2020.05.08 - Who Let the Dogs Out?: Difference between revisions

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This log follows the story from: 2020.05.05 - Deus Ex Libris
The story continues in: 2020.05.13 - The Ghost Whisperer

The Sylvan Court Fae head into the woods to scout for more danger and end up with a fight on their hands.

Early evening has brought the darkening of the sky with it, the pastel colors of dusk already fading. Deep in the woods surrounding Port-Au-Feu, silence reigns. There is the movement of animals in the underbrush and through the trees, but not a sound is made by any of the wildlife. No bird calls and no insect chirps, an ominous sign indeed. Five Fae make their way into that forest tonight, Ciaran at the lead. They had discussed his plans at the Court earlier this week and agreed to accompany him in order to scout out the forest in a bid to find the abomination. Or, at the very least, something that would clue them into its actual whereabouts.

A subtle touch and a bit of magic as Ciaran walks by is all it takes to encourage the trees and plants to shift slightly so as to make passage easier for the others following. Dressed in a hunter green jacket, a pair of jeans and some hiking boots, his voice calls over his shoulder, quietly, but loud enough to carry to the others. "Try not to trip on anything. Based on the other two encounters, I think we should find something not far up ahead." Ciaran can already sense the taint and void beginning in this part of the forest, but its still a bit away. "We're getting closer to... something."

Dressed in his usual monochrome, Lucien follows behind, though today he's much more obviously armed than usual. The knives on his person are not concealed for moving about polite company. They are strapped to his thighs, his belt, in his boots, and wherever else he can manage to sheathe them that doesn't hamper his movement. He watches where he goes as they make their way through the foliage, no sunglasses on over his dark eyes with the fading light, able to see comfortably in the dimming evening. He has been quiet since they departed, preferring to listen rather than chat, the usually serious fae seeming more serious than usual, perhaps.

Jesse has been out and about patrolling the Forest and Ways for days when he isn't training. And he isn't dancing while tending bar at the Sylvan Court's cocktail lounge. Truth be told, he has been giving up more of his shifts to give himself more time for training and hunting. The young blond Fae is actually probably one of the stealthiest trackers in the Court. And with all that he has been doing he has yet to be able to find anything of use in all of his time. He's decked out today glamoured in all black, because they were going for a night mission. His black long sleeve shirt even has a hood to cover his blond hair. Go Go Ninja Jesse! He's actually decked out with all sorts of weapons too. He's got the new whip he has been trying out on his hip. The sword he usually fights with on his other hip. And the spear that he has been working with in his primary hand. He looks around to the other four Fae that Ciaran has gathered. His ice blue eyes super alert though. These are the only four Fae in the world he truly cares about. So he's being extra vigilant.

Taliesin does not do well with silence at all, however he is doing his best to keep from humming and bringing attention to their group. It's strange to see him without his guitar and with his sword on his hip, but he rests his hand on the hilt as if it's something he's used to wearing. Other than that he is in all black, and even braided his hair so it stays out of his face. He tends toward the middle of the group, not trusting his sword skills to hold up the rear, but his amber eyes are alert, trying to spot anything out of the ordinary. "You know, this almost feels like that time we faced the Outsiders." He says to Ray. "At least lead up to that battle. At least it's not them right?" He flashes a cheeky grin.

The Autumn Knight has forgone his usual flowing burgundy duster for a shorter, black leather coat. It still has that buccaneer-punk biker vibe, but it's just more practical in such quarters. Less to snag, and so forth. Rey wears the Autumn Blade openly but sheathed, within easy reach at his hip. There's a pale light in his silvery eyes, his supernaturally keen senses on high alert to take in his surroundings. Very little escapes his gaze--or the rest of his awareness, for that matter. He moves with reasonable stealth, though stealth is not his way. Normally, he's one for a flashy entrance and a blazing display of his sword. Still, he gets by. At least he's not stepping on dry twigs all over the place. Taliesin's quip draws a tight smile, and he nods, responding in a quiet rumble, "There's that. Even so, keep sharp. There are more horrors in Heaven and Earth, Horatio...."

