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Full Name:
Tirilindir N'taurn'nosta
Traveling Bard
Young Adult
Tiri is a traveling bard, originally from a region far to the west of the Bay of Omens. He has no family nor formal family name, low-born and orphaned; his surname translates effectively "of no house." Soon after his first centennial, he began to travel the lands of his birth. In his travels he met and became the companion of Ferral Wer and Azel Magnus. More recently, he has come to travel the parts of Arcadia near Altur, Sylvania, and Omenaru.


A kind and gentle soul, Tirilindir seems almost shy much of the time, only really seeming to fully come alive when he's performing, especially when singing and playing his music. Otherwise he can be retiring, even shy, and is fairly easily bullied or pushed around by others because he would rather suffer unkindness rather than create conflict or cause a confrontation. However, as the saying goes: "There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man." The one thing that seems to move Tiri to stand up to others, violently if necessary, is if his loved ones are threatened or mistreated. Then, the quiet elf who would suffer being shoved around or insulted without protest suddenly comes to life with a wrathful fire, and he will fight to the bitter end for their safety and well-being.


Tirilindir was born houseless, called "N'taurn'nosta" in the language of his native people. Orphaned at a young age, he grew up humble and eager to please others. The elves of his community took care of him, but he never found a place to truly belong. When he was old enough, he apprenticed himself to the local Bard's Guild and set down to learn a trade, building on his love of music and natural charisma. When he came of age and completed his apprenticeship, he went out into the world as a traveling bard, eager for adventure and wanting to see and write songs about great deeds and daring heroes. It was in these travels that he met Ferral and Azel, who took to him quickly and began to protect him. In time they grew closer still, coming to love one another.

Now, they travel the lands of Arcadia in search of future adventures.