone had guessed, had arranged to steal a sample of Anakin's DNA some time before, easily done given that he was friendly with the chancellor and visited him often. After that fateful leap, Anakin next remembers waking up, some twenty years later, uncertain how he came to be there and finding himself in a vastly different galaxy than the one he remembered....
Anakin is a highly skilled athlete when it comes to running, throwing, climbing, jumping, lifting, swimming, and so forth. He has excellent stamina, reflexes, and general fitness.
Anakin has only limited skill when it comes to firing blasters, whether they be hold-out blasters, pistols, rifles, carbines, or various forms of mounted artillery.
Brawling - Competent Level
Anakin's training has specialized primarily in lightsaber combat, but he is reasonably skilled at unarmed maneuvers as well and can hold his own in a brawl.
Charisma - Competent Level
While he has natural charm, the cloistered Jedi life has not best prepared Anakin to be a master of charisma. He is not always the most eloquent person, tending to favor actions over words. Even so, his passion and sincerity tend to get him far, and without the Jedi tendency toward repression holding him back, he can make much greater use of these than he once did.
Knowledge - Competent Level
Anakin has a reasonable knowledge of many galactic cultures, planets, and so forth. He speaks multiple languages, and he's generally familiar with how to get by on the shadier side of the galaxy or in the Imperial court with equal competence.
Lightsaber - Expert Level
Anakin has trained extensively in most forms of lightsaber combat, enough to be able to quickly recognize an opponent's technique and exploit most weaknesses. Personally, he primarily practices Form V, or the Perseverance Form, both Shien and Djem So. Shien focuses on a strong defense against both melee and ranged attacks, while Djem So refines this in an aggressive direction, not only redirecting attacks back at their source but also pressing powerful counter-attacks. Anakin is also skilled in Form IV, Ataru, or the Aggression Form, an aggressive style that focuses on powerful, fast-paced offense and is particularly effective against single opponents, though weaker in prolonged combat and confined spaces. Finally, he has made a study of Form VI, Niman, or the Moderation Form, which focuses on balance and avoiding weaknesses rather than pressing for strong advantages. It also involves more heavy use of the Force while in combat, which Anakin is known to do, especially drawing heavily on telekinetic pushes, pulls, and leaps.
Mechanical - Expert Level
Anakin is as skilled with mechanics as he is with other technical apparatus. Having designed and repaired podracers from an early age, as well as working doing advanced repairs in a junk shop and even building his own droids, Anakin is exceptionally skilled in this area.
Anakin has a basic knowledge of medicine, such that he can render basic first aid, even out in the field.
Anakin can been called "the best star pilot in the galaxy" for good reason. Even from a young age as a champion podracer, he has always been able to pilot anything and everything that moves, especially starships, and knows virtually no peer where this is concerned.
Stealth - Competent Level
While stealth is not part of Anakin's primary skill set, it still comes in handy enough that he has made sure to cultivate the ability to sneak around or hide at a reasonable level of competence.
Survival - Competent Level
Part of Anakin's training has been how to survive and blend in to various environments, from the high desert of Tatooine to the mean streets of Coruscant's undercity. In most environments, he can find one way or another to make them reasonably habitable.
From communications technology to droid programming, equipment repair, or rewiring a basic door lock, Anakin is an expert. He's been programming and tinkering with technology since he was a small boy, even designing and programming his own first class protocol doid, C-3PO, by the age of nine.
Anakin's mental training has not been all that he would wish, but even without it, his raw mental fortitude is profound. His will is strong enough to resist nearly any intimidation or even temptation, so long as he wants to. With Anakin, strength of will has never been a difficulty. His only challenge has been clearly seeing his path, never struggling to stay on it once he's found it.
Force Power: Enhance Trait - Enhanced Level
The Force can enhance its user in many ways. Specialized uses of this talent include Force healing and Force speed, but in more general terms it can be used to enhance the user in various ways. These include improving a skill that relies on mental focus or manual dexterity, imparting increased physical toughness such as to reduce injury, sharpening senses, or increasing physical strength. In practice, this ability can stand in for any other personal attribute when invoked, though only one attribute can be enhanced at a time: strength, dexterity, toughness, perception, intelligence, etc. This is accomplished via a brief meditation, after which the effect generally lasts from a few minutes up to a few hours, depending on the ability of the user and the length of time spend preparing. It can also be used in brief bursts of up to a few seconds with no advance preparation.
Anakin is a fairly typical user of this ability. He most often uses this ability to sharpen his reflexes in combat. He does not as often enhance his strength or physical senses, as lightsabers do not require great strength to wield, and he tends to trust in his ability to sense the world around him through the Force itself. As a result of his tendency to be what one might call a daredevil, Anakin has particularly great agility, which passively operates at the Enhanced level at all times.
