Anakin Skywalker

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Full Name:
Anakin Skywalker
The Chosen One
Former Jedi Padawan
Young Adult
Quote-open.png He's often impetuous, which is worrying. Sometimes it carries over into impatience,
which is dangerous. But he has gone through and survived a great deal,
and he is an avid student of Jedi lore. There are subjects in which he excels,
such as lightsaber combat. And he's a natural pilot.
— Obi-Wan Kenobi
The galaxy does not know that Anakin Skywalker is Darth Vader. The thing is, neither does Anakin! The last thing the young former Jedi remembers, he was leaping into the night after an assassin, who had tried to kill Padme Amidala. Then, he woke up over twenty years later, confused and shocked at the changed state of the galaxy. There is much truth left for Anakin to discover, and no matter what he finds, his life has certainly changed forever.


A supposed miracle of the Force, Anakin Skywalker had no father that he knows of. His mother, Shmi Skywalker, always insisted this was true, in any case. Anakin and his mother were sold into slavery to the Hutt Gardula Besadii when he was only three years old. He displayed technical skills from a young age, enough to inspire a Toydarian named Watto to gamble for and win both Anakin and his mother. Anakin worked in Watto's junk shop, happy enough and even allowed to learn to podrace, until he was nine, when Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi found him. Anakin soon found himself swept up into matters of galactic importance, even flying a starfighter in a battle to protect the planet Naboo and destroying a battledroid control ship. Before he knew it, Anakin had said goodbye to his mother and been taken to join the Jedi Order. Despite the initial concerns of Yoda and some others, Anakin flourished as a student, advancing much faster than his peers. It was difficult without Qui-Gon, who had died during the battle on Naboo, but Obi-Wan befriended Anakin, and the two became close. This was helpful, as Anakin struggled with the repressive environment of the Jedi, but he learned much, and in due course he was taken on as Obi-Wan's padawan learner. Nearly ten years later, he was charged with guarding Padme Amidala, the senator from Naboo, and an assassin tried to kill her. Anakin charged after the Assassin, literally leaping off an airspeeder to try to catch her.

No one ever realized that Anakin never returned from that encounter. Agents of Chancellor Palpatine, who had ambitions far beyond what anyone had guessed, had arranged to steal a sample of Anakin's DNA some time before, easily done given that he was friendly with the chancellor and visited him often. After that fateful leap, Anakin next remembers waking up, some twenty years later, uncertain how he came to be there and finding himself in a vastly different galaxy than the one he remembered....