Responsible shenanigans is my job! |
— Himself |
Con-El, as he has chosen to be called, is a member of Unity from Earth H. He has broken lose from his origin as a living weapon to embrace the world, his family, and his friends. Con-El always tries to do the right thing, and has sometimes been regarded as the responsible trouble-maker in the family.
For a while, Conner was consumed with proving that he was more than a living weapon created to cause death. His family and friends in Unity helped him escape that past and show him that he made his own future. He wasn't a weapon, he wasn't a copy, he was Con-El, Superboy!
Since that day, Conner has felt as if a weight was lifted. On the outside, he presents himself as a confident, outgoing, and caring young man, perhaps with a tendency to get a bit cocky when his ability to do something has been challenged. Let it never be said that Conner Kent backed down from a challenge, though he always likes there to be stakes to make it more interesting. This has gotten him into trouble before, but each time he continues to learn from it. On the inside, there are still small seeds of doubt about his place in the world, but those only bear fruit in times of crisis or when he feels his he has no other solution than to resort to uncontrolled violence. Luckily, he has a close family that he relies on to see him through.
Conner has been known to show his more sensitive side around his family and close friends. At his core, he has the heart of a hero and always strives to do the right thing, even if it's not the easy thing. He continually strives to live up to the S-Shield that he wears emblazoned on his uniform.
In a particularly dark Hypertime reality of the multiverse, a Superboy was born. This version of Superboy was a clone not of Superman but of the son of Superman and Lois Lane, Jon-El, who in that universe had been corrupted. The cloned Superboy was also manipulated by dark forces in his universe, but despite this he met Superman and Supergirl and learned to be a hero. When pulled back in time to the moment of Krypton's destruction, the young clone saved young Supergirl and Argo City from destruction, fully prepared to sacrifice his own life to save theirs and die -- not as the living weapon he was created to be, but as a kid who tried.
But that's not how this story ends.
A universe away, the Kryptonian god, Rao, of Earth-H sent his avatar, Skyboy, along with that universe's Superboy and Zenith, to intercede and save that Superboy. They did so, at first using Zenith's magic to return to him to his home time, but when catastrophe struck that Superboy's home, they returned again to his aid. In the wake of that crisis, that Superboy and many of his friends and allies all came to live on Earth H in Unity City, where they were much happier than in the darker, more inhospitable world that had been their home. The young man is now known as Connor Kent, or Con-El -- not a weapon, a Superboy.
When Knick (alias Skyboy), Kon-El (alias the original Superboy of Earth H), and Seth (alias Zenith) began to travel through Hypertime to visit Superia, Conner eventually chose to join them. Now, along with the rest of his Earth H family, he has a new and wonderful world to explore and come to know, and new adventures await him there.
Athletics - Competent Level
Created as a living weapon for his abilities, Conner is nonetheless a capable athlete, able to use his skills in conjunction with his powers to great effect. He's strong, agile, and fast, at least the equal of most competitive athletes. His prowess may not be up to Olympian standards, but he could certainly compete and win in national competitions if he applied himself. Even now, he continues to train, not because he wishes to fight, but so that he can help protect his family if the need arises.
Charisma - Competent Level
Despite his troubled origins, Conner maintains a positive outlook since he has been freed. He tends to see situations and people as an opportunity, and this view of the world for the first time can help others see the possibilities before them as well. While he is not capable of telling incredibly believable lies or getting people to do things they would not otherwise do, he has an earnest charm that tends to put people at ease.
Conner was made to fight, and for that purpose he was naturally skilled at it. Since becoming his own man, Conner has continued train in several martial arts. He once had the chance to witness a pair of Capoeira fighters and has since been fascinated with the fighting art. Because of this, he has started adapting his previous training into a more fluid, unpredictable style that captures the essence of Capoeira but allows for surprise attacks and defenses unseen in the art.
Expression - Competent Level
Conner has taken an interest in music, dance and expression of different kinds in recent years. From his interest in Capoeira to watching his super family members show off their dance moves, Conner has picked up enough to be a passable dance partner. When he was still rebelling against his origins, he had taken to the drums as an outlet, though the sounds he produced were more harsh and violent, barely resembling music. Since then, he's honed his skills and now is quite the accomplished drummer to accompany his family when needed or to entertain others.
Technology - Competent Level
No slouch to using computers and other technology, Conner still has a lot to learn about advanced systems and the underlying science. Luckily, his Kryptonian heritage and family mean he has a lot of help making himself more informed on these. He hopes to be as good as he can be and to use that knowledge to make sure what happened to him doesn't happen to others.
Having only recently gotten his driver's license, Conner is still getting the used to driving any type of vehicle. Usually he would fly anywhere he needed to go, but he knows that's not always possible or advisable to maintain the integrity of his identity.
Power: Cloned Kryptonian Physiology - Enhanced Level
Under the effects of a "yellow" or similar phase sun, Superboy possesses the potential of powers a half-Kryptonian. Though his Kryptonian abilities haven't perfectly developed, probably due to his young age, some of these include the ability to live and speak in the vacuum of space, durability to withstands pain and damage such as the touch of lava, superhuman hearing, stamina, and recovery from poison, disease, and wounds.
Power: Enhanced Senses - Enhanced Level
Conner's senses are psychokinetically augmented by the solar energies within him. This allows him to see nearly as far as the curvature of the Earth allows, to pick out sounds miles away and both hear and see in wavelengths far beyond the human perceptible range. This includes the ability to hear the entire range of audible sound and to see along the entire infrared spectrum. The clarity of his vision is also microscopic as well as telescopic, allowing him to see the structure of matter down to the mollecular (but not atomic) level.