As they move further into the woods, a clearing appears just up ahead. "I think I see an opening. Maybe there’s a clue there. I’m sensing..." He halts his steps and closes his eyes, reaching out for a moment. "The animals in this area are afraid. I can tell from their movements. They’re hiding, for the most part. Something in this region has them on edge." Sighing, he continues forward closer to the clearing. "I’m not sure what we’re going to find tonight," he murmurs to the others, "But we need a better idea of where this thing is. All we’ve run into so far are the corrupted things it’s created." Shaking his head slowly, he chews on his lower lip. "We need to catch a break."

Lucien slows when Ciaran comes to a stop, watching him with a steady sort of curiosity, waiting to see what it is that he senses. There's a slight nod when he mentions the animals hiding, and he glances around them, looking into the deepening shadows, watching for movement, though for the moment he sees none with most of the animals indeed, hiding. It's far too still, and that sets him a little bit on edge, that wary anticipation of something being just around the corner. A blade slides into each hand, and he spins them a little bit before taking a firmer grip of the hilts. "Maybe tonight we will," he says quietly. "Let's see what's up ahead." His voice is pitched low, quiet.

Jesse scrunches his nose up as Ciaran explains what he is feeling from the animals. "That's never a good thing. We will find an end to this blight on the Earth if it's the last thing we do." It's weird that he is so serious now. Usually Jesse is the joking and sunshine type. And right now he is all serious and ready to kill these abominations. Ciaran knows he hasn't had much luck himself in patrolling. So this stuff really only wants to be found when it wants to be found. "I can go scout ahead if you prefer Ciaran."

Taliesin smirks to Rey and quicks his brow. "I’m not sure, my philosophy is pretty dreamy the last time I checked." The others might be super serious right now, but Taliesin can’t always reign it in. He quiets himself when Ciaran mentions the animals and frowns as he glances around. Not that he can see them, but the lack of anything darting about in the underbrush is enough to have him tense his hand on the hilt of his sword. When Jesse offers to lead ahead, he frowns. "Tread carefully." He responds with a nod before he falls back into step. He’s thankfully light enough on his feet to keep from making any extra noise. It pays to grow up in a forest covered in fallen leaves.

"Stay together," Rey says, his voice low and grim but carrying to reach the others. "Nature's been twisted here, up ahead--corrupted, far too much like Outsider corruption for my liking--and whatever this... 'off' feeling is, it's on the move. We cannot afford to let it divide us." He reaches to his side, near-silently drawing the Autumn Blade from its sheath. The longsword shimmers faintly in the low light, as though a tongue of flame flickered within the faerie steel, waiting to be set free. "I'm sure I need not say, 'Be on your guard,' but do so--doubly so, at the least. I've not felt such corruption, since...." He trails off, glance flickering to Taliesin. Since *then*, but now isn't the time to dwell on unpleasantries.

Ciaran whispers to Jesse "I think Rey’s right, going on alone would be a bad idea right now. Besides… I get the sinking feeling it wouldn’t matter anyway." His tone of voice is strange as he says that last part. As he enters the clearing, there is a distinct feeling of something wrong in the area, and Ciaran becomes fully alert. A sudden distortion of magic nearby, not far ahead at all and closing in, can easily be sensed by anyone with magical senses. As Ciaran takes a step back in alarm, his eyes widen as he looks at the forest in front of them. "Something ahead. Something… I came across one of the abomination’s spawn once and this feels… similar."

On the opposite side of the clearing, the bushes shake suddenly. Taking several steps into the clearing, Ciaran presses himself back up against a tree and digs his fingers into the bark and reaches out with his magic. "I think there’s something out there. Behind us. Circling. Closing in. I can feel them now that they’re closer. It’s like a bunch of tiny black spots amongst the green." He glances into the woods behind them. "We have a better chance of surviving here, I think." His eyes go over the clearing in front of them. "I hope," he mutters.

There's a definite frown that crosses Lucien's features at the ominous tone in Ciaran's voice. There's a definite tension there, that preparation to fight if need be in the balance of his stance and his movements as they move closer. That wrongness in the air doesn't help the situation, settling into his bones. Though when Ciaran mentions something circling around behind him, he turns to look in that direction, readying his blades and moving around the tree as well, trying to position himself so that he can keep an eye on both the shaking bushes, and what might be coming up from the other side.

