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The Ghost Whisperer
No noteworthy NPCs

This log follows the story from: 2020.05.08 - Who Let the Dogs Out?
The story continues in: 2020.05.17 - Triangulation for Dummies

Rinne calls his friends to the Enchanted Forest to deliver an important message.

Evening in the Enchanted Forest is unlike that in the normal woods. The contrast between the silence that has overtaken the forest around Port-Au-Feu is absent here, the wildlife thriving in the protection of the magical forest. There are no animals near the lagoon at the base of the waterfall tonight, most likely due to the presence of several individuals called to the spot.

Ciaran, having come at Rinne's request to be present for an important matter, is dressed in a ruby red shirt and a pair of his typical jeans, along with his boots. His eyes are open in slight wonder at the beauty around them, every now and then one of his hands resting on the bark of a tree or the leaves of a bush. "Beautiful," he whispers to himself. Even though there are no animals nearby, he doesn't sense the darkness of the taint here. For the time being, the Enchanted Forest is safe. Recalling the brownies who wandered too far out of it and became corrupted, he frowns. "Soon," he mutters. "Soon it'll be done."

He looks around at the others called together by Rinne, curious at what might have caused the young man to wander off by himself and report back with an urgent need for a gathering.

With a soft flash of silver light, Noah pops in beside Ciaran, looking around curiously at the scenery. "Well, this is quite different," he says thoughtfully, looking up to Ciaran with a warm smile. "Hello, boyfriend," he murmurs, stretching up on his tippy-toes to kiss Ciaran's cheek, even as his own burn hot and red. "Did you get a message to meet here, too? Do you know what it is about?" he asks, his eye attracted to the scenery appreciatively.

Jesse probably spends more time in the Enchanted Forest than anyone else in the entire Court. The young blond Fae has the most experience here and he is often patrolling both the Enchanted Forest and the Way. So he probably knows the most about the area in question. He's dressed in his typical patrol garb. So basically leather pants and a black sleeveless button down shirt. He has his weapons all over his body. He's got his spear and his sword and his whip. He's ready for war. Mostly because at any time the shit can hit the fan and if he doesn't do everything within his power to protect the world. He will fail his oath. He is at this time rather pensive. His ice blue eyes taking in all that have gathered.

Taliesin heard from Rinne that things were happening in the enchanted forest, so of course he was game to come and check it out. This could related to all the other insanity going on and he is trying to stay in the loop and figure out how they can solve this problem. Granted he still hasn't had time to get with Rey and enchant his sword, but hopefully he won't run into anything related to the outsiders. He spots everyone gathered and nods his head to him. "Well this should be a fun jaunt, did anyone bring wine? The enchanted forest is much better with wine." He says with a smirk. He's in jeans he doesn't care if ichor gets on them, a black shirt and has his sword at his hip.

And as soon as everyone is gathered, Rinne lets everyone know that he is here by appearing up in a tree just like that. He is on one of its branches standing up all tall and firm, "I am sure you all are wondering why exactly I brought you here," Rinne says, "I'm sorry for leaving the other day but while I have been gone I've gotten some answers that you guys should know, "Rinne says as he jumps down from the tree branch to look at all of his friends, "Glad that you guys could come on such short notice," Rinne says, bowing his head to them.

Ciaran looks puzzled, but just nods at Rinne's explanation. "Of course, Rinne. I noticed your absence. I figured you had a good reason for disappearing. So, you're telling us that you found out something about the stuff happening in the woods?" His lips purse thoughtfully. Crossing his arms, he leans with his back against a tree. "Well, what did you find out? I'm curious what secrets the Enchanted Forest has revealed about this threat."

Noah looks happy to see Jesse and Taliesin when they appear, too. "I could try to conjure some wine, but I don't know that it would work especially well," he says to Taliesin, leaning up to kiss his cheek, too. When Rinne appears, Noah looks over to the fellow and listens, a thoughtful expression on his face as he considers the mysterious nature of it all. "What sort of answers have you found?" he asks curiously, taking another nervous look about the woods.

Taliesin smirks to Ciaran, Noah and Jesse. "Well now it's a party." He crosses his arms and leans against a tree as Rinne makes himself known. "I had little else going on, what did you find?" Taliesin asks as he rests his hand on his sword hilt. He shakes his head at Noah. "It was a joke, I tend to use humor to mask my other feelings."

