2020.05.05 - Deus Ex Libris: Difference between revisions

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Deus Ex Libris
No noteworthy NPCs

This log follows the story from: 2020.05.01 - Plan of Action
The story continues in: 2020.05.08 - Who Let the Dogs Out?

Three witches, a bard and a Skitch walk into a Library....

Rowanwood House - Library

This room is enormous, easily twice the size of the entry hall. An air of solemn antiquity pervades the area, such as those held by some older churches and cathedrals. The room is well-lit, with quite a few windows set high on the walls as well as candelabra and hanging chandeliers placed at frequent intervals. A number of large carpets lining the dark, polished stone floor. The walls are paneled in mahogany where visible, though they are mostly covered by wooden bookshelves. The ceiling above is vaulted, painted to resemble a somewhat cloudy blue sky.

The room is dominated by the numerous free standing bookcases, containing shelves upon shelves of books, scrolls, maps, and even stone tablets. There are centuries' worth of ancient knowledge in this room, each piece filed away on the appropriate shelf. The only difficulty lies in translating it from whatever archaic language it may be in. Curiously, though the room is large, the maze-like arrangement of the bookshelves makes it seem many times larger still, and it may be very easy to become lost while wandering this room if one is not careful.

At the center of the room, near the double doorway leading back out to the hallway, an open area contains a large wooden table and a few chairs, apparently intended for research or other such work. Along the east wall, near the open area, stands a large stone hearth surrounded by a sofa and several armchairs, all carved from dark wood with scarlet cushions.

The plan was planned with great planning. There was a sketch and everything. People were dispatched to various locations to do various things. One of those things? Research. One of those locations? Rowanwood.

Ciaran was very careful about getting the word out to the researchers, directing them to the Library as both Quentin and Dean had suggested. And Sam was kind enough to call ahead and inform Ms. Du Valle of their intent and the subject of their research -- namely, the Abomination that is corrupting the forest at the heart of Port-au-Fe.

And so it is that Skitch, not unfamiliar with Rowanwood, the Library, or the pack of guests that are currently residing here, is first to arrive, piling his backpack and an honest-to-Bob notebook and pen on an obliging table. From a pocket, he fishes out a spool of twine, and squats by a chair to secure an end of it there in a slip knot. Then, satisfied it's secure, he tucks the spool back in his pocket and leans against the edge of the table, waiting for the others Dean said would be here to arrive.

One of the group happens to be Tenebris, dressed today in an incredibly sharp-looking bold red shirt with a black waistcoat and similar trousers, with slick black boots and minimal jewelry. Over this, he's wearing a coat that resembles a peacoat more than anything, probably due to the weather outside. Not that he has to worry about weather particularly, but he likes to look less conspicuous by not dressing too oddly.

"Blessings on this house," Tenebris says, as he walks in. One arm is loaded with a few books already, and the other arm, he raises to the ceiling in general. The fingers of that hand wiggle at Skitch as he lowers his arm to his side. "Nice and prompt."

Taliesin got directs to Rowanwood and managed to get himself there without getting lost. He arrives with his guitar case strapped over his shoulder, and his hair pulled out of his face. His clothing is comfortable, just a v-neck green shirt and a well loved pair of jeans. Walking in he nods his head to Tenebris who he knows and Skitch who he doesn't. "Greetings, this is one fine library." He keeps his voice low, since he knows how libraries are supposed to be quiet.

It might have taken Noah a while--even with directions, he's still not wholly familiar with the area--but he eventually found his way to Rowanwood and its prestigious library. "Oh...it's much bigger than I expected," he murmurs to himself, looking at those gathered. He doesn't know Skitch, but he does recognize Taliesin and Tenebris both. "Hello, again. Hello to you, too," he says as he looks to Skitch. "I hope I'm not intruding. I came to look at the books! Is....is Quentin here? He said I could take a look...around." Noah doesn't even know why he's so nervous, but he hugs his notebooks closer to his chst.

"I haven't seen him," Skitch says of Quentin when the nervous kid speaks. He's watched each arrival as they've gotten there, offering a friendly nod to both Tenebris and Taliesin as they entered. "But that doesn't mean he's not here. This place can be a maze." He motions to the stacks, and indicates the spool in his pocket. “I've learned the ancient ways of finding my way around here.” He grins, and lifts a hand. “Dean told me some of your names, but I don't know who's who. I'm Sam, but everyone calls me Skitch.”