"Got it." Is the response from Jesse as he listens to Rey. Yeah he glanced over and saw the Autumn Knight in all his glory ready for battle. Something about that visage is awe inspiring. The man is kind of his hero, if anyone didn't know. But this is a much more serious matter and no time for fawning over your hero in action. When they decide that they are in the optimal position for the attack, Jesse nods his head. "I'm going up." He adjusts his hood and the youngest Fae holds onto the spear with one hand. With no other words, he runs silently and he is up the tree opposite the group in the blink of an eye. The young fae disappears into the shadows of the leaves and branches. Now you see me, now you don't. But he is there, like a jungle cat ready to pounce.

Taliesin looks at Rey as he trails off on his thoughts. His first thought is, surely he must be joking, but looking at Rey’s face he is quite sure that he is neither joking nor Shirley. He doesn’t even bother to ask for confirmation, just sighs and pulls out his sword. "Well… fuck." Taliesin has a long sword, but it is nowhere near as impressive as Rey’s, but it should get the job done. When Jesse runs off to run up a tree he frowns but knows that they need to focus. "Well, if we’re surrounded, let's give them more targets." He concentrates for a moment before he creates a few illusion versions of himself that spread out over the clearing while he himself stays close to the group.

Rey gives Ciaran a nod, glances up to watch Jesse ghost up the tree, then glances back toward Lucian as well, his manner focused but relaxed, grim but confident. "A large number, circling behind," he confirms quietly. He moves to stand at the rear of the group, flourishing his blade into an en garde position. "Take heart, and let them come! They save us the trouble of ferreting them out of their foul dens. They shall find themselves the worse for their boldness. May they break upon us, as the tide upon the shore." There's a touch of Power in the words, a curse against their foes, a promise of the sort only one of fairy blood can give--an Oath that he intends to ensure comes to pass, just as he has spoken.

As the Fae take their places, Jesse hiding in a tree and the others assuming defensive positions near Ciaran, the bushes across from him keep rustling. His breathing begins to speed up as he whispers, "I think we’re about to find out what they are." A moment later, five four-legged creatures dart out. They might have been dogs once, but the dark threads in their hair and the thick, black, corded veins emerging from their skin indicate they are nothing natural anymore. Ciaran bites his lip, hard enough to draw blood, and shakes his head swiftly. "Fuck," he mutters. "Too far gone."

Behind the group from the direction they came, snarls and barks can be heard now. In front, the five once-dogs hesitate, looking at all of Taliesin’s illusions. It slows them down, seeming to confuse them before they drop their snouts to the ground and sniff. This time, they don’t miss a beat before they take off, two of them splitting up between Lucien and Taliesin while the other three converge on Rey, sensing him as the greater threat. The dogs are snapping their jaws as they run, sharp canines ready to pierce and rend. On the outskirts of the clearing, more of the creatures can be heard still, though none have emerged.

They seem to be ignoring Ciaran completely, the Spring Fae having learned how to cloak himself in nature’s energy after the first few encounters with the corrupted. Inhaling deeply, he glances to the others and shakes his head. "I can’t bear to do it. Please, just put them out of their misery. There’s nothing left in them for me to save."

Too far gone is all Lucien needs to know. If there's nothing that Ciaran can do to save them or cleanse them, then there's only one solution. As one of the beasts come running toward him, he lunges forward, not waiting for it to get to him, aiming to meet it half way and plunge at least one of those two knives into its hide on his way past in a kind of dance between the two dark creatures, one corrupted and one fae. His expression is grim, set. This is not the first nightmare he's done battle with, and he doesn't seem to show any fear in confronting it.

Watching from the shadows, Jesse is just waiting for the right time to attack. He watches the illusions of Taliesin that are created and then the 5 creatures that come out and are looking to attack. He waits just for the right time. Ciaran's words about the abominations being too far gone do not fall on deaf ears. He understands and he also waits for one of the beasts to get within his range. With three of the creatures on Rey, he decides that even though the Autumn Knight doesn't need any assistance. He definitely won't risk things. Without warning, he leaps down from the tree. That powerful spear held in both hands and he goes to impale with the diving force. A shadowed blur as he moves quickly to kill with the stealth jump.

