I'm the good twin." - Kyle "I'm the bad twin." - Rhett "Maybe we're both the bad twin." - Kyle "Or maybe we're both the good twin." - Rhett |
— Himself |
Pair of twins from somewhere on the border between the Midwest and South looking for life as they are drawn to the Northeast.
Rhett lives in the moment, a bit on the spontaneous side and a little goofy, flighty. Kyle enjoys the moment, but he also knows that actions have consequences. He comes off as more cool and collected than his brother, more grounded. While Rhett brings people into their orbit, Kyle keeps them there.
Rhett and Kyle grew up like most in their small town. They never knew their father but their mother married their stepfather before they can remember. Though the man was involved in shady business out of his nightclub in the city, he always treated his family well. Their mother on the other hand kept her distance emotionally from the boys. She never missed an opportunity to remind the boys that her husband was not their father. Though she never admitted it to them, she was convinced the boys weren't her sons, imposters. The boys did notice a rift form between then mother and stepfather. When it happened, boys weren't particularly surprised when the twins' mother walked out on the family. Their stepfather continued his role as father figure though he started to get more careless in hiding his shady nature from the boys without the influence of their mother. In high school when the twins were more interested in dance rather than sports, their stepfather was initially a bit indignent. But he did allow them to serve as dancers behind the band of the week at the club, despite their age being a bit legally problematic. Their stepfather realized when they danced, patrons of the club spent more money at the bar than when they didn't dance. He started to press them to dance more often. At a time the twins started to notice other weirdness going on as their faerie nature started to assert itself, they started to realize something was up, and they rebelled against their stepfather. They packed up what belongings they could and began their journey across the United States to find their destiny, hoping to make it somehow as dancers and figure out what is going on with their true nature.
The twins are dancers. They are able to take direction naturally and easily, almost on an instictive level, perform in the manner desired. They are also skilled choreographers im their own right, understand very well the movements of multiple bodies, and can plan well on the spot if they must. They're primarily interested in what you'd find in a pop music video's dancers, but they're familiar with other styles and can adapt to pretty much anything.
The Twins grew up in rural America under the roof of a rather macho stepfather. They've been hunting practically all their lives and understand how to use and maintain firearms, mostly long guns. Their hearts weren't in it, though, and their level of skill reflects that deficiency.
Manipulation - Competent Level
The Twins are both excellent emotional and mental manipulators. Lies, misdirections, compliments, all to the end of getting their way. Even if separated and questioned, they're uncannily able to weave the same web.
The Twins' understanding of melee is due largely to their nearly instictive understanding of body movement. Despite lacking any training other than real life experience in petty fights, the Twins can each hold their own in a fight against all but the most skilled combat specialists, though they are more prone to stalling the fight into a standstill rather than achieving victory as their style tends toward defensive positioning and dodging attacks.
Faerie Magic: Ageless - Enhanced Level
The Twins no longer age. Their Faerie beauty and charm will withstand the ravages of time.
Dream Magic: Channel Dream - Enhanced Level
The Twins can experience any dream currently occurring in a dreamscape without actually visiting the dreamscape. They are capable of transmitting this dreamscape to others. This includes nightmares.
Faerie Magic: Charm - Enhanced Level
The Twins have an inherant charm to them that enhances the perceptions others have of them. Usually this simply manifests as a default positive perception and the inclination to trust.
Dream Magic: Dreamscaping - Enhanced Level
The Twins are Guardians of Dreamers, and in that capacity have manifested the ability to travel the Ways into dreamscapes.
They can manipulate a Dreamer's dreamscape to fight against foreign threats. They are capable of almost anything in a dream to this end, so long as the Dreamer doesn't fight against their control. A lucid Dreamer is typically capable of locking access to this magic.
As long as the Dreamer is cooperative, the Twins are able to heal the Dreamer from the damage caused by dream attacks, psychic intrusion, or mundane mental trauma. This usually takes time, and typically requires completing dream scenarios related to the nature of the damage. It may also take multiple sessions to completely heal.
The Twins are cabable of transferring dream matter into the waking world and real matter into a dreamscape. This includes bringing people into a dreamscape. They can also link dreamscapes to others and create their own dreamscape while awake.
Faerie Magic: Enthralling Dance - Enhanced Level
The Twins are able to use their movements to affect the minds of others. This is usually and most effectively done in a form of dance, though a lesser effect (either fewer targets or less powerful effect) can be performed from hand motions or similar. This is usually subtle, defaulting to people simply finding the Twins to be be more intriguing than the person would typically find them, and is often subconscious on the Twins' part. When focused and controlled, however, they can weave minor to moderate suggestions into the somatic trigger. While usually the Twins are in control, it's possible for a dominant personality in their lives to imprint their own desires into the suggestion, even without meaning to do so or even knowing the Twins have the ability, such as when their stepfather accidentally tapped into the ability and increased the willingness of patrons of his club to spend their money when he had the Twins dancing behind the band of the week. Inspiring thirst or hunger, or sleepiness, making people act drunk, or enhancing sensation are common ways the Twins use their suggestion.
