Azel Magnus

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Full Name:
Azel Julious Magnus
OC (None)
Azel has only recently journeyed to this land. Little is known about him, but it is suspected he may be a creature of the night. He has been seen regularly in the coupany of a wood elf.


Azel has had many hard lessons in life and sacrificed much, if unintentionally, in the name of love. As a result he is dedicated to that love as to nothing else in life, or unlife. He wishes to make amends for the terrible errors he has made, though, which is a secondary motivator. He realizes that to do so he must grow stronger, and so he has embraced a life of adventure. To the average person he comes across as having a placid, calm exterior, even fun and seductive as the occasion calls for. But that exterior hides a great deal of turmoil beneath.



Azel Julious Magnus was born the son of a very successful merchant who was granted lands and title on the outskirts of the Kingdom of Pralia, a land in a world distant from the realm of Arcadia. The castle, however, had a dark past, unknown to the family, as a place of worship for Xirgrinath of the Tainted Blood.

In his early years, Azel accompanied his father on his many long trips to trade in distant lands. Azel was a studious young man and studied much on such trips, reading books of lore assigned to him by his tutors before such long trips. His father wished for him to become a merchant as he was, but Azel dreamed of bigger things.

His father's skills as a trader and negotiator were exceptional. He had even managed to gain the trust of a particularly secretive group of wood elves. He traveled to what seemed the middle of nowhere to trade with them several times a year. They always met him on the outskirts of the Obsidian Forest on the banks of the river Teshyr, which marked the edge of the kingdom.

On one such trip when Azel was 12, he was practicing swordsmanship, which he had taken up just recently. He noticed he was being observed by a young wood elf from a tree limb. The elf, Ferral, pointed out several flaws in his technique. The friendly rivalry that developed gave way to simply being friends before they departed a week later.

For the next two years it was so, Azel would look forward to the brief periods he would get to spend with his friend, Ferral. Friendship gave way to something more akin to a puppy love, but his father, on noticing that they were growing closer warned his son against it. Ferral was ageless, and very young by his kind's reckoning of such things. There was no future with him to be found, as he would never age and Azel would.

At 14, with the crushing realization that he could never in truth be with the one he had grown to love, Azel stopped traveling with his father, throwing himself into his studies. Great wizards often seemed to live for many lifetimes. His tutors had always suggested he had an aptitude for magecraft, while his trainers in the blade felt he had a great aptitude for that as well. But, as proficient as he had become with a blade to better release his frustrations, it would not help him to become ageless. That would require a wizardly hand.


Around his sixteenth birthday, Azel started to hear whispers in the castle halls. At first he felt his longing and grief had driven him mad. But, as days turned to weeks he realized there was a voice, promising him all he desired. It taught him magics he was never ready to cast. As time passed Azel changed, and he hardly even saw it, himself, lost to the promises the whispers offered, blind to all that was happening around him due to the seductive power that had ensnared him.

His family had noticed the changes in their son and thought him sick. They saw that Azel was pale in complexion now, cooler to the touch, and overall nearly vacant on the few occasions he would come up from the bowels of the castle. Yet, conversely, he seemed healthier than ever. The same could not be said for the remainder of the family. Servants and retainers fled, fearing a plague. As the family grew sicklier, his father could no longer travel. His mother and older sister took to an unused wing of the castle and isolated themselves. New retainers and trainers started to arrive, taking up residence in a castle they knew so very well. It was almost as if they were coming home.

In Azel's 19th year it all came to tears. Azel woke as if from a haze, with cultists around him in the crypts of the castle. He was fully changed, his "wish" granted, but worse, his mother and father were laid out in coffins, with no sign of his sister, soon to become vampires as well. Azel had learned much in the years he was under the thrall of Xirgrinath of the Tainted Blood, but ultimately once fully changing him, with his wish granted, Azel's will was too strong to fully control. Thus, Xirgrinath switched his attention to Azel's father.

Azel tore though the cultists with consummate ease. In his time as a thrall, his education in magic and swordplay had continued. He was far stronger still as a dread vampire, now, as well. He fled into the night, horrified as the memories washed over him, eventually finding his way to a well-hidden temple in the south of the Obsidian Forest. He had followed what he was sure were the distant sounds of wolf puppies barking. There Azel fell into a deep torpor, and he slept.


When Azel next woke it was to stare into the eyes of Ferral once again. The pair reunited and rested together in the upper floors of the abandoned temple, catching up on each other's lives since last they had met. Secrets were shared: that Azel was now a vampire, and that Ferral had always been a werewolf. Admissions of feelings, of love, were made as well. Both also described that they had been drawn here, to this place and to one another. Exploring the temple, they discovered it had once been a place of worship to Xirgrinath, but the cultists had been killed by followers of Esaldir the Paladin Lord, one of the chief deities of light and an ardent enemy of the undead.

Overcoming traps and obstacles within the temple, they made their way to the very lowest crypts. There Azel found a hidden cache of weapons and equipment once dedicated to Xirgrinath. There and then he pledged himself to Esaldir, whom he believed had guided him to the weapons, pledging to throw down the evil scourge of the undead and Xirgrinath wherever and whenever he might.

It was a task that would prove challenging, however, as Azel discovered when he left the crypt that he had slept for over a decade there. His father now reigned over the once peaceful Kingdom of Pralia, having renamed it the Empire of Xir. The once beautiful kingdom was now a land of the dead for miles around the castle and spreading each day. Azel knew that he and Ferral were no match for the enemies they would find here, but he promised he would return when he was strong enough to restore the kingdom to its former glory. Since then he walks where Ferral goes, learning and growing through the challenges they face together.