Force Power: Farsight - Basic Level
This form of advanced clairvoyance allows the Force-user to see visions of other locations, even other times. This may include seeing a target in real time, witnessing the events happening to and around them, but it may also convey glimpses of the future, though these are seldom to be depended upon, as the future is always in motion, always changing. The more physical and emotional distance between the farseer and their target, the more difficult the feat becomes. Between two farseers, it's possible to achieve mental communication in this way, though usually such effects are limited.
In Anakin's case, he has little experience with farsight, so his skill is normally limited to giving him a small edge of fractions of a second in terms of reaction times, but this can be very useful in combat situations. He is able to sense his surroundings through Force-based awareness, whether he physically perceives them or not. To actually glimpse another at a great distance, such as on another planet, as other strong Force-users have been known to do, Anakin would need to have an extremely strong emotional connection to the target and be in a state of peaceful, meditative focus.
Force Power: Force Healing - Basic Level
By combining microtelekinesis and the ability to enhance the body in specific ways, Force-users are able to provide various healing effects for themselves or others. This includes repairing injuries, detoxifying poisons, combating illness, or even placing oneself or another in a stasis trance, allowing them to stabilize from injuries and exist with limited food, water, or oxygen or in other physically strenuous conditions for extended periods. This ability generally requires close proximity or contact with the intended target if it is being used on another. Such healing generally a gradual process, taking place over hours or days, though particularly gifted healers may be able to achieve much faster results.
Anakin is not a gifted healer, but his time at the Moon of the Gardens among the Flowers has allowed him to develop his healing abilities. He can heal most injuries, detoxify most poisons, or even fight off most forms of disease, but he will still sometimes require a healing stasis trance for major issues, and it can take him some time to achieve full recovery--longer if the injury or ailment was especially bad. When in such a trance, he will awaken either after the period of time he intended to go under, when in peril, or when there is a grave disturbance in The Force.
Force Power: Force Resistance - Enhanced Level
The Force can be a powerful means of defense, even against other Force powers. The ability to resist other Force powers is especially useful when resisting invasive powers, such as draining one's essence through the Force, or exposure to the corrupting influence of the Dark Side. Force Resistance also grants passive defenses against powers that induced fear, disorientation, loss of senses, paralysis, or otherwise directly affect a target through the Force. Generally, it does not protect against having one's thoughts read or influenced via mentalism, however, and it does not counter powers such as Force lightning or telekinesis.
Anakin is a skilled used of Force resistance, able to aptly resist direct force powers and the corruption of the Dark Side at an Enhanced level.
Force Power: Force Speed - Enhanced Level
Force speed is a combination of applied telekinesis and body control and enhancement, allowing the user to move at up to hundreds of miles per hour, usually only for a few seconds before it becomes physically harmful to maintain. The greater one's aptitude with the ability, the faster one can move and the longer they may safely maintain that speed. While accelerated in this fashion, the user does not only become physically faster, but their agility, thoughts, and perceptions are similarly enhanced, the world seeming to slow around them and enabling greater accuracy in attacks or making it easier to defend against them. To safely avoid harming oneself, after using a burst of speed, one must rest for at least as long as that burst of speed lasted.
Anakin is able to increase his agility to perhaps twenty times that of a normal human, able to catch slower-moving projectiles, such as primitive arrows, or to dodge blaster fire with a bit of luck. In this state, he can run at up to 250 miles per hour. He can maintain this state for up to thirty seconds at a time before doing himself harm, though he usually uses it for far less time than that at once, using it instead in tiny increments during a fight or for a momentary burst of acceleration when he needs it most.
Weapon: Lightsaber - Enhanced Level
An elegant weapon for a more civilized age, the lightsaber, sometimes referred to erroneously as a laser sword, is a legendary weapon favored by many Force-users, especially Jedi and Sith. Lightsabers consist of a plasma blade, powered by a kyber crystal, emitted from a hilt, usually made of metal. The blade can be toggled on or off, allowing the weapon to close down to just the hilt. A weapon as dangerous to the wielder as to their opponents if used carelessly, a lightsaber requires rigorous skill and training. The weapon becomes much more effective when used in conjunction with the Force.
Anakin typically carries a lightsaber with a blue kyber crystal, which he constructed to replace the last one that he lost. It happens, sometimes.
Force Power: Mentalism - Enhanced Level
Force-users of sufficient ability are able to perform a vast array of mind-to-mind effects, from reading the thoughts of another or probing their memories to actually influencing or controlling their thoughts, telepathic communication, or shielding their own minds or the minds of allies from such effects or influences. Force mentalism can also be used for healing purposes, such as easing the trauma of another or helping them recover suppressed memories.
Anakin's mental powers are currently limited to the methods taught by the Jedi, but he's very capable in that regard. He has tended to focus more on physical abilities than mentalism, but if he applied himself more in this area he could likely rival most, if not any, others. He is able to communicate telepathically with any mind without at least fair mental defenses, so long as they exist within the reach of his perceptions. He also has strong mental defenses, trained by Jedi in how to cultivate and maintain them.