Using his telekinesis, Conner can similarly expand and extend his sensory output beyond the limited range of his immediate surroundings. This results in sharpening both his touch to feeling everything around him, even picking up the subtle vibrations on the air or in the ground in order to simulate a sonar tracking effect.
Power: Flight - Enhanced Level
Superboy can fly fast enough to break the sound barrier, even without using his tactile telekinesis. In his home reality, was able to fly incredibly fast from Smallville to the middle of a desert. If he boosts his flight speed with telekinesis, he can keep up with most of even the fastest flyers.
Power: Heat Vision - Enhanced Level
By vibrating molecules within his line of sight, Superboy can, as a conscious act, fire beams of intense heat from his eyes sufficient to set things ablaze. Superboy can, at a target by looking at it. He can vary the heat up to Enhanced level, and he can divide its area of effect between focused range and more localized spread. At full spread, it is generally limited to his immediate area of up to a few dozen yards, while when focused it can reach as far as his line of sight. This is an adapted aspect of his telekinetic powers.
Power: Multilinqualism - Enhanced Level
Due to his unique psionic powers, Superboy can learn new languages by simply touching a person. He has shown to know and speak English and Kryptonian perfectly.
Power: Solar Radiation Absorption - Enhanced Level
Under optimal conditions, this is the main source of Superboy's powers as they are contingent upon exposure to solar radiation from a yellow sun star system. His Kryptonian body is constantly absorbing and storing energy from Earth's yellow sun, which in turn grants him incredible powers.
Power: Super Breath - Enhanced Level
Superboy is able to create hurricane force winds within the area immediately in front of him by exhaling air from his lungs.
Power: Super Durability - Enhanced+ Level
Even without his tactile telekinesis field, Superboy is tough enough to resist being harmed touching hot lava. He can also withstand punches from even super-powered beings, and as noted in his Physiology power is also resistant to many weaknesses held by normal humans.
Power: Super Speed - Enhanced Level
Superboy is able to move at incredible speed by sheer force of will. This extends to his perceptions and allows for feats such as catching bullets in mid flight as well as covering vast distances in little or no time. He was able to travel for more than three miles and back so fast that people didn't even noticed he left. While not as fast as Impulse and other Flashes on the ground, Superboy can still fly at speeds faster than the speed of sound. This speed also gives him great agility, and he can easily dodge bullets and avoid physical combat strikes. Using his tactile telekinesis, Kon-El can focus his telekinesis inward to accelerate his molecular motion in order to move at ultrahigh velocities for bursts of increased speed.
Power: Super Strength - Enhanced Level
Superboy displayed strength enough to bench press a couple tons, he is strong enough to lift a semi-truck car over his head while flying. He often uses his Tactile Telekinesis ability (listed separately) to simulate having greater much strength than this. While not as strong as Superman, Superboy still exhibits strength far beyond that of many other beings.
Power: Tactile Telekinesis - Supreme Level
Superboy's body is completely surrounded by an invisible field of telekinetic energy, protecting him from harm and enhancing his physical abilities. This can also be used to manipulate objects that are on the same surface as the user (such as the ground) or people/objects that he has recently touched within the last few moments. Some of the stunts he can do are:
Simulated Invulnerability: Superboy uses his telekinetic ability to create an invisible force field around his own body.
Simulated Superhuman Strength: Superboy uses a telekinetic field to lift heavy objects. Superboy's strength is so great with his telekinesis that, at an extreme push, he was able to lift Argo City into Krypton's orbit.
Telekinetic Blasts: Superboy is able to project bursts of raw energy bolts of concussive force. He mostly projects the energy from his hands, but his TK field permeates from his entire body. The blasts he emits have concussive force equivalent to roughly 5,000 pounds of TNT.
Superboy's suit sports the symbol of the House of El and monitors his TK, alerting him if any aspect of his power use seems to be out of balance for some reason. The suit also repairs itself over time when it has taken damage.
While this is not his native reality, Conner has allies, friends, and family he can call on for side. These members of Unity protect each other and join together against threats to any one of their number.
When Krypton was destroyed, some of the planet's matter was charged with radioactive energy from its star, Rao, interacting with the crystalline material of Krypton's planetary body. The end result was the gemlike green substance known as "Kryptonite." The molecular and radioactive properties of Kryptonite make it harmful to Kryptonian cells, thus making it harmful and toxic to them. If Conner is struck by a Kryptonite weapon, he will be harmed as a normal mortal would. Even being near Kryptonite causes him to feel physically ill.
However, the rate of recovery once removed from the emissions is as rapid as the rate of damage, and Conner will be back to normal in under an hour after exposure if he can directly absorb enough solar energy. Kryptonite radiation can be blocked by lead or super-dense materials.
There are other, rarer forms of Kryptonite as well, such as red Kryptonite, which induces bizarre effects for a period of about twenty-four hours, or gold Kryptonite, which temporarily suppresses most Kryptonian powers in a manner similar to red solar radiation.
Superboy's his resistances are lowered against magical attacks. He can be harmed more readily by magic, and his Kryptonian physiology offers no special resistance to magical attacks. Because of this he usually has to get out of the way of them using his agility, rather than trying to tank the damage as he otherwise might.