It's fine. Tenebris has enough self-confidence and poise for himself and Noah both. "I'm sure Mr. Troy won't be away for long, since he does live here." Crossing to the table, he sets down the books he's brought, although only one of them isn't bound with ribbon or cord. Probably some magical preparation or precaution. "I'm Tenebris. Pleased to make your acquaintance." His smile is thin but seems real enough.

Taliesin turns at the sound of a familiar voice and smiles at Noah when he enters. He watches as he clutches his notebooks close to his chest and lightly puts his hand on his shoulder. Turning to Skitch he smirks and gives a half bow. "Taliesin Kennerick, and don't mind me I'll likely nose deep in the lore books by the time we're finished here." He steps close to a table and removes his guitar case to lean against it. He opens it just enough to take out a notebook and a pen. "A pleasure to meet you Sam Skitch."

Noah looks to Skitch and smiles sheepishly to him. "Ah, I'm Noah! It's nice to meet you," he says with his head dipped politely. He looks toward Tenebris and Taliesin, then hums softly. "I know you both already," he says, a bit of a mirthful look twinkling in his eyes. "I'm happy to see you again." Noah looks up to Taliesin, a half-smile offered up at him as he pats his friend's side. "I'm...not even sure quite what I'm looking for, but...I'm sure there's plenty to look through," he says, reaching into his pocket to pull out a small compass.

"Just Skitch," the blonde says to Taliesin, offering a wide grin. "Sam Skitch sounds like a 30s noir detective." He chuckles and motions at the stacks. "Dean said we were looking into how to take down Abominations, but he also said that Tenebris here is the one that knows about them the best?" He wrinkles his nose. "Did I get that right? There were a lot of names in the telling, and Dean's not a detail person in that regard." He nods at his backpack, frowning. "I tried to find out some information on Abominations on the internet, with no marked success. So I'm hoping our search here is more successful." He tugs on the spool in his pocket, beginning to play it out a bit as he moves towards the stacks. "Keep alert," he advises. "It's easy to get lost in here."

"I do know probably the most about them of the people we have here, but this library is legendary. I'm confident that we'll find more information here. And pursuant to that end, I've brought the Libris Omnis, of course, and a book I can let you browse." With this, Tenebris takes the smallest and newest-looking of the books he's brought with him, one not bound by cord or ribbon, and sets it more in the middle of the table.

"In a place like this you're likely to stumble over what you didn't even know you were looking for." Taliein says to Noah as he settles into a chair and opens up his notebook. Taliesin smirks at Skitch and nods his head. "I mean, if I had the choice I'd choose the name of a 30s noir detective. I think I just want a glass door with my name on it." He says thoughtfully but watches as Skitch basically gives himself a trail of breadcrumbs to follow back to his chair. "Really? I don't think I'd mind getting lost in here. Just leave a pizza for me somewhere and I'll find it."

Noah stares at Taliesin curiously. "You eat pizza?" he wonders aloud, following to settle down at the table where people seem to be congregating. "It's very nice to meet you," he says to Skitch. "I'm really...not sure of where to begin, but...is there a particular organization scheme to the library, here?" he asks, settling his notebook onto the table. "A is for Abomination. B is for...Bad?" Noah hums to himself, then takes some notes in his notebook.

An adjoining door opens, and a woman enters. She's dressed in mid-century fashion, wearing a pale rose dress trimmed with silver lace, and she's carrying a vase full of freshly cut snapdragons. She arranges this vase on the mantel of the fireplace, nods in satisfaction, and then turns toward the visitors gathered at the table. She makes her way through the stacks of the library, emerging near everyone, and favors them with a warm and welcoming smile. "I see we have guests! How lovely. Welcome to Rowanwood House. I am Nessa Du Valle, one of the Grand Coven. If I can offer any help this evening, please let me know. I'm quite happy to assist however I can."

Though usually, Tenebris seems to have endless amounts of bravado and self-assurance, the moment their hostess arrives, his entire posture changes. He's not retreating or shy, as nothing would accomplish that with this man. But he is possessed of a modicum of reverence and superlative respect. Very aware of the difference in them and the very levels upon which they operate, he bows at the waist with a graceful arc of his arm.

As he straightens up, Tenebris reaches out to collect the other two books on the table, bound with ribbon and cord, woven red and black together. At first opportunity, he holds these out to the Mistress of the House. "Lady Rowanessa, it's a pleasure and an honour to meet you at last. My mistress Mandra has sent these tomes for the benefit of all witches and hopes that they'll be received with the sublime wisdom and care she has come to associate with the name of Rowanwood."

