I pity da fool who mess wit' da S! |
— Himself |
On Earth H', Superboy is well-known to be a cloned hybrid of Kryptonian and human DNA.
Young, reckless, and a bit headstrong, he always has a smart quip at the ready, but Kon-El nevertheless takes his role as superhero seriously, even if he sometimes lets his flair for the dramatic get the better of him. He doesn't let the fame of the S-Shield get to his head, and as a result he is trustworthy and liked.
Kon is known to be the Kryptonian lifemate of Skyboy, alias Kal-En or Knick Alen. In Superia, Kon-El is mainly known as a doppelganger for the Earth 1 Superboy.
Superboy is really sure of himself. He's had a few blows to his self-confidence before, but overall he's remained in many ways the same brash kid who broke out of the Cadmus project and proclaimed himself Superman. Naturally, this can lead to trouble, with him biting off more than he can chew. At the same time, it gives him a store of confidence to draw upon, and makes it much easier to take the risks and do the things that he does, and enjoy it.
A thrill-seeker, an adventurer, call it what you like: Superboy loves a rush, and he loves to go seeking whatever in life will be fun to do. The thrill of adventure is a major motivation for him. It's almost as if he lives his life like trying to decide which of the summer's action blockbusters promises for the most explosions, great chase scenes, and cool dialogue.
While he can be wild and playful, he also has the heart of a true hero. He has come to always put the lives of innocents first, going out of his way to help people, and always strives to live up to the S-Shield. In any case, the kid's a decent guy, once you get to know him.
Born in a cloning tube deep in the Cadmus Project as "Experiment 13," the being who would come to be known as Kon-El was created as a replacement when the Superman of his world seemingly died. Superman returned, of course, and despite initial reluctance, the so-called Metropolis Kid accepted the mantle of Superboy, instead. Earning his own name first in Hawaii and later in various roles, such as a member of the teen teem Young Justice, he became a well-respected hero in his own right. He experienced many adventures, but after a couple of years he met the extradimensional Kryptonian, Kon-En (alias Knick Alen, alias Skyboy) and the two became close friends. What Kon didn't realize at first was that Knick was romantically attracted to him, and after months of such obliviousness the two began to gradually develop a relationship. A few years on, Kon had become a member of the superhero team UNITY, led by Skyboy, and eventually even became Skyboy's lifemate. They continue to have many adventures on Earth Hyper', but at times they also visit other realities. Having recently discovered Superia, they have ventured there in the spirit of peaceful exploration.
Acrobatics - Expert Level
Superboy is naturally very agile and limber, and his skill in acrobatics allows him to pull off plenty of stunts. This is especially useful in aerial maneuvers and in combination with his martial arts skill. While he's not likely to qualify for the Olympics any time soon based on skill alone, he also really doesn't need to.
Charisma - Competent Level
Simply put, the kid is fairly likable. He's got style, he's got spunk, and despite his personality drawbacks, people tend to like him anyway. He's also attractive, which tends to help, and he's become fairly diplomatic when he has to be. His overall likability allows him to exert fair influence over people in general. When the situation calls for it he can be quite persuasive or intimidating.
Superboy has some martial arts training, which he has developed over the years into a capable combat style. You just don't spend so much time in the presence of really great martial artists without picking up a few moves here and there. The final result is a very competent Teen of Steel when it comes to fighting hand to hand. He also has experience with various weaponry, particularly exotic technological weapons. When it comes to unarmed combat and, perhaps surprisingly, fighting with just a shield, he's gotten to the point where he can be called an expert.
Perception - Expert Level
Stealth - Competent Level
Technology - Competent Level
Power: Breath - Enhanced Level
Kon can create a number of effects by expelling air through his lips. He can cause heat dissipation, super-cooling the air like an arctic wind, able to rapidly freeze objects up to the size of a large armored vehicle. The air can be released at normal temperature or in rapid gusts or blasts, akin to gale force winds. Kon's tremendous breath control also allows him to pull in oxygen through his nose while cycling it back out through his mouth, thus keeping up a sustained breath effect, or to hold his breath for nearly an entire day before needing to take in additional oxygen. This allows him to travel through space or underwater for extended periods.