Jesse looks at Taliesin and he says softly, "You don't have a travel flask full of alcohol with you at all times? I thought this was more of a battle not a weird party in the woods." He looks around the Forest. "I can go and gather some ingredients from the bushes that will intoxicate you. Although it's more of a mild poisoning. But it would work just as well. It won't kill you at least." He doesn't laugh. Something about being around the ghosts has the blond on edge. That and he is expecting the possibility of an attack at any moment. He has to be prepared for anything.

Rinne glances towards Ciaran, nodding his head, "Yeah I took off because the spirits were whispering things to me and I had no time to explain.." Rinne says bowing his head with once again an apology. Rinne then looked towards the others chuckling slightly, "Sure I would like to party but now is not the time nor the place sadly," Rinne says frowning slightly as he looked to everyone biting his bottom lip. Rinne then reached into his haori and pulls out an orange ball. It looks like a simple paint ball. Rinne glances towards the ghosts in question. No one can really see any of the ghosts, however Rinne looks over towards the waterfall, as well as over to the side of them. Rinne tips his finger, towards the waterfall, "It is quite alright, these are my friends, they won’t hurt you" Rinne looks towards everyone else, "They won’t hurt you, I will make sure of that." Rinne then throws the colored orange ball towards the ghost. It’s one of his Shinigami tools so that others can see the ghosts. Rinne also reaches into his haori once again and tosses one to hit the wolf, "These are so you can show yourself to my friends."

Ciaran side-eyes Taliesin, before adopting a completely innocent look. "Wait, you have /other/ feelings? I thought you only had one mode..." He doesn't comment on Jesse's line of thinking, shaking his head faintly in alarm at the thought of intentionally ingesting something like that. Instead, focuses back on Rinne. "Okay, I'm listening." And then the ghosts are appearing, courtesy of some trick of Rinne's. "And now I am also seeing. And seeing is believing. Oh my." His eyes have widened in surprise. Looking back and forth between the two ghosts, he starts chewing on his lower lip. "This is different." A glance is spared at Noah. "I might need you to try to conjure alcohol after all. I'll let you know once this sorts itself out."

Noah looks around at everyone as he listens to Rinne, then smiles sheepishly. "When we've finished here, we can head back to the lounge, and I will practice conjuring alcohol, and you can drink whatever comes up, yes?" he proposes, perhaps to Taliesin, or maybe just to anyone around. Noah looks toward the spirits even before Rinne mentions them with his silver-glowing eyes, but he doesn't mention them. The witchboy can sense plenty of beings and spirits beyond the veil, but he generally doesn't approach anything that doesn't approach him first, and physically seeing them requires attention, focus, vibrational calibration of specific psychic frequencies, which makes it all the more surprising when Rinne does his thing with the thing. Still, Noah remains quiet, merely listening as he strokes Ciaran's arm briefly.

Taliesin looks to Jesse and sighs. "I left it in my other pants, and as tempted as I am to try poison, now isn't the time sadly." Though the mirth in his eyes is easy to see. Granted this is hardly the place to make jokes, but he can't stop himself. "Oh I have a lot of feelings, most of them are smarmy, and sure Noah, whatever gets you to practice right?" When the ghosts appear he tilts his head. "Interesting." He may or may not have seen a few in his travels, but they're in the enchanted forest and everything is weird. Taliesin remains leaning on the tree, waiting for the big reveal.

Jesse shifts on his feet. "I'm a master at herbology and alchemy. So you will not be dying." He is clearly uneasy around the ghosts. Nothing like something that you can't defend yourself in any way that puts you on edge. He didn't even have to see the ghosts to have this sinking feeling that they are present. When they become visible. His lips purse even tighter and his expression goes towards more of a scowl. He looks from one ghost to the next and the air around the Fae drops several degrees. Jesse rarely gives off the 'frost', except when he's extremely uneasy or upset. Any more uneasy and the entire clearing will be covered in a coating of frozen dew.

Rinne tenses up a bit at everyone reactions. Noah looks the lesser scared one because he is a witch. Rinne knew of a witch back in his home town in Japan that would have an orb that would could look into the future. Ciaran’s reaction to the ghosts, he was interested, or he thought it was neat? Talie's was also interesting, however Jesse's reaction to the ghosts has Rinne really tensing up a bit, "Jesse.. They are not going to hurt you, I am not going to let them. they have some important knowledge abut what’s going on.. please you just calm down a bit," Rinne says as the ghost comes up to him to start to whisper into his ear, "I'll repeat what they say to me, to you guys," he says as he listens in.

"The children are slain, the sire remains.

It sees all things at once.

It speaks with many voices.

And should it ever feel threatened,

it will divide and conquer."

