Oneirus Morn

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Full Name:
Oneirus Morn
Dream of the Morning
Guardian of Dreamers
Oneirus Morn, also known in the fae tongue as Dream of the Morning, has been bestowed with a number of possible titles: Guardian of Dreamers, Sentinel of the Dreaming Ways, Prince of the Autumn Court, Scion of Samhain. He rejects them all. Calling him by a title is a good way to annoy him.

The only birthright he's ever claimed has been the dream galleon that he sails, and over long years he's developed quite a talent for dream magic, using it to ward the dreams of mortals and protect them from nightmare creatures and other dream-predators. Occasionally, he serves as a Dreamlands privateer of sorts for the Autumn Court.

He's curious about Earth. With the right reason, he might find interesting things to get up to there, too.


Born the scion of House Samhain of the Autumn Court of Faërie, Oneirus Morn, also known in the fae tongue as Dream of the Morning, grew up with no interest in the court or nobility at all. Instead, from his earliest days he craved adventure. As soon as he could, he began to explore the Dreamlands, and he found that he loved to sail the Sea of Dreams. Escaping away to sail the sea, eventually he was allowed to sign on to a dream ship, and he gained experience as a dream-sailor. Eventually, a bargain was struck with his lord father: he would be given a ship, and he would learn to master magics of dreaming, that way he would at least be equipped for success. Over many years, he has become a master sailor of the Dreamlands and walker of dreams, often visiting the dreams of Earthlings and even becoming a guardian of those dreams. In more recent years, he's even become curious about other realms, such as Earth, seeking new places to explore.