Planet X

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13,666 km
Surface uninhabitable due to catastrophic events
Alpha (Barren), Beta (Mineral-rich)
Quote-open.png Nobody goes to Planet X--nobody! You know the old Earth tales about the Bermuda Triangle? Well, they've got nothing on this. They say that if you set foot on Planet X, you lose your soul--or worse! Quote-close.png
— Unknown

The Planet X Incident is the common name for a massive disaster that took place over a decade ago and transformed the landscape of the known universe.

Empire Galactic, one of the largest businesses known, operated with their main headquarters on Planet X. Empire Galactic was known most of all for scientific innovation from the numerous geniuses they curated. One of their last and greatest products was the antigrav light shower, perfected by an inventor named Mat. Empire Galactic products and logos were everywhere, for a while, which made it all the more unsurprising that they also had their hands in politics.

Unfortunately, many signs of impending disaster were ignored and dismissed. Not a single person who survived, including the inventive genius Mat, knows exactly what happened on Planet X. The warnings were not heeded, and they varied from environmental concerns to dire tidings of ancient evil being disturbed and taking out its wrath on those foolish enough to wake it.

Whatever actually happened, Planet X was renamed, its original name utterly blotted the countless lives which were likewise blotted out. Few escaped with their lives and sanity intact, much less both. Groups of rescue volunteers, which included such notables as the healers of the Gardens of the Moon, worked tirelessly to save those they could. Huge numbers of pilots of all kinds struggled to evacuate the surface of the planet.

Empire Galactic survived, but in a far diminished form. Its employees and what meager forces remain tend to be reviled by one and all. The Planet X Incident is remembered as a great warning, and the planet itself is avoided by any and every spacefarer with any sense; nothing is worth the risk of going there.