Rhett and Kyle Colton

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Full Name:
Rhett and Kyle
Rhett Roy & Kyle Kane Colton, Trick and Treat
Twin Faerie Dancers
Quote-open.png I'm the good twin." - Kyle
"I'm the bad twin." - Rhett
"Maybe we're both the bad twin." - Kyle
"Or maybe we're both the good twin." - Rhett
— Himself
Pair of twins from somewhere on the border between the Midwest and South looking for life as they are drawn to the Northeast.


Rhett lives in the moment, a bit on the spontaneous side and a little goofy, flighty. Kyle enjoys the moment, but he also knows that actions have consequences. He comes off as more cool and collected than his brother, more grounded. While Rhett brings people into their orbit, Kyle keeps them there.


Rhett and Kyle grew up like most in their small town. They never knew their father but their mother married their stepfather before they can remember. Though the man was involved in shady business out of his nightclub in the city, he always treated his family well. Their mother on the other hand kept her distance emotionally from the boys. She never missed an opportunity to remind the boys that her husband was not their father. Though she never admitted it to them, she was convinced the boys weren't her sons, imposters. The boys did notice a rift form between then mother and stepfather. When it happened, boys weren't particularly surprised when the twins' mother walked out on the family. Their stepfather continued his role as father figure though he started to get more careless in hiding his shady nature from the boys without the influence of their mother. In high school when the twins were more interested in dance rather than sports, their stepfather was initially a bit indignent. But he did allow them to serve as dancers behind the band of the week at the club, despite their age being a bit legally problematic. Their stepfather realized when they danced, patrons of the club spent more money at the bar than when they didn't dance. He started to press them to dance more often. At a time the twins started to notice other weirdness going on as their faerie nature started to assert itself, they started to realize something was up, and they rebelled against their stepfather. They packed up what belongings they could and began their journey across the United States to find their destiny, hoping to make it somehow as dancers and figure out what is going on with their true nature.