Conner Kent (Earth H)

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This is the Earth H version of an alternate take on Kon-El. You can check the Superboy disambiguation page for more information.


Full Name:
Conner Kent/Con-El
Boy of Steel
Quote-open.png Responsible shenanigans is my job! Quote-close.png
— Himself
Con-El, as he has chosen to be called, is a member of Unity from Earth H. He has broken lose from his origin as a living weapon to embrace the world, his family, and his friends. Con-El always tries to do the right thing, and has sometimes been regarded as the responsible trouble-maker in the family.


For a while, Conner was consumed with proving that he was more than a living weapon created to cause death. His family and friends in Unity helped him escape that past and show him that he made his own future. He wasn't a weapon, he wasn't a copy, he was Con-El, Superboy!

Since that day, Conner has felt as if a weight was lifted. On the outside, he presents himself as a confident, outgoing, and caring young man, perhaps with a tendency to get a bit cocky when his ability to do something has been challenged. Let it never be said that Conner Kent backed down from a challenge, though he always likes there to be stakes to make it more interesting. This has gotten him into trouble before, but each time he continues to learn from it. On the inside, there are still small seeds of doubt about his place in the world, but those only bear fruit in times of crisis or when he feels his he has no other solution than to resort to uncontrolled violence. Luckily, he has a close family that he relies on to see him through.

Conner has been known to show his more sensitive side around his family and close friends. At his core, he has the heart of a hero and always strives to do the right thing, even if it's not the easy thing. He continually strives to live up to the S-Shield that he wears emblazoned on his uniform.


In a particularly dark Hypertime reality of the multiverse, a Superboy was born. This version of Superboy was a clone not of Superman but of the son of Superman and Lois Lane, Jon-El, who in that universe had been corrupted. The cloned Superboy was also manipulated by dark forces in his universe, but despite this he met Superman and Supergirl and learned to be a hero. When pulled back in time to the moment of Krypton's destruction, the young clone saved young Supergirl and Argo City from destruction, fully prepared to sacrifice his own life to save theirs and die -- not as the living weapon he was created to be, but as a kid who tried.

But that's not how this story ends.

A universe away, the Kryptonian god, Rao, of Earth-H sent his avatar, Skyboy, along with that universe's Superboy and Zenith, to intercede and save that Superboy. They did so, at first using Zenith's magic to return to him to his home time, but when catastrophe struck that Superboy's home, they returned again to his aid. In the wake of that crisis, that Superboy and many of his friends and allies all came to live on Earth H in Unity City, where they were much happier than in the darker, more inhospitable world that had been their home. The young man is now known as Connor Kent, or Con-El -- not a weapon, a Superboy.

When Knick (alias Skyboy), Kon-El (alias the original Superboy of Earth H), and Seth (alias Zenith) began to travel through Hypertime to visit Superia, Conner eventually chose to join them. Now, along with the rest of his Earth H family, he has a new and wonderful world to explore and come to know, and new adventures await him there.