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Autumn's home in New England
New England
Quote-open.png It's one of those towns where time passes, but it doesn't seem to make much difference. The buildings stay mostly the same, the landscape endures. It's sort of sleepy and wide awake, all at the same time. Quote-close.png
— Unknown

The town of Misthaven is a small place high in the mountains, near the Queens River, tucked between mountains and forests. The picturesque place hardly seems to have changed in the last fifty years or more, apart from the occasional daring new boutique on Main Street and the trends in the styles of automobiles parked on its streets. The buildings are mainly painted bright white with natural wood shingle rooftops, and the streets are broad and cobbled. It's a slower pace of life in Misthaven, which takes its name from the heavy, almost enchanted-seeming fog that always drifts around the mountain where the town stands.

Main street and a few of the side streets play up that quaint sense of "small town charm" with bakeries, a family grocery and diner, and the popular local coffee house, a hippie-pagan sort of place called The New Leaf, with attached book store. A bit father down from these are the barber shop with classic striped pole and the salon with its row of hairdryers visible from the front window. Other notable businesses include a movie theater, several stores and hotels, and a variety of shops that cater to outdoors activities such as hiking and kayaking.

The Queensmouth River flows through the southeast corner of the town and has been equipped with a couple of ornate bridges, as well as a well-kept public garden running along one bank. In fact, every single part of the town that hasn't been built up has been cultivated into some kind of garden or park space. The overall effect could either be very homey or rather cloying, depending on how comfortable one is with small-town life. The town features many Tudor style buildings, almost all of which have been fitted with window boxes practically overflowing with greenery.

It's a decent-sized town, but not too huge, and it had been starting to dry up until the reopening of the Queensmouth Academy breathed new life into the area.