When Taliesin sees the ‘dogs’ he tightens his grip on his sword and frowns heavily. Yes this is way too close to that other fight for his liking. He smirks however when they at first seem confused by his illusions, but alas, is he thwarted by their sense of smell. "Well it was worth a shot." When Ciaran confirms that they’re not able to be saved he nods his head. "We got this, just stay safe okay?" This was all fun and games until it all took a turn to Outsider. When three rush toward Rey, he’d gladly help but he has his own mutt to deal with, besides the Knight made this all official with an Oath and he’s got to at least get his name on the credits of this story! His motions with the sword are swift and quick, aiming to use his long arms to keep the damn thing away from him. He does not want to be bit. He does a few quick slashes, hoping they aim true so he can move on to the next dog, if not, he'll keep stabbing at it.

Rey doesn't flinch. Instead, he spins toward the nearest dog, rushing to meet it head-on, and his sword flares with power. Liquid fire streams from the Autumn Blade as the knight sweeps it in a vicious arc toward the first un-dog, moving to follow through to meet the second--but he responds quickly enough to Jesse's surprise maneuver that he doesn't try to include the third in his attack. He would have made it a feint, anyhow, more to drive it back and buy himself room, but as it happens, there's no need. Instead, he aims the deadly arc of his slash at the two oncoming monsters. Offering no utterance to them, he lets the blaze in his sword and in his eyes speak for him. His only word will be death.

Lucien’s daggers hit home and stab into the creature’s side, both of them connecting. The creature’s forward momentum causes it to keep running past a few steps, the gaping wounds pouring out black blood as it trips and collapses onto the ground. Low growls escape its mouth before it shudders once and lies still. Opposite him, Jesse’s leap from the tree gives him the momentum he needs. As his spear comes down and connects with the animal, it pierces completely through the dog. For a few moments, the barest of seconds, the creature is still moving. But it quickly stills and slides down off the tip of the spear, landing in a heap on the ground.

When the one after Taliesin begins to approach the Fae, he begins to demonstrate his fine swordsmanship. Although the creature is fast, Taliesin manages to get several slashes in. Two slices open veins, causing dark blood to pool out onto the ground. The third catches the creature across the face, the blade sinking through an eye socket and piercing its brain. Its reflexes cause it to rear backwards off the blade, but it immediately falls over.

Rey’s skill with a sword is impressive, but the dog-creatures have no hope against the power of the Blade. His first slice connects with several of those black, twisted knots on the first dog and sear them off before the dog is sliced in half. The second, noticing what happened to the first, tries to change course mid-dash but is unable to before the sword catches it as well. The sword leaves a deep gash in its side and it wobbles to the side, shaking before collapsing dead.

Meanwhile, Ciaran’s fingers are still digging into the bark, cloaking himself in the magic of the forest to shield his presence from the attackers. "The ones behind us are coming up now!" he calls out. Moments later, three of the once-dogs burst forward from the direction the group came from. The dogs assess the situation and with a keen intelligence, far more than they should have for such creatures, split up heading for the three less-dangerous foes – giving Rey a wide berth. Across from the group, close to where Jesse originally climbed up, a deep growling begins to pierce the silence.

Once the former-dog goes down, Lucien takes only a moment to wick the black blood from his knives before Ciaran calls out that more are incoming. With another coming toward him, he pivots and leaps toward it, reversing direction to bring both blades once more to bear on the incoming black veined beast. He is nearly silent as he fights, nothing uttered under his breath, no battle cries, no witty banter, just keen focus. The growling behind him causes his jaw to clench a little, teeth gritting, but one thing at a time -- the enemy he can see needs to be dealt with first.

Jesse pulls the spear from the poor beast that he just felled in one quick swoop. The Fae wipes off the ichor from the blade with the body of the fallen creature. He keeps the others in his vision and even gets to see Rey destroy those two abominations with one insanely impressive attack. However, the blond is still on alert for other creatures that may be coming. When he sees that the three former dogs are a whole lot more intelligent than they have any right to be. He frowns. The spear is slung over his back and he pulls off the whip. Another new addition. He's got to try new things. This one comes from his inspiration of Taliesin and Rey both. He doesn't intend to kill with the whip. Instead he is using the whip to herd the beasts towards the pointy end of his companions blades. As he unfurls the whip, the tip of the whip is quickly coated with a small blade of ice. In a blaze of cracks, the whip is hurling flailing back and forth. The blade slicing at the creature but again to force them where he wants them to be.

