The Loth-wolf

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The Loth-Wolf
Prototype TIE/V38 stealth fighter
Formerly, Galactic Empire
Quote-open.png These particular craft have a capability previously unheard of for ships their size, the ability to evade sensors and scanners, rendering them effectively invisible. Obviously, with a fleet of such vessels, Darth Vader could devastate our forces with near impunity. Quote-close.png
Admiral Gial Ackbar

The Loth-wolf is a stolen prototype TIE fighter, a variation on the three-winged TIE/V38 assault fighter. While the prototype served as proof of concept for another line of TIE fighters that, as of the time Ezra stole it, had not yet gone into production, as the full production models would be built from the ground up rather than using a retrofitted TIE/V38. Fortunately for the Empire, they proved the concept before it was stolen. Less fortunately for them, Ezra stole it.

The V38 was considered a failed line for its original purpose as a heavy assault fighter, so many of them have ended up on the black market, which is good for Ezra, since the one stole would otherwise stick out even more than it already does. The prototype has been reconceptualized as a stelth fighter, and it serves very solidly in that capacity.

Though lightly armored, it features state-of-the-art cloaking technology and a top of the line hyperdrive engine, which allow the ship to travel long distances at great speed without risking detection. It carries a standard armament and deflector shields.

Technical specifications

Manufacturer........: Sienar Fleet Systems
Model...............: Prototype Twin Ion Engine/V38 stealth fighter
Class...............: Starfighter
Length..............: 12 meters
Atmosphere Speed....: 925 MPH
Hyperdrive..........: Class 1
Defenses............: Enhanced-level deflector shields; Basic-level hull
Armament............: Enhanced-level laser cannons
Countermeasures.....: Mk. II-X Stygium Cloaking Device
Crew................: 1 pilot; 1 gunner
Cargo Capacity......: 90 kilograms
Consumables.........: 2 weeks