Into the Woods Plot

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Location: Port-Au-Feu
World: Sangria

When Ciaran was sent to Port-Au-Feu to investigate the 'strange supernatural concentration' in the region, he never expected to find a threat to the forest lurking just beyond the trees. Incorrectly assuming he was sent to protect the forest from an overabundance of urbanization, it came as quite a surprise when he discovered a deeper danger in the woods.

Now, it's up to the residents of Port-Au-Feu to band together and find this threat, eliminate it, and return the nearby forest to its natural state. Will they succeed?

The story so far...

An attack in the park by a host of mutated plant-creatures is repelled by Ciaran along with the help of the Autumn Court and others. Afterward, a chance encounter at a café offers up potential answers on what the cause could be. Following that, a meeting with those who were present at the park leads to the group deciding that the matter merits further investigation. A small group enters the woods, encountering the creature responsible for the initial attack. A different conversation in the same café reveals that other dangers are still lurking in the forest. As a result, another group makes an excursion into the woods to cull the ongoing threat. Several involved parties have an informal, formal meeting at the popular cafe to discuss next steps. Following that, a research trip to Rowanwood provides an opportunity to gain some insight on their opponent. Another trip into the woods leads to an encounter with more threats in need of culling. Messages from beyond the grave offer some clues about the perils around the corner. The final plan is made to defeat the creature plaguing the woods once and for all. Two teams set out to eliminate each half of their nemesis. When all is said and done, they succeed in banishing the abomination back to whence it came!

Players: Ciaran McGrath; Noah Grayson; Jesse Outono; Rokudou Rinne; Otis Munro; Tenebris; Skitch Maxwell; Dean Winchester; Myrtle Snow; Taliesin Kennerick; Quentin Troy; Nessa Du Valle; Lucien Reveille; Rey Devoss

Villains: Abominations