Taliesin didn’t like the first time he dealt with creatures that were adjacent to these. He definitely had nightmares for weeks afterwards and he is not looking forward to the ones that he’ll likely have because of this battle. Still he presses on and as he gets that lucky shot right in the eye, he has a moment of relief. They can die and so far they’re not getting back up. Ciaran’s announcement keeps him alert and he grins at the next dog that comes forward. "Yes, the danger must be growing." Taliesin slashes at the new arrival. "For the rowers keep on rowing and they’re certainly not showing any signs that they are slowing!" Taliesin quotes, obviously trying to keep his nerves away by talking, that’s just how the bard works. Of course that doesn’t stop him trying to kill this next mutt before whatever that growl is arrives.

Rey spares a brisk nod of thanks for Jesse, glancing at each of the others, then points with his sword to a place beyond the edge of the clearing. "I judge the true foe lies this way," he calls out, his gruff voice carrying like the ring of steel. "These are but hounds in this hunt. Stand ready for their master!" Bringing the sword up in another ornate flourish, he lets the flames dancing along it kindle brighter and hot as he charges ahead to meet the new wave of un-dogs. The silver of his eyes shine against the fire of the Autumn Blade, which shows his grimace of disgust and contempt for these corrupted horrors even as he thrusts his weapon against the nearest of the three that he can reach.

The creature coming for Lucien notices the attack and dodges to the side. One of the daggers misses, but the other hits its mark and slices into the dog’s side. It lets out a growl of outrage and snaps at Lucien, but the man is too quick to get caught. It doesn’t go down just yet, instead running straight into Jesse’s onslaught. That particular tactic catches it off guard and it slips, tripping on itself and taking a moment to regain its bearings, blood dripping down its side. As the dog attacking Taliesin is struck with the bard’s blade, it chomps at him while circling. Jesse’s whip comes swinging by, causing it to turn its attention to the younger Fae, who corrals the dog straight into the path of Rey’s blade. The dog is cut down immediately even as Rey and his sword continue to move towards his actual target.

The third dog has no hope of survival, hemmed in between Jesse and Rey it meets its death at the end of Rey’s Blade. Ciaran looks at the dead, broken bodies as they spill black blood onto the ground and a tear comes to his eye. "So much death. So much pointless death," he mutters. His gaze falls on the one dog-creature still standing, which quickly begins beating a hasty retreat towards the growling.

The growling soon becomes apparent for what it is as a large black wolf appears in the clearing. Or, at least, it looks like a wolf. If a wolf had a disgusting, twisted feel to it. It’s gnarled and hunched and haggard, two mouths full of jagged teeth on its snout and eyeless. It’s giant tail swings back, knocking against a tree trunk and almost uprooting it. The low sound it makes sounds like a growl, but underneath is an undercurrent of something bubbling and slimy. Almost like if it were trying to growl underwater.

"That’s it," Ciaran shouts as he points at it. "The source of the corruption here. Another… spawn of the abomination." Truthfully, the thing feels as disgusting as it looks. Ciaran’s face pale as he looks upon it. "The last time, we… we couldn’t even kill it. We had to banish it. Magic. We need magic now; weapons won’t hurt this one." No sooner does he mention weapons than two more of the hounds appear, ones that /can/ be injured with weapons, one at each side of the creature. Even as the injured one moves back to join them, slowly.

"I don't have the kind of magic that's going to affect these things," Lucien says, finally uttering something after the silent combat with the earlier dogs. "I'll go for the others," he says to those gathered. Why can't people dream of magical hideous-corrupted-wolf-purification-wands or something? No such luck. He glances toward the others but maintains a defensive posture for the time being, not running full tilt at /this/ thing, not without confirming some sort of plan first.