"What's a Libris Omnis?" Skitch is just brainy-nerd enough to have his interest piqued by that term, and he pivots to head back to Tenebris' table. "It sounds super-informative." He grins at the witch and leans over to look at the book. "There's a catalog," he answers Noah without looking up. "But you want to be careful. Like I said, it's a maze, sometimes." He's about to say something else when Nessa enters, and he straightens, turning to regard the mistress of Rowanwood. He smiles, and offers a friendly nod. "Ms. Du Valle. I've heard much about you from your nephew and the Winchesters. Thank you for allowing us into your home." He puts a hand to his chest. "I'm Sam Maxwell, but you can call me Skitch."

Taliesin tilts his head at Noah and smirks. "Why wouldn't I like pizza? I think you practically have to be undead not to like some form of pizza." When Nessa arrives, Taliesin notes the change in the others postures. Granted, he's probably the only one in here who isn't a witch, but that doesn't mean he plans on being any less respectful. "Hail and well met." Taliesin says formally. "Taliesin Kennerick, bard to the Autumn Court it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." He half bows before he looks back at the books. "Which I suppose we should get started. Do you have an abominations section?" He asks casually.

"Right, a catalog," Noah says, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "That sounds like a good place to start." He looks to Skitch, then to Taliesin, then finally to Tenebris. "Is...that the big book you have? The really large one?" he ponders, having seen Tenebris with a large, fancy book before when he and Ciaran had met with the fellow in the bar. When the lady of the house enters, Noah stands up and smiles softly. "Hello, I'm Noah. I'm very happy to meet you, and to see your home. You have a most impressive library!"

Nessa reaches out to graciously accept the brooks Tenebris has offered her, and she inclines her head in shoulders in a bit of a bow over them. "Thank you most kindly for such a lovely gift! I'm sure that those studying here will find them very helpful, and we will make sure to take very good care of them. What a welcome addition to our library!" Smiling at him in that warm way of hers, she says, "I'm very pleased to meet you, Tenebris." Clearly, his mention of his mistress has given her idea enough who he is. Turning, then, to Skitch, she shifts the books to her left hand, tucking them under her arm gently, and extends her hand. "I'm very pleased to meet you, Skitch! Please, do call me Nessa. I'm pleased to offer our help, especially for any friends of Quentin's."

At Taliesin's greeting, Nessa manages a graceful enough bow even with the books tucked under her arm, and she says, "I welcome you, Bard of Autumn, to my home. What grace it offers is yours, so long as you are my guest here, and most welcome!" To Noah, she also nods a greeting, still smiling, and says, "Welcome, Noah. I'm pleased you like the library! It's always been one of my favorite rooms."

She cradles the books carefully against herself, considering. "You said you're looking for information on abominations. Can you give me a clearer idea of what you mean? I'm familiar with, oh, I'm sure it's more than a dozen different uses for that term, depending on the context...."

For once, Tenebris's eyes twinkle with something other than playfulness or mischief. This time, he's simply beyond words with the realisation that Nessa Du Valle knew who he was without his introduction. He had intended to continue to introduce himself, but here the Lady of the Vale already knew. Of course she did; he smiles softly and bows his head again.

The War-Witch is completely silent, barely moving in place where he stands, as the others speak and have their own introductions. But once the inevitable topic rears its head again, Tenebris speaks up. "These are the things known to us, anathema to all things but themselves. The Lord of Abominations, as it called itself, was banished largely by one of ours and a friend of his, one might call a paladin. They hate us. Demons and witches especially. It's an informal war between my kind and my mistress's, and them. They come from their own world, their own plane, which they've devastated other than themselves. They're corrupting, horrible. And right now, one of them is installed, I am certain of it, in the woods at Le Jardin."

Skitch takes that proferred hand by the fingers, squeezing ever so lightly before releasing them with a smile. "I'm truly in awe of your home, and your menagerie," he says brightly. "But the Library is something truly amazing." He falls silent as Tenebris describes what they're up against, and his expression darkens just a bit. "There were venomous brownies in there," he offers helpfully, rubbing a place on his leg. "Vicious little things, all teeth and poisonousness." He wrinkles his nose, and folds his arms across his chest. "Ms. Snow was able to cure them, Dean said, but the rot that caused it's still there."

