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Full Name:
Miss Pepper
Senior member of The Bonaventure crew
Senior member of The Bonaventure crew
Pepper is a highly-competent and extremely formidable space dodo. She is a superb administrator and can interact with and pilot most spacecraft, especially those to the level of the Bonaventure. She speaks only in the language of her kind, but she is able to communicate things with relative ease to most around her. While she does not regularly engage in combat, she knows how to use her rigid beak and talons to fight, and she is also able to perform powerful kicks. On top of this, she is more than capable of using her beak, talons, or even wings to manipulate instruments, carry things, and so forth. Though she cannot fly at length, she is able to hover briefly and may use her wings to slow a descent. Space dodos are an especially hardy species and can survive even in the vacuum of space, though they do have nutritional needs and so always make their way to inhabitable worlds. They are quick to adjust to most environments and almost all are spirited and fiercely independent.