Ciaran McGrath

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Full Name:
C I A R A N F . M C G R A T H
Custodian of Nature
Young Adult
OC (None)
Ciaran Fintan McGrath, a Fae of the Spring Court, was sent to Earth by his Court for the sole purpose of determining how to slow the advance of mankind overtaking nature. All parties having agreed such was inevitable, he was tasked with being custodian of one particular area where the Fae sensed significant supernatural activity. While it is considered impossible to stop urban life from spreading, there are still ways to soften the blow. And such is Ciaran's duty.


Ciaran is usually friendly, charming and funny. There's a certain openness about his personality that encourages others to approach and interact with him. That isn't to say he's incapable of being serious; it's just not his preferred state of being. He's quick to act when things go awry and will not hesitate to jump in and help if he can. He has an independent streak and is much more likely to lend help than accept it, but even he can admit that sometimes it takes more than just yourself.


Born to the Spring Court, Ciaran always had an affinity for nature and life. It was apparent from the beginning that he felt more at home amongst plants and creatures than even amongst his fellow Fae. And, oh, did the creatures of the realm of Faerie entertain him. He showed a gift for communing with life, for nurturing and healing the world around him. No one held it against him, to the contrary it was encouraged that he form a bond with nature. He wasn't aware of it at the time, but his Court was grooming him for his future. As he developed, another interesting talent manifested itself. His very presence would cause those around him to come up with extraordinary ideas, the most cunning, the most wise, the most courageous ideas. For years the Fae of the Court deliberated over whether or not it would be best to keep Ciaran in the Court for his second gift. Ultimately, however, it was not to be.

Sensing a growing disparity between the balance of nature and man in the world, the Spring Court sent Ciaran to investigate what was the cause of growing activity in a certain area of the Earth. Unfortunately, Ciaran could only report back that the cause was the evolution of humanity and that he could not determine any particular reason for what they were sensing. Little by little, pieces of the world were being claimed by mankind and there was no stopping it. And so he was further charged with preserving what he could and to remain ever vigilant should nature be threatened on a large scale. It would be his job to restore the balance. He wasn't quite sure what the Court meant by that, as his own powers were too limited to do something of that magnitude. However, he accepted his task with grace and went back to the realm of man to watch, to wait, and to do his work when needed.