Tim Drake

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Several characters have been known to use the codename "Robin." You can check the Robin disambiguation page for more information.


Full Name:
Timothy Jackson Drake
Yet Another Teen Wonder
Having discovered the secret identity of Batman as a young boy, Tim eventually sought out the masked vigilante on his own. Somehow, he ended up taking on the mantle of the Boy Wonder himself, and has since established himself as a talented young hero in his own right, both at home in Gotham and across the world with the Titans.


Tim's pretty complex. He's a teenager, and sometimes he does act his age, especially when he has a sarcastic comment to make, but other times he's way too serious. That has a lot to do with all of the horrible things he's seen as Robin, because that changes you. He's quieter, and stronger. He can think on his feet and adapt. Even as a child he was incredibly driven, and training under Batman has only enhanced that- to the point it might be called stubbornness, or possibly obsession. He also doesn't have the same lack of self-confidence that a lot of teens do, because he knows what his limits are, and his strengths and weaknesses. There's no room for doubts under the cowl.

As Robin, he's a balancer. He's there to keep Batman from straying too far into the darkness, to watch his back and help him in any way he can. That's his job. Batman needs Robin. But he's not at Batman's side 24/7, either. Robin is a hero in his own right, fighting against the darkness alongside the rest of Gotham's vigilantes. He's not just a sidekick. Gotham is his city as much as it is Bruce's, he was born and raised there. And he's just as willing to lay down his life to protect it.


When little Timmy Drake was just a boy, his parents took him to the circus. He was too young to remember most of the evening, but a few things do stand out: Dick Grayson performing a perfect quadruple somersault, the Flying Graysons falling, and then...

The Batman, swooping down from the rafters.

That's where it all started, really. He became obsessed with Gotham's Dark Knight and, soon enough, the Boy Wonder that became Batman's partner. He cut out newspaper articles about them, read forensic books, took martial arts lessons- all to be like his heroes. And then one day he saw a video clip of Robin performing the exact same quadruple somersault that was permanently engrained into his memory.

After that it wasn't hard to connect the dots. He never told anyone about his conclusions, but eventually Tim, then thirteen, set out on a quest to find his heroes.

It didn't quite work out the way he expected. Both Dick and Alfred convinced Bruce to take Tim on as his new protege, and after several months of physical and mental training with Bruce, then more abroad, he made his Gotham debut as Robin.

His mother was killed before he'd officially put on the mask, but his father had survived, eventually discovering that he was Robin and, at one point, forcing him to quit. That didn't last long, of course, and Jack Drake came to tolerate his night time vigilantism. He's spent several years since as Batman's trusted sidekick-turned-partner.