Lucien Reveille

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Full Name:
Lucien Reveille
Le Rêve
Dreamwalking Drifter
OC (None)
Lucien is one of the Fae folk, a walker of dreams and nightmares who can travel through dreamscapes and manipulate them, or bring bits and pieces of them into the waking world. He's a drifter who manages to find a place to sleep, a meal, and whatever he needs to get by where he can.


Lucien can be fickle and sometimes moody, and he is often quiet. While he tends to maintain the facade of distance, he actually likes to help out those who are kind, suffering, or seem to need help. On the flip side, his anger burns hot and sharp to those who do harm to those who don't deserve it, or to those few he actually cares about.


Lucien is one of the fae folk, a creature of dream and nightmare who uses the dreamscapes of sleepers to travel from place to place, and can manipulate and interact with them through those dreams. He found himself on the streets at a young age, having been taken in by a mortal family when he was young. He was always a troubled child, and spent much of his time retreating into his own imagination, spending a lot of time in his own head, just trying to be as invisible as possible.

As he's gotten older, he's learned more how to fend for himself out in the real world. Sometimes he takes on odd jobs, and sometimes he just helps out those who seem to need it in ways that garner their desire to help him out in return, usually in some form of hospitality or another.

He hasn't spent much time around others of his own kind, tending to be more of a loner, and thus he's developed most of his skills on his own, learning his own innate natural abilities through trial and error.

He has a beautiful singing voice, and he could truly be a musician, something he's always wanted to pursue, but the opportunity just hasn't presented itself.