Noah Grayson

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Full Name:
Noah James Grayson
OC (None)
Noah had a mostly normal life until his 13th birthday when strange things started happening. Once he entered high school, he discovered that he is the descendant of a long line of powerful witches leading back to before the burning times. Since then, Noah's struggled to keep his two lives separate, but now that he's attending university, it seems like the challenge is getting harder to face. What's more, his connections to other worlds have only served to complicate things further as he finds himself called upon to assist others even across the delicate border between worlds.


Noah is kind, but serious. He tends to be somewhat stoic and potentially cold, especially to those he doesn't know, and he harbors a few trust issues that make it a little difficult for him to really get close with people or open up about himself, though this mainly has to do with the protection of his secret and his powers. Noah does find it easier to mingle with those like himself than with mundane people, and despite his trust issues, he is quite a loyal and kindhearted person and tries his best to do what is right.


Noah James Grayson was born the only son to a family of witches, though this was only discovered by the youth upon his thirteenth birthday when his powers were unsealed, as per family tradition. Suddenly forced into a world of secrets, Noah rebelled against his heritage for as long as he could in high school, distancing himself as far from his new-found power as he could while striving for normalcy. It isn't until he was attacked by a low-level demon right before his senior year of high school that he began to take more of an active interest in his own witchhood. With the acceptance of his new life, Noah also finds himself subject to the cries for help from all manner of spirits, fae, and other beings that recognize his family's trademark spark.