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Whose Care Package Is It Anyway?
No noteworthy NPCs

Ciaran meets up with Noah to invite him to the following day's get-together. Taliesin invites himself.

As much as Taliesin likes to drink and have a good time, occasionally he needs a quiet night. Staying in his room sounded boring so he came down for some tea and scones. There is a notebook in front of him that is well worn that he is scribbling into. Something has caused him to pause and he puts the end of his pen into his mouth as he stares at the pages, willing his brain to write words that he can't seem to form. "Nah, it's all shite." He says, crossing a large X on the page and flipping to the next one.

It's evening at the Sylvan Court as Ciaran, dressed in a hunter green shirt and a pair of jeans, enters the cafe on a mission. Looking around, his face falls just a bit. Apparently, there's a problem with the mission - Noah is missing. He had asked the young witch to meet with him tonight, and it seems that something came up or he was running late. Hopefully the latter. Either way, Ciaran takes a seat at one of the tables furthest from the counter and rests his elbow on the table, chin on his palm, and peoples watches for a bit. People are so very, very interesting. No, really! He picks up snippets of conversation here and there, not enough to properly be called eavesdropping but hints as to who everyone is.

At right about that moment, Ciaran hears Taliesin sitting nearby and glances over to see the Fae writing something down. Standing up, he wanders over to the other man and helps himself to a seat. Because, why not? "You remind me of Noah, scribbling all the time." There's a faint smile on his face as he says that. "What kind of tea are you drinking? I always forget the name of the one I have at the Hidden Grove that he makes for me. Pretty sure I've gotten it wrong at least twice and the barista just knows what I mean." Chuckling, he folds his hands together on the table. Yes, he's totally taking liberties invading Tali's space. No, he doesn't seem to particularly care. He's bored.

Rinne saunters out of the kitchen. Apparently he’s been in there all day making sure things were cleaned up all spic and span. Rinne had a bit of a glow to him however, and a bit of an itchy feeling to his bum, frowning slightly, shaking his head wondering what did happen earlier in the kitchen. He flushes deeply shaking his head. He sees the boys there at one of the tables. Good a distraction from the itchy cloth, "Hey guys..." he says.

Taliesin looks up from his notebook as Ciaran joins him. He tilts his head at the Spring Fae and smirks as he closes it to set it aside. "Ah yes I have noticed he has one as well. Lovely lad." Taliesin says with a knowing smirk before he gestures to the tea pot. "Oh nothing fancy, just some Earl Grey, just something to remind me of home. You look antsy." He notices before he looks to Rinne. "Evening Rinne, everything well in your kitchen?"

Ciaran gives Rinne a nod in greeting as he walks over to them. "Good to see you again, Rinne." In response to Tali's statement, he explains "I'm waiting to meet Noah here, I asked him to come over and talk for a bit." Glancing at the tea pot, Ciaran says "I never really have been a fan of Earl Grey. I like... a different sort of flavor. Noah makes me something lemony minty that makes me think of, well, home." Shrugging one shoulder, his gaze turns to the entrance. "I figured he would have been here by now. I hope nothing's happened."

Rinne scrambles a bit. In fact the boys do distract him from itching. Rinne then sits down near then and he blinks at Tali, but he nods, "Yep!" he says with a grin, "Everything is spic and span!" Rinne says and then he nods towards Ciaran, " Likewise Ciaran-kun," he says and then he glances towards the door, "Yeah I hope nothing happened to him..." Rinne then gets up to go to the door.

"It's not for everyone. I had a friend tell me it tasted like Fruity Pebbles, which is not something you want to taste hot." Taliesin laughs at that mental thought. "Oh that sounds lovely, I wouldn't mind trying that myself, I always enjoy new flavors." Even if they're spring related. "Oh I am sure he's fine, he probably got caught up in something. Have you texted him?"

Noah finally makes it into the cafe, clearly a look of apology on his face as he joins Ciaran and Taliesin. "Hey! I'm so sorry I'm late," he apologizes, his cheeks a hint red and his chest moving quickly as evidence of his most recent endeavor to make it to the cafe in a hurry. "W-What's going on? How're you guys?" He leans in to kiss Ciaran's cheek, his jade eyes resting on Taliesin as his soft lips twitch up in a smile and he bows his head in greeting to the fellow. "It's...really nice to see you again."

Ciaran seems to relax somewhat as Noah comes through the door. Rinne, noticing that Noah has made it, changes direction and busies himself by cleaning a tabletop and then moves on to generally straightening up around the cafe. "It's good to see you, too, Noah." As he rests his arms on the table, he pushes a chair out with his foot next to him. "Have a seat." Tilting his head, he glances at Taliesin. "Fruity Pebbles? Um. No thanks. That doesn't sound appealing at all." Shifting back, he looks sideways at Taliesin. "Tali," he seems to have a thing for shortening people's names "Have you heard about the happenings in the woods?" He's not sure if Taliesin has been briefed on what's up.

Taliesin looks up as Noah walks in and quirks his brow. "Indeed it is, so very good to see you again." There is a knowing look in his amber eyes as he turns his attention the both of them as Noah joins them. "Well it's not what I taste. Everyone's tongue is different, something pleasing to mine could be terrible to yours." When they get down to business, Tal tilts his head. "I’ve... had someone mention it, but I don't know the details. Just that it's dire and needs to be dealt with."

Noah sits down in the chair indicated and smiles at the both of the fellows at his table. "Everyone has quite nice tongues," he says off-hand, probably in relation to whatever Taliesin was just talking about. "Have you ever had orange cake? It tastes like Fruity Pebbles to me. It's one of my favorites," he admits with a sheepish smile. He grows more quiet as the conversation turns to the goings-on in the woods, and takes a moment to order himself a cup of bright lemon tea with honey.

The comment about everyone's tongues earns Noah an arched brow, but that's about it. Ciaran nods to Taliesin. "Yes, right you are." Lowering his voice, he leans in a bit. "Long story short? There's something nasty from another plane of existence, or somesuch, that's made its home in the forest. We've already run into its influence several times and we're trying to figure out how to knock it out of the wood for good." Pausing, he looks to Noah and says "I made a rhyme. Jot that down, you can probably use it somewhere. Maybe." Turning his attention back to Taliesin, he continues "So we're trying to figure out how to get rid of it. I had planned to meet up with another gentleman tomorrow." His gaze flits to Noah then. "A gentleman staying at the Hotel Oktober who is acquainted with Rowanwood as well."

Taliesin smirks at the arched brow and nods to Noah. "You have a very nice tongue as well." Compliments are flying everywhere! Leaning back in his chair he regards Ciaran when he tells his sordid tale. "That sounds very unpleasant. There have always been dark things lurking in the woods, there are countless legends about them." He taps his long finger to his lips before he gestures toward both men. "I'm intrigued, count me in." Not that he was invited in the least bit.

If one thinks that Noah isn't casually jotting down notes in his little notebook, one would be mistaken! He even underlines the portion of good rhyme made by Ciaran, looking then to his friend with a moony sort of look. "You're such a wordsmith," he says wistfully, only shocked out of his reverie by Taliesin's brazen words. "O-Oh, well...I'm sure everyone here at this table has a nice tongue, certainly. Like some sort of....good tongue party." Against his better judgement, Noah scribbles something down into his notepad shortly after this, then looks back up to Ciaran. "Someone familiar with Rowanwood? That is surprising, but it's good, I should say. If they're keen on helping, I'm sure the matter will be settled shortly."

The whole tongue thing is going completely over Ciaran's head, so he doesn't comment on it. Although it does earn both of them some confused looks. Content to focus on the task at hand, he glances over at Taliesin. Now the Fae is getting the arched brow. "Well, if you insist on coming along," he says with a smirk. "It's not fun and games, mind you. The last time I ran across some creatures influenced by the taint it was a gaggle of brownies who had been turned into gremlins." Pausing, he clarifies "Well not really gremlins, but clawing and biting things with venom. One poor boy got hurt pretty badly, but fortunately there was a witch with us who saved his life." Turning his attention back to Noah, he goes on. "I figure since you're a witch and you know a thing or two about Rowanwood, it's only natural you should meet Dean. The witch that came with us and saved the boy was from Rowanwood as well."

Taliesin laughs at the exchange and as the talk of tongues doesn't stop he nods his head. "A table of tongues, is that like a murder of crows, or a complaint of Karens?" He can't help but to tease, for it is so easy when he is set up with it. Turning back to Ciaran, Taliesin nods his head. "Oh of course it's not an actual party of anything. I assure you I can at the very least protect myself. I have experienced wars and battles of epic proportions so a gaggle of gremlins should be easy to handle right?" Taliesin smirks. "If not then it will be a story to share later."

Noah giggles softly at Taliesin, then reaches over to stroke Ciaran's arm. "We're going to put a stop to all of this, no matter what. I think that getting help from Rowanwood will go a long way towards getting rid of whatever those beings are." Noah seems a bit more serious at this point, sipping at his hot lemon and honey tea and taking a few more notes in his notebook. "I really wish we had a better idea of what they are, but...Rowanwood has a great library, I hear."

Ciaran lets out a chuckle at Taliesin's words. "You're too funny, but I suppose you wouldn't be a very good bard if you weren't." Nodding as the Autumn Fae explains his experience, Ciaran smiles faintly. "That's good to hear. Although I don't plan on going after anything tomorrow, and the gremlins were reverted back to their natural selves by some potions the witch brought. She was extremely powerful," he adds as an afterthought.

Ciaran nods at Noah's statement about Rowanwood having a great library. "Yes, and hopefully our new acquaintances will help us sort out what we're dealing with. We've seen some of what it can do." Tilting his head, he adds "That's why I think meeting with Dean would be a good idea. Plus, it would be a nice gesture to ask how his friend is doing after that brownie got to him."

