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Full Name:
Obortis Tenebris
OC (None)
"Cigarettes, Ices, Etc." - Keith Emerson
Quote-open.png O father, what a hell of witchcraft lies in the small orb of one particular tear. Quote-close.png
— Shakespeare, "A Lover's Complaint"
Tenebris is a magical champion sometimes known as a War Witch. Contracted with the demoness Mandra, he strives to wipe out the terrible Abominations from reality. He is known for his unique sense of style and his potent magical gifts.


Tenebris would say that his life was insignificant before he decided to dedicate himself to witchcraft. He lived an unexceptional life, filled with daily disappointments and ebbing hope. Then, once he turned to the promise of magic and occult studies, he found himself occasionally managing to engage a strange and beautiful woman. Eventually, he discovered that her name was Mandra, and she was a demoness of significant power. After contracting with her and becoming something of her champion, he threw himself into training to refine his skills to the utmost level. He became what was once known as a War Witch, though these were scattered throughout time, space, and reality, and few ever seemed to exist. To Tenebris, they existed as something known once in history and all but lost to its hidden depths; but Mandra's special knowledge proved just the thing, as it would a number of times.

Tenebris was pitted against the Abominations and gifted with a very special whip that had been used against them before, and specifically the Lord of Abominations. Though his initial fights were close-pitched and tense, he soon fell into a kind of rhythm and became one of the foremost combatants against Abomination encroachments upon reality. Travelling between a number of dimensions, Tenebris maintained a defense against the Abominations, but they redoubled their efforts when they crafted the entity known as Mr. Agon. Tenebris subsequently clashed with Agon on a number of occasions and continues to fight against him and his plans to bring forth the Abominations and subjugate all realities under his featureless gaze.