Power: Flight - Supreme Level
Kon is able to fly by manipulating kinetic force around his body, allowing him to attain hypersonic speeds within an atmosphere. Outside of an atmosphere, he can attain much greater speeds.
Power: Heat Vision - Enhanced Level
Kon can utilize stored solar energy to affect heat diffusion. While his breath can dissipate heat, his eyes can focus it, allowing him to expel beams of heat at any target in his line of sight.
Power: Invulnerability - Supreme Level
Kon's molecular density is greater than that of a normal human, but even more key to his invulnerability is a micro-thin force field that encloses his body. The field does not prohibit Kon from touching, tasting, or otherwise interacting with the world, but it does filter out harmful effects, antigens, and nearly anything that might damage him physically. With access to solar radiation from a star of yellow or greater intensity, Kon also heals very rapidly and completely, allowing him to regenerate from nearly any harm, even many "fatal" injuries. The force field can also be projected a short distance outside his body, protecting anything held very close to him, such as his clothing or a person or object held close against his body.
Notably, while Kon is in the Supreme invulnerability class, he is at the middle area of that spectrum, considerably less physically resilient than Superman.
Thanks to having his genetics rewritten to make him a full Kryptonian, Superboy has the same powers as any other of that species. Most of these abilities are granted by the presence of solar energy from what he often refers to casually as a "yellow sun." Technically, stars of the ideal class are G-type in the blue-white through yellow spectrum. This is bolstered by his increased molecular density, making him mildly more durable than a human being even when de-powered. Kon's Kryptonian brain also grants him potentially much greater intelligence than most humans, and most of his powers are psychokinetically focused by that specialized Kryptonian brain. When empowered by solar radiation, Kon is also immune to all known forms of illness or disease, and he only requires an average of two hours of sleep per night to function at peak efficiency.
Power: Senses - Supreme Level
Kon's senses are psychokinetically augmented by the solar energies within him. This allows him to see as far as the curvature of the Earth allows, to pick out sounds miles away and both hear and see in wavelengths far beyond the human perceptible range. This includes the ability to hear the entire range of audible sound and to see along the entire infrared spectrum. The clarity of his vision is also microscopic as well as telescopic, allowing him to see the structure of matter down to the atomic level.
As a Kryptonian, Kon absorbs solar energy from stars of yellow intensity or greater, such as Earth's sun. This energy is stored within his body, serving as a power source for his race's latent psychokinetic abilities. Unlike a true psychic, Kryptonian powers operate by instinct and physical focus, taking the form if such abilities as are described throughout these traits. If Kon's solar energies are depleted, he can be rendered nearly as powerless as an ordinary human, though his molecular density still grants him modestly enhanced strength and toughness.
Power: Super Speed - Enhanced Level
Though his speed is modest by the standards of a Speed Force user, Kon is still capable of moving at supersonic land speeds within the Earth's atmosphere. He is able to perform various physical tasks at roughly one hundred times the speed of a human in optimal physical condition.
Power: Telekinetic Strength - Supreme Level
Kon's strength is enhanced via a tactile telekinetic field that extends to any object he touches. This field grants the vast majority of his invulnerability to damage, and it also allows him to exert much greater physical force than most other beings. Unlike most Kryptonians, Kon can extend this field to perform complex tactile telekinetic manipulations, allowing him to send kinetic blasts through any solid medium (like the ground), to disassemble complex devices with a touch, and other such touch-based telekinetic feats.
In addition, this field grants stability to whatever he touches, allowing him to perform such feats as picking up an airplane by an otherwise fragile wing or to use a lamp pole as a viable weapon, where it would otherwise shatter in his hands if he forcefully swung it at anything. Kon's solar reserves also grant him effectively limitless stamina and sustenance, allowing him to subsist with minimal rest or nutrition for weeks at a time.
