The Bonaventure

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The Bonaventure

The Bonaventure, sometimes called "Bonny Boy", is a sleek, advanced spacecraft capable of rapid interstellar travel. It has an extremely flexible user interface, even incorporating holographic panels that can be adjusted to suit virtually any personnel. Naturally, it is also capable of communication over significant distance in space, using modern technology. The Bonaventure is capable of matter transportation over significant distance, though generally the longer the distance, the less safe transporter technology tends to be; beaming down to a planet's surface is generally perfectly safe, though atmospheric conditions may complicate it and consideration must be made for that.

The Bonaventure is equipped with technology for life support, hydroponics, medical treatment with the help of robotics, and of course things like cooking, bathing, lavatory facilities, and living quarters. Its interior spaces can be reconfigured with relative ease, and the Bonaventure itself also possesses a helpful AI configured to interface with Daddy and his crew. Pepper is, however, number one as far as the Bonaventure is concerned.

The ship also possesses protective shields that protect against radiation, thermal variation, and weaponfire. It furthermore possesses significant armament, from lasers to photonic missiles, and it also has a tractor beam and deflector technology.

Technical specifications

Manufacturer........: ?
Model...............: Custom
Class...............: Transport
Length..............: 60 meters
Atmosphere Speed....: 1,050 KPH/650 MPH
Hyperdrive..........: Class 0.5
Defenses............: Supreme-level deflector shields; Enhanced-level hull
Armament............: Enhanced-level photonic missiles
                      Enhanced-level laser cannons cannons
Countermeasures.....: Tractor beams
Crew................: ?
Cargo Capacity......: ? tons
Consumables.........: ?