Jesse's face scrunches up when that wolf creature appears. That thing is absolutely terrible. Who needs one mouth when you can have two. Jesse gives a side glance towards Ciaran. "Yeah but the sword of the Autumn Knight isn't a weapon. It is magic." So he is interested in seeing exactly what happens when Rey is unleashed on this creature. He listens to Lucien's words and he nods his head as if to agree to his plan. He isn't about to get in the way of Rey and that blade. Instead he goes to work the smaller beasts. He again planning on using the whip on the 'canine' creatures. Keeping them at a distance for the moment. Then the injured one is spotted limping back. Perfect, put it out of its misery and end its unnatural life. The whip flies through the air with blinding speed and he wraps around the uninjured leg and he uses his strength to yank the creature down off balance.

Taliesin turns as the oversized ‘wolf’ breaks through the tree line and he turns to Ciaran as the information is provided. "Noted." Turning to Rey he shakes his head. "Unless this guy is easily put to sleep, you are on your own, we’ll keep them off of you." He waves his hand at Rey to attempt to make him blurry, in hope that whatever this thing is using for sight is hindered. Hearing the crack of the whip, Taliesin dashes over to the fallen mutt to slash at it and finish it off before he holds up his sword to go after the next one.

Rey offers Jesse a tight smile, nodding, and turns to face the oncoming un-wolf. The silver of his eyes flickers with fire, and he sweeps the blade up to the ready. When he speaks, the words carry a ritual cadence, as though they are an invocation to the Powers he names, saying, "Forged in ancient Lyonesse in the name of The Morrigan, blessed by Her hand and in turn enchanted by The Erlking, Lord of Autumn, I place this sacred blade against you, beast of filth! May I be worthy enough of its power to strike you down!" The flames along the blade dance, throwing sparks like a Harvest bonfire, and the knight breaks into a run, fully committing to his charge. He makes no attempt at defense. He is the Autumn Knight, sworn to stand against the foulest and most abhorrent things that would blight the world. Either he will fell his foe, or he will fall in the attempt!

Ciaran shouts out to the others "Be careful!" He watches as Lucien prepares himself for an attack from the two dogs and it’s well timed, as Jesse’s maneuver succeeds in toppling the injured dog-beast. This only prompts the other two to charge in on the group. One heads for Lucien and one heads for Taliesin. Taliesin’s approach and swipe at the felled creature hits its mark, the creature twitching twice before it stops moving altogether. He’s met immediately by the second hound, which snaps at him as it approaches. They seem to be in a frenzy now that the wolf has appeared, all semblance of coordination they had before gone. The one charging for Lucien is growling low in its throat.

Ciaran pulls himself away from the tree, now that most of the threats near to him are dead, and drops to the ground on his knees. Digging his hands into the dirt, as he tends to do when casting, he raises his eyes and a circular wall of dirt rises, just as Rey passes it, sealing Rey and the Creature in together. It’s just dirt, though, and is easily broken. But if it gives the creature the idea that it’s trapped, it might work to trick it into moving towards Rey.

As Rey dashes forward with his Blade held out, his strike at the creature is true – but the creature senses it somehow, even without eyes, and shifts to the side. The sword strikes its flank and it screams in pain, an unnatural combination of growl, grunt, squeal and shriek. It’s definitely susceptible to the sword’s magic.

When it seems that the plan is "Get'm," Lucien launches into action, leaping forward once more to charge the uninjured dog that is coming at him. He brings his blades to bear much as before, attempting to overtake the beast and use its own momentum to help plunge them into its flank. The unnatural howling from the wolf is a strangely heartening sound. "Well, at least that sounded like it hurt," he mutters under his breath as he attempts to bring down the dog that seems to have its mind set on doing the same to him.

Jesse is actually emblazoned by the words of the Autumn Knight. Hey, he has hero worship. That much is definitely not a very well kept secret. So listening to Rey as he goes completely badass. Well that just makes him want to work harder and better. The corrupted canine that he pulled down with his whip is barely given a second thought. His arm holding the whip to keep the creature from getting up and escaping. The other arm moves and he is channeling his own magic. The air around him drops several degree's and he pulls in the water vapors from the air around him. He conjures up a spear of ice and he unleashes the deadly icicle upon the captured creature. He aims to impale the 'dog' through the chest by the frozen weapon.

