Mallory Greythorne

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Full Name:
Lord Mallory Greythorne
The Sable Dragon
Hanz Zimmer, "Elysium" from Gladiator
Born the son of a dragonic sorcerer and a fae lady, Mallory was never much bound by the limits of the human world. For centuries he's moved through the worlds, especially frequenting Sangria and Arcadia. He often poses as an "uncle" of the Greythorne line, making sure his family is looked after, and otherwise often has dealings in the workings of the worlds. He has quite a reputation in certain circles as a powerful and accomplished mage.


Writers love to wax poetic about the natures of various iconic personalities, describing them as having the souls of poets or hearts of true valor. In the case of Mallory Greythorne, Lord of House Greythorne and half-fae dragon, his personality doesn't lend itself much to poetry. Shrewd and inquisitive, he has the intellect and disposition of a scholar, but he lacks the obsessive nature to dedicate his life to study of all lore, ever. He is adventuresome, but he's too practical to be a wandering hero. He is even lusty, but he lacks the insatiable desire to really make his mark as a romantic winner and breaker of hearts. In truth, he's a fairly well-balanced personality with many facets, and age has given him a tendency toward stubbornness and theatricality, but he's just not the sort of personality that lends itself to grandiose, effusive description--or so, at least, he quite staunchly insists.


The Greythorne family can trace its roots back for centuries, to the dark ages of Britain's past and beyond. The sire of their line was Draconar Greythorne, a sorcerer who was famed for being able to change into a dragon--though, in reality, it was the other way around. Draconar was a warlord, controlling a large span of lands in Brittany before it became a province of France. He vanished from the world, never to be seen again, when he became enamored of a lady known among mortals as Ceinwen, though she was in reality a daughter of a fairy king. Over many generations, the Greythorne line often interbred with the Fae, keeping close family ties, and so the family line continued. Many of them never died, simply crossing over into the fairy realm of and vanishing amongst their immortal relatives when they grew too old to remain in the human world.

The eldest son of Dragonar and Ceinwen was named Mallory, born during the late middle ages, around 1200 AD. He grew up traveling with his parents, sometimes in his father's various dens and sometimes at the court of his mother's father, the fairy king. From a young age, Mallory showed a great aptitude for magic, as well as a tendency to take after his father's side more strongly. (Toddlers are one thing, but a toddlers who can cast magic and turn into a dragon hatchling? Suffice to say, it was an interesting time for everyone.) In due course, Mallory came of age and into his own power. He devoted himself heavily to study, and it was a love of lore that first led him to a life of adventure. Before he knew it, he'd been swept up by the currents of fate, and the passing years had turned to centuries. His parents vanished away into the Spirit World to seek new adventures, and Mallory found himself guardian of the family line.

When, in the modern era, Adalric and Raquel Greythorne were killed in a magical accident, Mallory took it upon himself--presenting himself as an "uncle"--to looking after their children. While Mal may not always be the most capable parent, he is at least a stalwart protector and has ensured the safety of the family's interests and legacy. The younger sons were enrolled at Queensmouth Academy, while those old enough were sent out into the world to find their fortunes. As for Mallory? Well, he's had centuries to get involved in all sorts of shenanigans, from Sangria to Arcadia, and he's not about to stop now.