Faerie Magic: Faerie Lights - Enhanced Level
The Twins are able to create soft lights, often in the shape of spheres or flickering flames, of any color, at will. There's no limit to number, but range is limited to the size of a football stadium and each light also must retain line of sight to at least one of the Twins.
Faerie Magic: Grace - Enhanced Level
The Twins possess a preternatual grace in their movements. They are supernaturally agile and able to perform feats at a superhuman level. They can dodge projectiles easily, including bullets. They may knock slower objects like rocks and arrows out of the way, or even catch them. They can easily jump two or three stories up or across distances dozens of yards away. They can easily chain these distances if they bounce from surface to surface. They are able to fall many stories without harm, especially if they land on their hands and/or feet.
Faerie Magic: Key to the Ways - Enhanced Level
The Twins are together a sort of mystical key to the Ways. They are able to find, open, and traverse the Ways, just the two of them or with others. Working together with one purpose, the Twins are able to open shortcuts through the Ways, manifesting as Dream Gates, ephemerally crystalline doors with dream-like images of the destination flitting across the facets.
Faerie Magic: Samhain Affinity - Enhanced Level
The Twins' association with Samhain and Halloween give them an insight into anything related to those entwined events. This isn't overt knowledge, but more instinctive vibes.
Faerie Magic: Treats - Basic Level
The Twins, especially Kyle, are able to manifest minor magical treats. Healing a small cut, or conjuring a cupcake out of nowhere. Consumables are easier to manifest.
Faerie Magic: Tricks - Basic Level
The Twins, especially Rhett, are able to manifest minor magical tricks. Turning a coin into wood, or making a ball disappear. Temporary effects are much easier to manifest.
Faerie magic: Twinstoration - Enhanced Level
The twins are able to heal each other of literally any natural wound or ailment, and most supernatural maladies, with a simple touch and a thought. This includes recent death, if the body is relatively intact. (Embalming ruins the body for this. Organ removal would, but if the organs were put back in more or less the right way, the body could be restored.) However, if both twins are affected by the same malady, a feedback loop is created, the malady is unable to be remedied, and both twins are knocked out for half an hour to an hour.
Faerie Magic: Twintuition - Enhanced Level
Twins often have a sort of intuition when it comes to each other. Rhett and Kyle are connected much more intimately, able to literally detect each others emotional state at any distance. Their minds are connected on usually a subconsciousness level, but this can manifest as knowing what each other is going to say before it's said or movements that seem choreographed with each other when no planning was had.
While beauty can be subjective, the Twins each have a natural masculine beauty that wouldn't be out of place among the Classical statues or Rennaisance paintings. While in some circumstances this can be a hindrance (it's unlikely a pair of attractive blond-haired fair-skinned blue-eyed twins are going to go unnoticed for long), more often than not meandering the social scenes are likely going to be a bit easier for the two.
On the opposite side of their charming ability, if someone doesn't like them for whatever reason, that dislike sours easily and can turn into something deeper, often uncharacteristically so. Someone who is typically quick to forgive might turn a minor perceived slight into a life-long grudge, or an easy-going guy might become very possessive of his SO if he thinks a Twin is getting a little too close.
The twins are vulnerable to wrought iron. They can't supernaturally heal from wounds caused by such and restraints that uses it can dampen their faerie power, or if enough binds them, suppress their power entirely. Direct physical contact is uncomfortable, even burning as if it were hot metal if physical contact is prolonged for more than about a minute. Most modern wrought iron is actually mild steel and ineffective, but older wrought iron workings (19th century or before) are almost guaranteed to be effective as are items created specifically for use against the fae.
Despite having the ability, both through magic and through skill, to manipulate people, the Twins both lack self-awareness enough to notice when similar manipulations are directed at either of them. They are easily charmed, either through mystic or mundane manipulation, and typically never catch on unless someone explicitly points it out.
The Twins' association with Samhain and Halloween and their faerie nature make them vulnerable to the spirit of those events. They are far more liable to get caught up in tricks and treats in October, turned up to eleven on the 31st.
Rhett and Kyle have developed a rather unhealthy attachment to each other. Far beyond the natural inclination close brothers, even identical twins, to love each other, these two have leaned on each other to the point that when either of them has an issue, not beng able to consult his brother causes anxiety and may even cause him to become lost in worry. They can"t even fathom the possibility of living without the other, making such things as living in different places impossible to even consider.