Ready to run the stars? Just call me Space Daddy! |
— Himself |
Adventuring cap'n of the Bonaventure, Space Daddy is well-known in some circles for being a pioneer of exploration and a champion of social progress.
Space Daddy was always Daddy. He's used the name for so long, nobody remembers if he ever had another name and, if so, exactly what it was. What could fit him better?
He had an unexceptional youth, though he always wanted to see the stars. He couldn't just be another colony kid. As soon as it was possible, he got on a spacefaring ship, determined to learn how to be the galactic nomad he had always wanted to be. Early on, he met the man who would be known as Rocket Pops, and they adventured together independently for quite some time before Pops chose to retire with his resources and opened Joe's Trek Stop, a space diner with lodging and facilities for travelers.
Daddy maintained plenty of his friendships from that time, such as with the genius inventor Mat, employed by the Empire Galactic Corporation, though this became one of the things that drew him into the Planet X Incident: Mat was on Planet X at the time and was very lucky to be alive and relatively sane after it. It was Daddy who rescued him, and Daddy who had to witness the terrible toll it took on his friend.
But Daddy also knew Waggy and Jemmy, and he traveled with them occasionally as they came and went to do their own things and pursue their own destinies. At one such solitary point, Daddy surveyed a planet and, upon return to his ship, found that he had a passenger that piggybacked on his transporter beam, and that was Pepper. Subsequently, Pepper took over as ship's administrator and Daddy brought Waggy onto the crew, then stumbled across Jemmy and added him as well. Some time later, Mat was also taken along, and they continued their journeys together.
CHARM: Competent - Space Daddy is highly charismatic and knows how to apply his charm, although of course he may be better-received by some than others. This is not a trait exclusively applied to humanoids, either; animals tend to love Daddy, and most would never attack him or become hostile to him.
COMBAT: Competent - Though he generally doesn't like to resort to conflict to resolve a situation, Daddy can throw down in a fight. He knows a little bit of martial arts, a smattering of how to use certain weapons, and he's a good shot even if not a crack shot. He can also use things like energy swords and even just plain blunt objects he finds lying around, and he knows how to use position to his advantage. He'll usually default to brawling, since it has the least potential for grave injury and he's most confident when his fists are the weapons he wields.
IRON WILL: Expert - Daddy has a powerfully-cultivated amount of willpower, able to withstand tremendous mental, emotional, and even psychic and empathic pressure without compromise. He can fairly effortlessly shrug off basic attempts to influence him, but with great determination, even a high-power attempt is virtually impossible.
LEADERSHIP: Expert - Daddy is a natural leader and very good at it. He can organize a number of different people and personalities for a common goal, and he also can inspire large and disparate groups. He can command respect easily, though it typically comes naturally for him.
MEDIC: Competent - Although he's only technically trained in first aid, Daddy's experience during the Planet X Incident and after, plus his adventures in the starways, have taught him a great deal about how to help people. Of course, he can use the medical equipment standard on any modern ship, but he's also able to perform first aid with what he has on hand and doesn't need the robotic assistance for simpler matters. He's not likely to perform a complicated surgery, but he can manage a vast majority of conditions and situations himself.
PILOTING: Competent - Space Daddy is a solid pilot and can operate a variety of vehicles. He is especially experienced in spacefaring craft, but he's also able to do well with vehicles that function in an atmosphere.
SUIT: Enhanced-level Tech - Daddy's suit is more than a stylish outfit. It's also an protective suit that provides him with safety from the vacuum of space. It can also turn away low-level photonic weapon fire and low-powered lasers, something like a bulletproof vest all over. Even the parts of his body that seem to be bare are actually covered by invisible energy, something like a force field. It's easy to put on and take off, and it feels like he's not wearing anything at all! This type of technology is fairly common and is standard for Daddy's crew, for their own safety.
BONAVENTURE - The Bonaventure, sometimes called "Bonny Boy", is a sleek, advanced spacecraft capable of rapid interstellar travel. It has an extremely flexible user interface, even incorporating holographic panels that can be adjusted to suit virtually any personnel. Naturally, it is also capable of communication over significant distance in space, using modern technology. The Bonaventure is capable of matter transportation over significant distance, though generally the longer the distance, the less safe transporter technology tends to be; beaming down to a planet's surface is generally perfectly safe, though atmospheric conditions may complicate it and consideration must be made for that.
The Bonaventure is equipped with technology for life support, hydroponics, medical treatment with the help of robotics, and of course things like cooking, bathing, lavatory facilities, and living quarters. Its interior spaces can be reconfigured with relative ease, and the Bonaventure itself also possesses a helpful AI configured to interface with Daddy and his crew. Pepper is, however, number one as far as the Bonaventure is concerned.
The ship also possesses protective shields that protect against radiation, thermal variation, and weaponfire. It furthermore possesses significant armament, from lasers to photonic missiles, and it also has a tractor beam and deflector technology.
