Seth Alen

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Full Name:
Sol-Z'En, Seth Olsen Alen
The Last Sorcerer of Krypton
Quote-open.png Aww, c'mon! What could possibly go wrong? Quote-close.png
— Himself
In the world of Superia, Sol-Z'En isn't very well-known. In his native reality, Earth H', he is best known as Zenith, a renowned superhero affiliated with Unity. Also known as Seth Alen, he is the adopted younger brother of Skyboy, who is publicly known as Knick Alen. Seth's Kryptonian name, Sol-Z'En (which reflects his birth family, House Zen, as well as his adopted family, House En), is not widely known, but neither is it a particular secret. He has only limited fame in Superia.


Seth is something of a kid at heart. That isn't to say that he has the mind of a child, but in many ways he's never progressed past the more reckless side of adolescence, despite having cognitive development years beyond an Earth teenager. He tends to be impulsive, a bit overconfident, and seems to expect to take on the world and always come out on top and unscathed. He's very curious about anything that strikes his fancy and sometimes has a tendency to goof around when he should really be tending to serious matters. Despite his brashness and relative immaturity, Zenith has an endlessly good heart and a tremendous compassion for others. He generally strives very hard to live up to the standard set by his peers, especially Skyboy and the Super-family, and will risk his life without a moment's hesitation if it means helping someone in need.


It's an old story, now. Everyone knows the tale of Krypton and how it died, knows that the Last Son of Krypton was sent hurtling through space to find a new home. This tale has been true across many iterations, across timelines, across Hypertime, across whole dimensions and multiverses. In one dimension, in one timeline, a boy was born on Krypton some ten years before it was destroyed. That boy was Sol-Zen, who grew up happily on an island in Krypton's western ocean. He grew up a happy child, though he never knew his father Shin-Zen very well. He died in an accident when Seth was very young. His mother, Mia Shin-Zen, was a renowned artist, and working from her home studio allowed her to be an attentive single parent. It was a good way to grow up.

Until the day Krypton died. Sol-Zen was not placed in a rocket and sent to safety, but his latent magical talent -- a rare gift among Kryptonians -- activated and cast him into a pocket realm. For him time stood still within that world, though his mind and body grew and matured over some fair number of Kryptonian years. This was a world where nothing could hurt him, where all was created by his whim and imagination. If he was lonely, he would find a friend. If he was hungry, there would be food. He found safety and security there, and he buried his mourning for his mother and Krypton deep within himself.

Eventually he drew near a rift in Hypertime, centered on another reality's planet Earth over the Azores islands. His pocket reality was ruptured, and he was cast out into this new, strange world. There he met the team called Unity and was effectively adopted by them. He came to idolize the team's de facto leader, Skyboy, and the two grew so close that eventually Knick chose to adopt Sol-Zen, who had chosen the Earth name Seth Olsen, as his little brother. Seth later changed the rendering of his Kryptonian name to Sol-Z'En and his Earth name to Seth Olsen Alen (with Olsen becoming a middle name) to reflect his membership in both houses. They have had many adventures together since, and now Seth has chosen to come to the world of Superia along with his adopted brother, curious to see what the world will hold.