Ciaran nods as Rinne reassures them that the ghosts mean no harm, relaxing somewhat. Even though Jesse is dropping the temperature around them, he rubs his arms in a reflex to warm them up. As Rinne repeats the message to them, he frowns and seems to be thinking it over. "That's... a pretty cryptic riddle. But I guess maybe ghosts can't be more... helpful?" He turns his gaze over to the wolf ghost nearby and frowns. "That almost looks like..." He pauses, his fists clench at his sides as he recognizes why it looks familiar. The wolf from the other night. Shaking his head firmly, he turns his attention back to Rinne. "Is there anymore it can tell us? That's... I mean, it's nice to know that we've taken out all the little ones. I assume that's what that means. But the rest is confusing."

Taliesin frowns as he feels the temperature drop in the area. Looking over to Jesse he pushes off of the tree and reaches up to put his hand on his shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I'm sure if you wanted me dead you would find a far more creative way of killing me than that." He murmurs quietly before he listens to the riddle that's presented. "Well, at least they're concise." He says, mulling the words over in his head.

Noah watches the ghosts curiously, then looks to Rinne, listening as he speaks. He takes in a deep breath and folds his arms over his chest to hug himself. He looks to Ciaran, tilting his head to one side. "Do you know them?" he asks softly, looking back over to Jesse with a bit of concern. "Everything's okay," he says softly, trying to be reassuring, but not wanting to overstep his bounds. He smiles sheepishly up at Taliesin, though it's clear from the look on his face that he's turning those words around in his mind.

Yeah, Jesse doesn't appear to be calming down completely any time soon. He's on edge and having the temperature around him lowered calms him down. And it also makes using his innate magic a whole lot easier. The sooner he can get out of this instance, the better he will be. Rinne might not be able to protect them all if the Ghosts decide to go crazy. He listens to the words that Rinne relays from the ghosts and he shifts again uneasily. His grip shifts on the spear he is holding and he tries to relax. The chill in the air does help. He does meditate in an ice box after all. Taliesin is given a weak smile. "Incorporeal forms are on my list of keep ‘em away."

Rinne doesn't make sense of what he had repeated, however he looked towards the others curious, especially this time at Ciaran, "Ciaran? Are... you okay?" Rinne asks with a bit of a frown. Rinne was just about to say something to Jesse, but not before he was trying to get more information from the warrior spirit, when Rinne’ss eyes shot up, and those eyes suddenly become solid red eyes. The wolf and the warrior immediately run off, and Rinne becomes dark, and quite creepy. He points out towards the group, not to any which one, but just to the group. His voice.. there were two voices talking, his own and a much more sinister undercurrent one. He starts to speak.

"One of you shall suffer,

One of you shall lose,

A thing that is most precious,

You do not get to choose."

Ciaran's eyes literally bug out as Rinne is overcome and delivers another vague message, this one much darker than the first. "Fuck, what's going on?" he hisses. Reaching out with his magic, he senses the un-life hovering inside of Rinne. "Something's got him. Something's inside of him." His voice is more than a little panicked, since this is out of his league. Spirits are not something he is familiar with at all. He doesn't even have time to process before he looks at the others. "Do something," he says to no one in particular. Because he's not really sure if anyone can.

Noah blinks slowly as Rinne's demeanor changes, and before Ciaran can beg for someone to do something, he reaches into his pocket for a little pouch, then pinches into that pouch and grips a pinch of black salt. His jade green eyes glow silver and he takes a deep, calming breath. "Salt of the earth, burned in the hearth, bestow the protection which we lack whence lies encircled in salts black!" A sudden wind aids Noah's spell, the black salts strewn in a protective circle around Rinne. "Circle of salt, bad spirits' bane. They cannot cross...a-at least, I hope," he says, quickly drawing his wand from his back pocket and taking a defensive stance. "W-What is it?"

"Yep, you called it, I owe you sexual favors." Taliesin smirks at Jesse. He acts cool and collected but he knows how little his sword is going to do against a ghost. Well he could probably stab Rinne, but that's not likely going to solve the problem. However, he at least pulls his sword out and takes a defensive stance. "My guess." He says to Noah. "Someone who isn't keen on being dead."

Jesse nearly explodes with ice as the spirit takes control of Rinne. He could knock Rinne out faster than that spirit could react most likely. However, there is thankfully a plan B here in Noah and not Jesse's plan A. The witch's protection spell is hopefully enough and Rinne's internal strength will also hopefully help. "Am I the only one who thinks everyone needs to work on training and strengthening their gifts." He waits to see if Noah's abilities do the trick. If not, he is prepared with the blunt end of his spear. Jesse's been paranoid with unease since the first encounter with the corruption. He's almost as bothered as Ciaran but for different reasons. This is a threat to an unbreakable Oath that he made.

