Greythorne's Mystic Emporium

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Greythorne's Mystic Emporium
Greythorne's; Magic Shop
Main Street, Port-Au-Feu
Greythorne's Sign.jpg

Greythorne's is a magic shop, renowned as one of the finest in all of Sangria, owned and operated by House Greythorne. As befits a magic shop, the place is, itself, magical. Unremarkable when viewed from the street, once one passes the threshold it proves much more than meets the eye. While it is a location where all manner of potions, elixirs, magic books, reagents, and other mystical miscellany may be obtained, its most obviously interesting feature is the front door, which is enchanted to allow the shop, which is actually located in Port-Au-Feu to open up into other locations, such as shop entrances in Queen's Cove and Misthaven. As facilitated by the door in Misthaven, Greythorne's carries a full line of all the supplies students attending the Queensmouth Academy need for school.


Physical Description

Greythorne's Mystic Emporium

The first thing most notice is the smell, a curious mélange of scents ranging from incense and spiced honey to the tang of dried herbs and other, more exotic things, from garden variety mugwort to downy phoenix feathers. The shop is spacious and orderly, arranged in a generally circular floor plan. The floors are black and white marble and the walls gray stone bricks, while the ceiling is a vaulted dome decorated with a colorful, abstract mosaic.

Upon entering through the front door, one ascends a few wooden steps to an open space. Here, a circular wooden counter stands before an array of cabinets and shelves, where prepared orders are kept. Around the counter, various stands hold popular items on display. Past the front area, the left side of the shop is divided into rows of shelves and bookcases, each shelf crammed to bursting with mysterious tomes and scrolls. To the right, a similar series of shelves holds various jars, bottles, and other containers filled with mystic reagents and artifacts.

The far side of the shop is set up as a cozy nook for customers. A stone fireplace occupies this side of the wall behind the front counter, its rounded chimney stretching up through the apex of the dome above. A sofa and several well-cushioned armchairs, all in dark oak and purple velvet, have been arranged atop a crimson Persian carpet before the fireplace. A heavy wooden door at the very back of the shop bears a bronze plaque with the word "Private" emblazoned across it.

The front door is finely carved wood with an bronze handle and a small silver knob set in the wall beside it. A small, multifaceted crystal is set in the wall above the knob, currently glowing amethyst.

Inspiration and style images: