Space Daddy

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Full Name:
Space Daddy, Presumably
Adventuring Cap'n!
OC (None)
Quote-open.png Ready to run the stars? Just call me Space Daddy! Quote-close.png
— Himself
Adventuring cap'n of the Bonaventure, Space Daddy is well-known in some circles for being a pioneer of exploration and a champion of social progress.


Space Daddy was always Daddy. He's used the name for so long, nobody remembers if he ever had another name and, if so, exactly what it was. What could fit him better?

He had an unexceptional youth, though he always wanted to see the stars. He couldn't just be another colony kid. As soon as it was possible, he got on a spacefaring ship, determined to learn how to be the galactic nomad he had always wanted to be. Early on, he met the man who would be known as Rocket Pops, and they adventured together independently for quite some time before Pops chose to retire with his resources and opened Joe's Trek Stop, a space diner with lodging and facilities for travelers.

Daddy maintained plenty of his friendships from that time, such as with the genius inventor Mat, employed by the Empire Galactic Corporation, though this became one of the things that drew him into the Planet X Incident: Mat was on Planet X at the time and was very lucky to be alive and relatively sane after it. It was Daddy who rescued him, and Daddy who had to witness the terrible toll it took on his friend.

But Daddy also knew Waggy and Jemmy, and he traveled with them occasionally as they came and went to do their own things and pursue their own destinies. At one such solitary point, Daddy surveyed a planet and, upon return to his ship, found that he had a passenger that piggybacked on his transporter beam, and that was Pepper. Subsequently, Pepper took over as ship's administrator and Daddy brought Waggy onto the crew, then stumbled across Jemmy and added him as well. Some time later, Mat was also taken along, and they continued their journeys together.