Taliesin smirks at Nessa and her welcome and he nods his head. "Your hospitality is accepted and I will do my upmost not to break it." He replies happy to get the formalities out of the way. When everyone else explains what has transpired, Taliesin smirk. "Yes, exactly that. Forgive me I have not been formally introduced to the problem, or I would have more information." Than again he's here to chornical the journey and hopefully the eventual end of the creature.

Looking thoughtful, Nessa says, "Well, that's certainly no small task! Let me see, here." She turns and ventures into the stacks again, vanishing briefly, and returns just a few moments later. She has put away the books that Tenebris gave her and is now carrying a stack of three other books, all of some visible age and leatherbound. She sets down the first book, tapping her fingers lightly on the cover. "This is a compendium of transcribed cleansing rituals dating back to the early Roman Empire. I think you'll find chapter seven could be particularly useful, as it deals with drawing on and strengthening primal, natural energies. I would think that would be anathema to the kinds of creatures you're describing, but of course you must be very careful when working with such powers. They're very potent and can be extremely dangerous." She sets down the next book, which looks planer and simpler. "This is a diary of my own notes on dealing with certain... creatures. We call them Outsiders, and... in many ways they're very similar to what you're describing. They're usually very resilient against magic, but with the proper power sources -- especially divine magics -- they can be beaten back very effectively, or even destroyed." The last book bears a complex sigil on its front and bears the simple title *On Demonology*. "The final source I'd consider is this. Such powers as you describe are... antithetical to demonic powers. If you can find a reliable demon to aid you, then much as in the case of divine power, they may be able to be of great help to you."

Watching as Nessa goes to collect the books requested, Tenebris is full of admiration. She so effortlessly finds exactly the books he certainly would have recommended, and he's especially pleased to see the selection. "My own Lady Mandra has offered her assistance for this particular engagement. She welcomes most supplicants and contracts who would come from this group of those bold enough to challenge an entity of this potency. But I understand there's at least one or two other notable demons who are local right now. We might want to ask around." It seems the Libris Omnis will have to wait, at least for a little while. Tenebris is intensely in focus on the task right now.

Skitch's eyebrows have been near his hairline through most of the conversation, and when Nessa goes off to search for books, he gives Taliesin a helpless sort of look and shrugs. When the Mistress of Rowanwood returns, the books she carries are somehow even more intimidating, and the blonde shifts his weight, furrowing his brow as he tries to follow Tenebris' line of thinking. Scratching his chin, he frowns, and pulls idly at his twine. "That sounds like a good place to start?" he says, looking as outclassed as he feels in this moment. "Is there anything else we should look for?" Like a nice book on cats or trees or something.

Taliesin gives a similar look to Skitch as Nessa returns with the volumes, but still smiles at everyone. "Oh well that makes it simpler than fumbling around like lost kittens." Looking over the books he sighs and realizes that this is going to be a whole night of reading. When Nessa mentions Outsiders, Taliesin shakes his head. "I really hope that's not what we're dealing with. If so, it's nice knowing you all, I'm going to Iceland." He laughs but there is a seriousness to his tone before he nods. "Thank you for finding these for us, I believe you shaved a few hours off my day.

Nessa inclines her head to the others, saying, "I'm only happy to help! I think these books should give you a good place to begin, at the least, and beyond that? Yes, I think I'd look to see what demons you could find who might be willing to help. They... tend to not get along well with this sort of Abomination at all, so they would likely be willing to help." She looks thoughtfully to Taliesin, adding, "On the other hand, dear, the primal connection that the fae have to Nature might also be useful, if used correctly." The look she gives Skitch is a bit sad, as she says, "I don't believe anywhere you look on this subject is going to be all that pleasant, I'm sorry to say." She pauses, then, and asks, "Well, would you all like some tea? This kind of research is a great deal of work, and a little something to fortify you might not go amiss?"

"Your hospitality is always appreciated, thank you. I'd love a cup of tea and anything you might offer. Your kitchen is well-renowned." Tenebris seems almost demure around Nessa. At the very least, he could be called comparatively reserved, and different to his usual boisterous, bold manner. He moves to pull out a chair at the table, but he doesn't sit yet, instead reaching to the journal that Nessa had brought, and flipping through it, pausing on one of the pages to look over it. "Lovely place, Iceland! I've heard it's a very literate and engaging culture." Then he glances up to Skitch, grinning with a touch of that usual playfulness in his eye. "So tell me, are you studying witchcraft? Or is this just an incidental pursuit?"

The story continues in: 2020.05.08 - Who Let the Dogs Out?