"It sounds like you at least have a good start on all of this. Granted it's hard to tell when these taintful things happen but I commend the both of you for feeling heroic." Granted, this is what Taliesin does, chronical heroism, or the lack there of. "Allies are always good when fighting the unknown. What time do you plan on meeting this gentleman?" He pulls his phone out and looks over his calendar to make sure he's there when needed. "Should you bring a care package for the poor sod?"

"What sort of care package would you bring him?" Noah wonders aloud as he looks to Taliesin. "Maybe...crystals? Is he a witch, too?" he wonders, looking then to Ciaran for answers. The mention of the library draws a bright quality to Noah's silver eyes, and he nearly beams as he cradles his mug of tea. "I really hope to get a chance to see it. I bet there's all sorts of esoteric volumes."

Ciaran shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know what I'd put in a care package to begin with. Definitely not a witch. Completely mundane and offended that I referred to him that way. He seemed a peculiar sort. Not in a bad way, just... a little odd. Then again, I'm not much one to talk what with my fascination with nature." As Taliesin pulls out his phone, Ciaran says "Tomorrow. Afternoon or early evening, most likely. Not sure quite when yet, but I'll be around here so I can grab you before I go since you're inclined to accompany me."

Swinging his gaze over to Noah, Ciaran asks "You work tomorrow, right? So you can just take your break when we stop to meet with him. Work for you? I'm sure he can arrange for you to maybe get to see some of Rowanwood. The witch who accompanied us is apparently extremely high up the chain of command."

"Well, I don't know the guy, so I would keep it basic really. Soup, biscuits, tea, some fruit and maybe sweets. Comfort things really. I try not to assume much when witches are involved, as there are so many flavors of them that it's hard to really guess what they'll need." He's known a few for sure and has likely made his own missteps in the past. "Okay I'll keep the day open, you know where I sleep after all." Taliesin replies with a smirk before he nods. "Not a witch but not a mundane either, that should be interesting. You said his name was Dean? I'll see what I can dig up." He smirks as he sips his tea.

"There is certainly nothing wrong with having a fascination with nature," Noah points out, looking again at an earlier page in his notebook where his schedule is scribbled down. "Yes, I'll be at the Hidden Grove, and I can make sure to keep my break open," he says as he pencils in a note. He looks over to Ciaran with a smile at the idea of checking out Rowanwood and its library, then flicks his gaze back to Taliesin curiously. "He probably has stuff like that in his kitchen, or...o-oh, wait, you mean the fellow who was attacked, don't you? Yes, that...makes more sense," he says as he clears his throat and takes a sip of his tea slowly.

Shaking his head faintly, Ciaran explains "No, the one who got hurt was named... Sam? Something? He goes by Skitch. Because there's another Sam already. It was a little confusing. Dean was the one who actually handled the brownies well. Or, as well as one can handle venomous brownies you need to avoid being touched by." Nodding faintly, he adds "We're not going to see Skitch, I asked Dean to meet us. Skitch is the one who is recovering. Or, by now, has hopefully recovered. I suppose we could leave a care package with Dean though, for the other one." It's a little confusing with so many people involved, but Ciaran tries to sort it out.

Turning to Noah, Ciaran adds "Good. I'm glad you won't have to go out of your way, because I'd really like you to be there. I don't know squat about Rowanwood, so I'm completely out of my depth on that subject and even Tenebris mentioned the place. So obviously that's where we need to get our information from." Leaning back, he stretches. "Now that we've sorted that out, might be time for me to head back upstairs. I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page," he says with an incline of his head to Noah.

Taliesin gives Ciaran a blank look when he attempts to explain who everyone is and finally just tilts his head slowly. "I'll skip the care package then and just come as I am." Taliesin types it into his phone and slips it back into his pocket before he reaches for his cup of cooling tea. He listens to the other two with a final sip and at the non-verbal exchange between the two he smirks. "So, I should play loud music tonight then? You kids have fun." He winks.

Noah smiles and nods to Ciaran in agreement. "Yes, same page and everything." Noah looks to the way Ciaran lifts his head, then to Taliesin as he mentions something about playing loud music, then blushes as he stands up. "O-Oh, r-right. Yes, it's great to see you, Taliesin. I hope to see you again very soon," he says as he hugs himself to Ciaran's side, hiding his reddened cheeks in the fellow's upper arm.

Ciaran just smiles with amusement as he gives Taliesin a nod goodnight. "That's entirely up to you, Tali," he says with a wink back. Wrapping his arm around Noah, he pats the witch's side. "So, how's work been? Haven't seen you in a bit. Come up with anything new to share from your pad?" As he talks, he guides Noah out of the cafe. His voice slowly drops in volume as the pair walk back into the lounge and presumably upstairs.
