Jesse Outono

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Full Name:
Jesse Outono
Ward of the Autumn Knight
OC (None)
Jesse Outono is (at the time of writing) the youngest born Prince of the Autumn Court, son of The Erlking, and born on the Winter Solstice. He was sent to the Winter Court as a child, a goodwill trade. After certain time was up, he was sent to be the ward of the Autumn Knight for proper training.


Born on the solstice, between the end of Autumn and the start of Winter, he was given the name Jesse Outono, which literally translates to "Gift of Autumn." The name was given to him by his father, The Erlking, king of the Autumn Court of Faërie. Jesse is, as of this writing, the youngest born child to the Autumn king. It was never really revealed who it was that was the child's mother. However, upon his appearance at The Erlking's court it was apparent that the child was going to be a beautiful one: with the brightness in his eyes, he was an adorable baby. However, his time was not spent long in the Autumn Court. While Jesse was still quite young, The Erlking sent his youngest son to live in fosterage at the Winter Court, which gave rise to rumors that Jesse's mother might, in fact, be a lady of Winter. If so, however, she did not reveal herself.

At first, Jesse seemed almost a novelty for the Winter Court. He wasn't mistreated by any means. He was a Prince of the Autumn Court, after all. However, life in the Winter Court was not easy on the child. As a powerful high sidhe, Queen Mab inspired the utmost respect and discipline from her subjects, and at first Jesse drew little apparent attention from the queen, and many assumed that he was so insignificant that he was not worthy of her time. That all changed, however, when the young boy showed a natural gift for ice magic, similar enough to that which thrived in the hands of the Queen of the Winter Court. It was relatively unheard of for one of the Autumn Court to wield this magic, which certainly fueled rumors about his mother's true identity. After that, the beautiful pet was looked at differently, and for just a moment, Queen Mab had acknowledged his existence. Few might wish to experience the scrutiny of the Winter Queen. However, she decided that Jesse was to receive training from the knights and warriors of the Winter Court.

The years went by with Jesse training with some of the finest rogues of the Winter Court. He excelled at learning the art of movement. He was a graceful dancer at the top of his class, and he was trained in seduction and passion while also learning to become an equally deadly weapon. Some even called him "The Beautiful Death" to reflect the dichotomy of his talents. From learning to work with a wide array of potions and poisons to ranged combat and silently disabling a target from afar, Jesse became a cold-hearted weapon of the Winter Court. Some might even think he became too much so; Jesse had assumed that the king of the Autumn Court had paid him no attention had given him up too easily. The teen was thus hit with a bit of a shock when he found himself being recalled to the Autumn Court, where he encountered his Father. The Erlking seemed as aloof as ever, but he gave his child the directive to report to Rey Devoss, known as The Autumn Knight, for proper training. For, he said, royalty needs to learn from the best, and it was Jesse's place to learn the Autumn Court ways and take up responsibility for protecting The Ways as is tradition for the people of the Autumn Court.