Notably, while Kon is in the Supreme strength class, he is at the low to mid area of that spectrum, considerably less physically powerful than Superman.
Not a lot to say here, but Superboy is highly attractive. Not only is he very good-looking, as many people are, but he also has a kind of personal magnetism and charisma that makes him very appealing to others.
While this is not his native reality, Kon-El still has allies who may visit this world alongside him, and many of them may have useful aid they may offer him. Apart from this, even as an alternate version of Superboy, he may be able to benefit from any positive reputation held by the Superboy native to this reality.
While he doesn't attain skill mastery any faster than others, Kon has an uncanny ability to pick up the basics of something quickly. He doesn't always retain this ability if he doesn't keep it up, but with a bit of intense training, he's proved able to pick up skills at a novice level, at least temporarily, with relatively little preparation or experience.
Incorrigible. Time and time again, Kon-El has proved that, to him, very little is sacred. Just about anything is open game for teasing or otherwise being made light of. So, the world's going to end -- that doesn't mean he can't get a laugh out of it! Even those things and people he has great respect for, such as Superman, are open game for being teased or joked about. That said, there are a fair number of authority figures who Superboy just doesn't respect much.
When Krypton was destroyed, some of the planet's matter was charged with radioactive energy from its star, Rao, interacting with the crystalline material of Krypton's planetary body. The end result was the gemlike green substance known as "Kryptonite." The molecular and radioactive properties of Kryptonite make it harmful to Kryptonian cells, thus making it harmful and toxic to them. If Kon is struck by a Kryptonite weapon, he will be harmed as a normal mortal would. Even being near Kryptonite causes him to feel physically ill.
However, the rate of recovery once removed from the emissions is as rapid as the rate of damage, and Kon will be back to normal in under an hour after exposure if he can directly absorb enough solar energy. Kryptonite radiation can be blocked by lead or super-dense materials. Kon routinely undergoes Kryptonite serum treatments of his own design. As a result, the toxic effects of Kryptonite are much reduced for him. It can still harm him when used as a weapon, but it takes much longer for the toxic effects to weaken him, and even if they do, he is much more likely to be incapacitated than killed.
Due to the strange circumstances of his genetic and extradimensional origins, rarer forms of Kryptonite as well, such as red Kryptonite, don't always seem to have much effect on Kon. They often make him uncomfortable and may give him symptoms of illness and weakness, much like green kryptonite does, but they don't always affect him the way they would a normal Kryptonian from this universe.
Simply enough, Kon will do nearly anything for those he cares about. No risk or sacrifice is too great, and he would readily die to protect someone he loves. No matter how invulnerable Kon may become outside, he will always be vulnerable within through his ties to the people he cares about.
Against the powers of magic or various mental psychic powers, Kryptonians have no special defenses. They are not explicitly "weak" against these forces so much as they cannot especially resist them. Many psychic powers and magical effects can ignore Kon's various defenses and resistances, harming him or affecting him much as they would an ordinary Earthling. Notably, however, Kon has a very strong will, and after extensive training with various telepaths, such as Dubbilex of Cadmus, he has developed strong resistance to mental compulsion. As a result, it is now virtually impossible to affect him with mind-control or other mental compulsion. This gives him no protection from direct mental attacks, which he weathers about as well as a strong-willed human being.
Superboy bases his interactions with the public and criminals on a strict moral code that forces him to uphold truth, justice, and due process. He has vowed to never kill and will often attempt to find the diplomatic solution until it is clear that will not work, or if someone is in imminent harm.
Kon requires solar energy to function at peak capacity, or his powers fade to greatly reduced levels or disappearing entirely if his solar reserves are empty. Kon cannot absorb energy from the lower frequency orange K-type stars, and the radiation from red M-type stars actually disrupts his absorption process. Under the light of such a star, he will begin to lose his power at a slow but steady rate. Within a few hours of such conditions, he will be effectively drained of his powers.