Knick Alen

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Full Name:
Kal-En, Knick Alen
Hypertime Explorer
Quote-open.png Knick Alen chuckles and nods to Seth. "Good work, I'm surprised they didn't shoot at you. They always shoot at me... and then throw the gun. See, that's what I don't understand. They shoot at me, and the bullets bounce off. Then... Then, they throw the sprocking gun. What is with throwing the gun? That is basically why I feel good must always triumph over evil, in a nutshell... 'cause evil appears to be just throwing-the-gun stupid. Quote-close.png
— Himself
Knick is a young Kryptonian hero from alternate world Earth H', having followed in the footsteps of the likes of the JLA. While not much is publicly known yet of his home reality, recently it has come to light that he is in a romantic relationship with that world's Superboy and has brought several of his fellow Earth H' natives to Superia with him, where they have come as explorers and ambassadors of goodwill to the superhero community.


Knick's thought process blends a scientist's analytical thought and a doctor's compassion towards life. Be it a laboratory setting or even a fight, he is constantly in problem-solving mode, applying the scientific method to his situation -- even in combat. If one can observe flaws in an opponent's strategy or defenses, then one has multiple methods of approaching any situation. He will also go to truly great lengths to save even a single life. He is the hero that will rescue a kitten from a tree every time and be delayed by the supervillain when they threaten the innocent bus of kids. No being is initially beyond redemption to him, and he can be suckered easily through someone playing to it. This analytical yet compassionate mindset also makes him naturally diplomatic, as in most situations he would rather talk a situation out than resort to violence.

Knick is fiercely loyal to those he loves, to say the least. While he tries to be the consummate hero, he will defend those he loves in total defiance of it if need be. It is in essence a weakness that approaches Kryptonite for him on an emotional level. Knick will stand by a friend even if they are wrong, and in any conflict between friends he is hard-pressed to take any action at all. Even if it meant standing against the entire JLA alone, Knick would do it for a friend. For those that Knick is emotionally involved with, there is no hiding how he feels about things. Hailing from a culture that practiced little deception, Knick has had a lot of painful lessons on that front in the time since he left Krypton. Though he has learned the fine art of deception, he is not so accomplished in it and likely never will be. He can talk the talk with the best of them, but there is always that look in his eyes that betrays what he is truly feeling, if not so much thinking.


Kal-En was born on the far distant planet Krypton in an unknown Hypertime reality. In the same manner as all children of his world, he was conceived and birthed via scientific means as opposed to "natural" procreation. The people of Knick's world were far more advanced than those of the world Kal-En would someday call home, Earth, in ways both scientific and philosophical, including sociocultural evolution. Kal-En was born with a complete understanding of his species' social norms, as well as the working knowledge needed to follow in either his mother's or his father's footsteps in life. Both would become important aspects of and influences on his life in the years to come. Sadly, this Krypton -- as with so many others in variant Hypertimelines -- was doomed, and though Zer-En, Kal's father, hoped to find a solution, it was his mother, the medical scientist Sar-En, who devised a means to send her son offworld to safety. The Kryptonians of that world were genetically bound to the planet, but Sar-En discovered a cure. In the end, there was no time to save Krypton, and only Kal-En would survive. His father's old friend, the spacefaring alien Strathazed, took the child in his charge before the planet was destroyed.

Strathazed saw to Kal's education, teaching him much of what he would have learned on his world and conveying upon him various artifacts of Krypton. The alien raised the orphaned boy as his own, and Kal's instruction spanned the stars. He learned self-defense on the world of Okaara, and he was swept up into the events of interstellar conflict. In time he came to visit a world called Earth, and in many ways it was there that his adventures truly began. As Kal grew into what amounted, physically, to his teen years, he eventually found a home in the community of superheroes. Taking up the identity of Skyboy, he began to gain renown in his own right. In the coming years, Skyboy found himself drawn to multiple different Earths, but eventually he settled on the world that is known, in Superia, as Earth H'. There he formed many important relationships, particularly with other younger heroes, such as the Titans, Young Justice, and even the X-Men. He formed a new family, even adopting a younger brother from an alternate Krypton, but no relationship was more important than the one he formed with his eventual lifemate, the Kon-El of Earth H'. Skyboy and Superboy became the core of an extensive team of heroes known as UNITY, with allies and resources spanning across the stars.

At times, they would find themselves drawn into matters in other Hypertimelines. The discovery of the universe of Superia (known locally as Earth 1), connected to a rich and expansive Hypertime crossroads, that drew them here, not for the sake of dire need or last-ditch defense, but in the name of exploration and interdimensional good will.