Taliesin Kennerick

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Full Name:
Taliesin Marius Kennerick
Musician, Chef, Autumn Court Scion
Young Adult
OC (None)
A traveling musician and chef. He is a Changling from the Autumn Court in the Wyld lands, and spends most of his days playing in small coffee shops and bars. When he finds work, he usually lands in the kitchen of a diner or other small kitchens and fills the place with his much loved pies. His wanderlust keeps him moving, and planting proper roots.


Taliesin appears to be a very laid back gentleman. However he is always ready to entertain no matter where it he, either with a great story, an epic ballad or an amusing joke.


Taliesin's Early Years

In her youth, Alison Kennerick was a budding opera singer. While she had a natural talent for singing, there was always someone else who was better than her. This caused her years of frustration. After performing one night as a backup singer, she met a well dressed and handsome man. He saw her talent and knew that if he could cultivate it, she would be amazing. He promised her an opening act in exchange for a favor that would asked later. She agreed without hesitation, and he granted her wish.

Alison spent several years in the spotlight before her mysterious benefactor returned. He called himself Meurig, which seemed strange even for a Welshman, and all he wanted from her was a child. She was to take care of the child until he was thirteen. Than he would take the child under his wing for an undetermined amount of time. Again, she agreed, feeling it was time for her to retire from the spotlight anyway.

Alison gave birth to a boy that Meurig named Taliesin, after the great bard in Arthurian legend. True to his word, Meurig stayed away, allowing Alison to raise the child as she saw fit. Taliesin grew up surrounded by music. He was young when he first sat down at a piano. While normal children would pound and bang on the keys, Taliesin played a lullaby his mother always sang to him.

Time in the Faerie Lands

Taliesin learned to read music before he could read a book. He had enough talent that he performed up on stage several times. Aside from his music, he has a typical childhood. He was popular in school and had a vivid and active imagination. His mother taught him to cook and she had plans for him. She was going to enroll him in a prestigious art school and feed his love of music.

When Talisen turned thirteen, his father came for him. Even though they knew this day was coming, it was not easy for the boy to leave his mother, his friends, and his home. Entering the Nevernever and traveling to the Wyld lands where Autumn held it's court. He realized that here had been something that was missing from his life.

Taliesin's musical education continued, but he shifted from the piano to the lute. He also learned how to defend himself. He learned the art of swordplay, though he would later come to favor the dagger. He was taught the etiquette of dealing with the complicated Sidhe courts. He excelled at Glamour magic, and his father encouraged him to practice in this field.

All Grown up.

All was going well, until he met Celeste. She was a beautiful Fae in the Autumn Court who became enchanted by the budding bard. Taliesin fell hard for her, but to his dismay he found out that she was betrothed. So he did what any bard should do, he serenaded her. Her wrote her an epic song that he performed at her wedding that moved all who attended. Celeste's husband agreed to an arrangement. He allowed Celeste and Taliesin to meet once a year. For one night only they could express their love in whatever form they saw fit, but the rest of the year belonged to him.

After the wedding, Taliesin's father released him, saying he had taught him everything that he could. He was to travel the world and learn songs and stories to bring back to the Court. He returned home to his mother, to show her the man he had become, but he found that his old home did not feel right. It was then that he began his travels.

He has traveled most of Europe, finding that he was able to pick up the languages there easier than he thought. He figured it was due to his magical abilities. He hasn't been states side long, but something began to pull him to the west coast.