Anakin can of course perform the classic "mind trick," implanting straightforward suggestions into unprotected minds who lack great willpower. This enables him to convince a target that they have heard a noise they did not hear, make them fail to notice something for a moment, or even implant a simple command, such as making a guard allow him to pass them by. This effect clouds the thoughts, often leaving the memory of that moment very murky, but it does not work on especially strong minds.
While training and meditating with the Flowers of the Moon of the Gardens, Anakin was able to develop this ability and pick up a few additional tricks. These include gentle influence enhancing others' positive perceptions of him, which can make them more favorably inclined towards him and his allies. They might regard him especially well, or even find him desirable. This has obvious advantages, one of which is that it may also make his enemies less committed to harming him. Anakin can't create feelings that don't exist in a target, and strong wills can resist this as they can any Force trick. On the vast majority, however, this ability tends to be especially useful.
Force Power: Telekinesis - Supreme Level
Telekinesis is the well-known ability to manipulate physical reality, especially physical or kinetic energy. It is commonly used to push or pull targets, to levitate creatures or objects, to deflect attacks, to apply crushing force to a target, to throw objects at a target, and even to allow the user to leap exceptional distances without harm, to simply name some of the most common applications.
Anakin is exceptionally gifted in this area, strong enough in the Force to lift boulders or starfighters without difficulty and even, once, to alter the trajectory of an Imperial Star Destroyer as it crashed onto the surface of a planet.
Force Power: Tutaminis - Enhanced Level
Tutaminis is the collective name for a variety of defensive techniques that allow Force-users to absorb or dissipate energy, such as blaster bolts or Force lightning. Advanced users might even be able to contain and suspend or redirect such energy, leaving blaster bolts frozen in midair for as long as the user could concentrate on them or throwing Force lightning back at the one who projected it. It may also be used on other forms of energy, such as absorbing and redirecting lightning strikes, and it can aid in surviving dangerous energy exposures, such as to radiation.
Anakin is a very capable practitioner of this power. Gifted as he is with energy manipulation, he could one day reach the Supreme level, but even now he is well able to absorb or dissipate blaster bolts, and he could even partially withstand an onslaught of powerful Force lightning, especially if he were able to deflect some of it with his lightsaber, as well.
B1-TZ, or Bits as he's called conversationally, is a transforming gauntlet droid of Anakin's own design. As might be assumed by the name, Bits is able to transform into the shape of a bracer, which is the form in which he spends most of his time. He may also transform into a small tripedal droid, if needed, and he is further able to transform himself into an over-hand blaster or shield generator. Bits cannot function as either if not in the correct form, but transformation takes only seconds at most. He is still able to generate a shield in gauntlet form, but it is less sturdy than the full shield generator form. The gauntlet form shield can deflect blaster fire, but the shield generator form can even withstand explosives and more major weaponry.
Anakin built C-3PO, who he often referred to as just Threepio, and the name stuck. A humanoid protocol droid designed to help make Anakin's mother's life easier, Threepio was programmed for etiquette and protocol, as well as for fluency in over six million forms of communication. His personality tends to be on the fussy and worry-prone side, but he's had a lot to put up with since he parted company with his original master.
R2-D2, often called just Artoo, is an R2-series astromech droid manufactured by Industrial Automaton some decades ago. Due to a series of coincidences and oversights, Artoo has never had his memory or personality wiped, so he'd developed a quirky personality, a sassy demeanor, and has become rather adventurous and extremely resourceful. Built for utility, his cylindrical contains a plethora of arms, sensors, and other tools that can be extended, serving purposes from slicing computers, extinguishing fires, projecting holograms, repairing starships, sawing through objects, and even rocket-based flying. He is an expert at all things Technical and Mechanical with Enhanced-level intellect, armed with a few Basic-level weapons, such as his buzz saw and arc-welder.
As if it weren't bad enough to have so much time lost, Anakin also has to contend with what he doesn't yet know--the man who calls himself Darth Vader is, in act, Anakin's double. Then will come the inevitable question: who is the original Anakin Skywalker, who the clone? Apart from the existential crisis this might prompt, there are greater concerns. If Vader or the Emperor ever find out that Anakin is alive and free, then there will be, as they say on Tatooine, hell to pay.
Anakin was raised in the repressive Jedi Order. For most of his life, he was taught to ignore his feelings, to eschew love and attachment to others, and many other things that, while they might be appropriate for a dedicated monk, are not the healthiest concepts for everyone. As a young man with great depth of feeling, Anakin always struggled with the strictures of Jedi life, and even now that he is free of it, he still bears the legacy of that questionable upbringing. Certainly he took much positive from his training, as well, but there was harm done as well.
For Anakin, over twenty years passed between being frozen in carbonite and awakening. To his horror, he soon after learned that the Jedi Order had fallen, his best friends are all gone, a man he thought of as a friend and mentor has turned out to be a Sith Lord and now rules the galaxy as a despot, and everyone thinks Anakin himself died long ago. The times may not have changed that much in some ways, but they certainly have in others, and Anakin has a lot of catching up to do.