CHOSEN - Space Daddy has been chosen by Pepper. Though not all people in the universe are aware of the significance of this, many are; to be chosen by a space dodo to accompany you is among the highest of honors. There are societies that would elevate Daddy's status to revered hero on that single fact alone.
FRIENDS - In his long road to now, Daddy has made many, many friends. He also lived through the Planet X Incident and was among the first to respond, rescuing numerous people and saving countless lives. He has connections, acquaintances, and boon companions. Some of them know him well enough to be ready to travel with him at a moment's notice, and others would still help him in any way they could, even if they might not be ready to cut loose and sail away into the stars. Wherever he goes, Daddy tends to have at least a few people around who know of him.
JEMMY - Jemmy is a close friend of Daddy's and hails from a race of people gifted with empathic abilities. He is easily able to sense the emotions and impulses of others, and he can also use these abilities to enhance their emotions. Though his people generally only enhance positive emotions and sensations like pleasure, euphoria, and joy, they can also emphasize negative ones; however, as they are empathic, this also means that they have the unenviable experience of being hit by all of those emotions around them.
It's generally enough to bring up the mood of a room, and this also means that most beings regard Jemmy in a favorable manner. Jemmy is capable of creating a kind of shockwave of pleasure, which can stun and disorient a small crowd with relative ease, but he can only do this a very few times in a short period. It demands hours of recovery, and the sudden and strong emotion can overwhelm him and make him dampen his senses while he gets his bearings.
Jemmy is quite strong, even stronger than most humans, but he prefers not to engage in any combat, largely due to his empathy. He is able to operate most technology at a basic level, not particularly proficient at any one thing, but his charm and empathic abilities make his way a little easier. Whenever he wants something, it's not hard for him to get it.
PEPPER - Pepper is a highly-competent and extremely formidable space dodo. She is a superb administrator and can interact with and pilot most spacecraft, especially those to the level of the Bonaventure. She speaks only in the language of her kind, but she is able to communicate things with relative ease to most around her. While she does not regularly engage in combat, she knows how to use her rigid beak and talons to fight, and she is also able to perform powerful kicks. On top of this, she is more than capable of using her beak, talons, or even wings to manipulate instruments, carry things, and so forth. Though she cannot fly at length, she is able to hover briefly and may use her wings to slow a descent. Space dodos are an especially hardy species and can survive even in the vacuum of space, though they do have nutritional needs and so always make their way to inhabitable worlds. They are quick to adjust to most environments and almost all are spirited and fiercely independent.
REP - Daddy's reputation is a good, solid one. He's always fought for right and good, and he's well-known as a man of integrity and esteem. He's also especially a champion for sexual freedom and tolerance, no matter what orientation or preference. That's won him plenty of friends and admirers over the years.
WAGGY - Waggy is a being of a race of shapeshifters that generally take avian appearances. His kind are the type of shapeshifter to develop a singularly most suited form and stick mostly to that, shifting only out of necessity or great convenience otherwise. Waggy has selected an appearance much like a penguin.
Waggy is a weapons enthusiast and is particularly skilled with guns and projectile weapons, although he does have experience with edged weapons and laser swords. His flippers seem not to affect his ability, and he's not only a crack shot, but he possesses such willpower and determination that nothing short of a herculean effort will stop him.
Waggy's main weakness is that he tends to go for the martial solution as soon as possible, and his perspective may be removed from the reality, making him sometimes dangerously volatile and unpredictable. He will, however, most often defer to Daddy's authority as calling the shots during any time they work together.
CHOSEN - Though being chosen by Pepper has its definite advantages, Daddy also has to be careful. Space dodos are special and precious, and some people will become envious of his unique honor. They may attempt to coax Pepper to their side, or even try to kidnap her. Others might even try to get Daddy out of the way so that Pepper might replace him with them, so sometimes it's best for Daddy just to try and keep everything a little quiet.
EMPIRE GALACTIC - The Empire Galactic Corporation knows of Space Daddy and regards him as en enemy. They don't have the influence or resources they once did, so it's unlikely they would ever focus on removing Daddy as a threat. However, whenever their personnel may encounter him, they will most likely try to oppose him.
PROTECTOR - Even though it is admirable and respectable to do, Daddy sometimes gets himself into trouble by wanting to protect those less able to protect themselves. He will go to great lengths and great inconvenience, and even may put himself into serious danger, because he refuses to allow others to be victimized when he can stand against it.
REP - Daddy's always fighting for what's right and good, but that doesn't mean everyone agrees with him. There will always be those who don't want equality, tolerance, or anything of the sort for their goals. Although the Planet X Incident galvanized a lot of enlightenment in overall attitudes of the citizens of the universe, Daddy's tendencies to champion the downtrodden and oppressed also make him plenty of enemies...especially ones who see the bottom line as more important than people.