Taliesin watches as the wall goes up around Rey and the creature. Not that he wanted to look at that creepy face with the double mouth ever again, but he worries about those mouths chopping on his oldest friend. Pulling his sword out of the dead hound he looks down and flicks the ichor off of it and sighs. "This was not what I was expecting." He says in a serious tone. He can hear Rey’s words of the din of battle and smirks to himself, at least he’s having fun with this. "Are you both okay? I think the smaller ones are dead, now we just have the big one." That he can’t hurt with his sword.

Rey doesn't pull back. Instead, he heaves his weight against the sword, shoving it into the creature with all his strength. He speaks, but he's not speechmaking. Instead, he's murmuring invocations, drawing on all the power his Court and his blood will grant him. Fire surges along the blade, flowing toward the end that's been thrust into the twisted and befouled lupine creature. He offers no more speeches. That time is past. Even so, it makes for a dramatic image--Rey's wiry form silhouetted by the flames dancing before him, casting his safety to the winds in favor of throwing all his might into the assault against the creature.

Lucien’s daggers are quick, quicker than the frenzied dog. They slice through it and it collapses, no fight left in it. Blood pools around the corpse even as Jesse’s wintry attack hits the third dog full force. The third and final dog dies, leaving just the leader now. As Rey drives the Blade deeper into the giant wolf-thing, it lets out another burbling shriek. Suddenly, it begins falling apart. First the tail dissipates, followed by one of its mouths. A leg, the snout, it slowly just dematerializes as it faces the full onslaught of the Autumn Blade. Only when it’s completely banished, and Ciaran can no longer feel its presence, does he let the wall around Rey drop. It’s a good thing the Spring Fae is already on his knees, because he’s almost worn himself out again. Looking up, he winces at the sight of all of the dead hounds, black blood tainting the land further. "You did it," he whispers. The Thing is gone, but it feels like a hollow victory to the Fae.

With the final dog down, Lucien straightens up and focuses on that dirt wall and listening to the battle that is going on behind it. But it doesn't take long before Rey has dispatched the wolf, and the barrier comes down. He breathes out a breath he wasn't aware he'd been holding, and then takes a step back toward Ciaran, looking at him with concern. "You okay?" he asks. Then he glances around at everyone else. "Everyone okay?"

Jesse unfurls the whip from the foul creature that he just ended. He scrunches his nose up at the black ichor and the smell of putrid death from the 'dog'. He sighs and then looks around to take stock of everyone. He hears Ciaran's words about the thing being done. However, he also takes note of the expression from the Spring Fae. His ice cold eyes soften and he purses his lips. No witty conversation today. "I'm sorry Ciaran. We will get to the bottom of this soon. I give my word." He looks down and then moves closer to the group. "Let's take Ciaran home and get him showered and in a cuddle pile."

Taliesin looks down at himself to verify that nothing is missing and puts his sword away. Jesse might not be up for witty banter, but Taliesin can't seem to stop himself. "See, no big deal. We walk in, Rey brings his sword and we'll have this cleaned up in no time." Never mind that his stomach is lingering around the bottom of his feet, he has a smarmy grin on his lips. Leaning down he'll offer his hand to Ciaran, looking to at least help the poor lad walk back through the woods. "Yes, I think a good cup of tea and a pile of bodies is what you need."

Rey rises above the dissolving creature, staring down at it with an air of sorrow. A hollow victory, indeed. The fact that the thing had existed at all was a profound loss in so many ways. He draws forth a handkerchief from his coat, wiping down his blade, and sheathes it. The handkerchief he balls up. It will have to be disposed of later. He turns to the others, giving Jesse a grateful look, and then regards Ciaran with concern. After a moment, he nods. "I'll fetch my bike and get him home as swiftly as I can. We shall have to take steps to see this place properly cleansed." A pause, then he manages a smile. "Even so, my friends, let us not ignore the importance of what we have done here. A dark time is upon us. There is no shining moment of victory, here. No glory. And yet, we have won the day. We have drawn a line, and on the far side of it, that will survive which elsewise would have been destroyed. Let us take heart in that."

Having thus spoken, he goes to retrieve the Waysmaster. Victory or defeat, they cannot afford to linger. Tomorrow waits for no one.

The story continues in: 2020.05.13 - The Ghost Whisperer