While he was being corrupted, Rinne’s spirit was fighting the spirit that over took him inside well.. Rinne.. And thankfully just in time, when Noah saves the day by spreading around his salt tricks, then evil spirit is assaulted and he suddenly comes out of Rinne. And when that happens, Rinne's color starts to come back and his eyes turn back to normal as Rinne's body wakes up and the first thing he does is grab for his scythe, and he swipes that evil bastard down with his scythe, swiping left to right, purifying the evil spirit. Noah would definitely be able to see this. Little bubble like things and light start to raise up to the sky indicating that it had been purified. Rinne breathes deeply in and out, falling to his knees.

Ciaran doesn't even feel the ramping up in cold because of everything going on. He's sure to feel it later, but right now his focus is one hundred percent on Rinne. As Noah's spell forces the spirit out of Rinne, it gives Rinne an opportunity to banish the ghost. Ciaran sees the physical part of the action. He breathes a deep sigh of relief, his pulse still racing with adrenaline coursing through his body. Reaching out with his magic again, he senses Rinne is back to normal.

"It's gone," Ciaran says simply. Bringing his hand to his forehead, he wipes his hand over some sweat that appeared on his brow when he panicked. "I'm not sure how that just happened, but... I don't think we should stay here much longer. We got Rinne's message." The first one, is what he is referring to. "I'm not sure what that second spirit was talking about, but I don't like it one bit. No sense dwelling on it." Looking at the others, he nods decisively. "Let's go."

Jesse is very frowny but at least the frost is not threatening to explode on the area. He has a permanent scowl upon his face. He turns ice blue gaze at Ciaran, "That was the smartest thing that anyone said since someone said let's go play with Ghosts. Thankfully no one was hurt. And hopefully the warning that we got will provide us with enough information to prevent whatever crazy that prophecy is warning about." The idea that they will lose one of their own or something precious does not sit well with him. Heavy is the head that wears the crown. He will not stop worrying now with the idea of possibly losing one of his people. He motions for everyone, "I'll take up the rear. Let's hustle. I'll be expecting everyone to step up their training regime until this whole mess gets sorted out." He isn't leaving until everyone is out of this area and safe.

Taliesin lets out a breath when the danger has seemed to pass. Still he keeps his hand firmly on his sword just in case. "Yes I believe that would be a good idea, the faster we leave the better." Jesse has the rear, he'll go in the middle. "Are we going to need to carry Rinne or does someone have a faster way back?" Looking to Jesse he smirks. "As my liege commands." Though he isn't wrong, he's been holding his own but he could be better, at lot better.

Noah watches as the spirit leaves Rinne, and as it is purified, removed, by Rinne. He lets out a breath and looks around at everyone. "Ah...I could open a gate, but I think the only place I've truly attuned to is....my apartment. Which isn't too far from the Court," he says, his face looking a little pale. Noah looks at everyone, one at a time, as if making sure everyone is okay, unscathed. Once he's sure everything is okay, he holds his wand at his side, at least relaxed for the moment. "I...would very much like to go to the lounge," he says softly.

Rinne looks to the others. He is glad that he didn't hurt anyone while his body was being taken over. Rinne is a bit out of it because of it, "S-sorry.. I don't think I can make it back like how I got here.." Rinne says taking a bit of a breath, "Being taken over by evil is not fun.." Rinne then looks over towards Jesse, "I'm sorry.. I didn't know that that was going to happen.. "

Ciaran walks over and picks Rinne up carefully, holding the boy in his arms bridal-style. He then takes the lead, waiting for Noah to open the portal before he prepares to cross into it. As the group prepares to step through the other side to Noah's apartment and from there to walk to the Sylvan Court, he grumbles under his breath. "Damn spirits and their riddles. I'm not going to be able to get that out of my head now." They needed to banish the abomination once and for all. And soon.

"It's okay. You will hopefully learn from your mistakes. Never underestimate the threats. Always have a plan A, B, C and D. And more alternatives when the threat gets even higher." Jesse is really cold right now. But at least no one got seriously hurt. "I will travel by foot. I move very fast through the Enchanted Forest and the Wilds. And I need to clear my head." He is young and the fear of losing one of these people is scarier than anything else.

The story continues in: 2020.05.17 - Triangulation for Dummies