Kon-El (Earth H)

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This is the Earth-H version of Kon-El. You can check the Superboy disambiguation page for more information.


Full Name:
Kon-El, Conner Kent
The Teen of Steel
Quote-open.png I pity da fool who mess wit' da S! Quote-close.png
— Himself
On Earth H', Superboy is well-known to be a cloned hybrid of Kryptonian and human DNA.

Young, reckless, and a bit headstrong, he always has a smart quip at the ready, but Kon-El nevertheless takes his role as superhero seriously, even if he sometimes lets his flair for the dramatic get the better of him. He doesn't let the fame of the S-Shield get to his head, and as a result he is trustworthy and liked.

Kon is known to be the Kryptonian lifemate of Skyboy, alias Kal-En or Knick Alen. In Superia, Kon-El is mainly known as a doppelganger for the Earth 1 Superboy.


Superboy is really sure of himself. He's had a few blows to his self-confidence before, but overall he's remained in many ways the same brash kid who broke out of the Cadmus project and proclaimed himself Superman. Naturally, this can lead to trouble, with him biting off more than he can chew. At the same time, it gives him a store of confidence to draw upon, and makes it much easier to take the risks and do the things that he does, and enjoy it.

A thrill-seeker, an adventurer, call it what you like: Superboy loves a rush, and he loves to go seeking whatever in life will be fun to do. The thrill of adventure is a major motivation for him. It's almost as if he lives his life like trying to decide which of the summer's action blockbusters promises for the most explosions, great chase scenes, and cool dialogue.

While he can be wild and playful, he also has the heart of a true hero. He has come to always put the lives of innocents first, going out of his way to help people, and always strives to live up to the S-Shield. In any case, the kid's a decent guy, once you get to know him.


Born in a cloning tube deep in the Cadmus Project as "Experiment 13," the being who would come to be known as Kon-El was created as a replacement when the Superman of his world seemingly died. Superman returned, of course, and despite initial reluctance, the so-called Metropolis Kid accepted the mantle of Superboy, instead. Earning his own name first in Hawaii and later in various roles, such as a member of the teen teem Young Justice, he became a well-respected hero in his own right. He experienced many adventures, but after a couple of years he met the extradimensional Kryptonian, Kon-En (alias Knick Alen, alias Skyboy) and the two became close friends. What Kon didn't realize at first was that Knick was romantically attracted to him, and after months of such obliviousness the two began to gradually develop a relationship. A few years on, Kon had become a member of the superhero team UNITY, led by Skyboy, and eventually even became Skyboy's lifemate. They continue to have many adventures on Earth Hyper', but at times they also visit other realities. Having recently discovered Superia, they have ventured there in the spirit of peaceful exploration.