Gabe Greythorne

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Full Name:
Gabriel Tycho Greythorne
Wealthy Apprentice Mage, Student
Gabe is one of the youngest members of the Greythorne clan and stands among the heirs to the family fortune. The Greythornes, well known in mystic circles for having strong magic in their blood, own and operate a highly successful magic shop and live in the neighborhood of Le Jardin. The shop often mysteriously appears elsewhere as well. As for Gabe, himself, he shows promise as a sorcerer and currently attends the Queensmouth Academy in Misthaven.


Gabe tends to act like he's quite sure of himself, even cocky, while secretly he's constantly trying to prove himself. This can lead to him biting off more than he can chew. True, it can make him seem confident and decisive, but he can be quite impulsive and seems to have the urge to take on the world, not always fully considering the consequences. He's very curious about anything that strikes his fancy, but he can also be a carefree spirit and may be inclined to be playful when he should be more focused on serious pursuits, such as work or study. His need to prove himself can sometimes make him seem selfish and unreasonably overconfident, he has a strong compassionate side. He hates to see others genuinely suffering, and while he might tease others for a bit of fun, he will stand up against true bullying or mistreatment. Despite appearances, he's internalized something of a sense of duty. His family wields their power responsibly, and while Gabe isn't always responsible, he does aspire to be... and he's at least protective of those weaker than himself.


The Greythorne family can trace its roots back for centuries, to the dark ages of Britain's past and beyond. The sire of their line was Draconar Greythorne, a sorcerer who was famed for being able to change into a dragon--though, in reality, it was the other way around. Draconar was a warlord, controlling a large span of lands in Brittany before it became a province of France. He vanished from the world, never to be seen again, when he became enamored of a lady known among mortals as Ceinwen, though she was in reality a daughter of a fairy king. Over many generations, the Greythorne line often interbred with the Fae, keeping close family ties, and so the family line continued. Many of them never died, simply crossing over into the fairy realm of and vanishing amongst their immortal relatives when they grew too old to remain in the human world.

Eventually, some two hundred years ago, Alastor Greythorne inherited the family's wealth. He built the family's current home and founded Greythorne's Mystic Emporium. The manor house and shop have been passed down from father to son from generation to generation, and the last to receive it was Mal Greythorne. Mal had a younger brother, Adalric, who had married a fully human woman, Raquel Derring, and had children. Adalric and Raquel raised their sons until the youngest was five, but then they were killed in an accident when trying to lift a very dangerous curse without a full circle of sorcerers. They were powerful, but one mistake was all it took, and they were gone forever, leaving their sons orphaned. Mal was kind enough to take the boys in, and while he proved limited as a parent, he treated them well.

As the boys grew up, Mal realized that they would need a proper education. He also realized that Gabriel, in particular, had become quite unruly and wild. True, young Gabe had great promise as a sorcerer -- despite the embarrassing but admittedly magically potent result of his First Spell -- but he lacked discipline and showed far more ambition than common sense, to say nothing of enthusiasm over focus. So, Mal decided to enroll his nephew in the venerable Queensmouth Academy, where the boy would receive a first-rate magical and classical education.


Academics - Competent Level

Alchemy - Novice Level

Art/design - Competent Level

Craftsmanship - Novice Level

Occultism - Competent Level

Socialize - Expert Level


Power: Awareness - Enhanced Level

As a born magic-user of significant power, Gabe is quite sensitive to magic and other mystical forces. He can generally detect the presence of spells, enchantments, or supernatural creatures nearby without difficulty, and he can in most cases identify the nature of such when observed with only moderate effort. It is difficult to fool him with illusions or other deceptions.

Power: Dragon-Blooded - Supreme Level

Gabe's family line carries the blood of dragons, carefully managed over centuries. This means that he matures at a slightly slower rate than others, but more importantly it renders him effectively ageless and immortal. He's also physically more durable than humans and can recover from nearly any injury at a fair speed, though this does not grant him any immunity to pain. Perhaps most significantly, he has the indomitable will and impregnable mind common to those of his unique bloodline. Mental influence or attack is virtually useless against him.

Power: Sorcery - Enhanced Level

Gabe is a gifted natural spell-caster of great power and strong skill, though he lacks discipline. Notably, he has a strong affinity for Light/Dark elemental forces, though he must be careful to balance them, which he's still learning to do. His greatest gifts are for enchanting or disenchanting objects, casting illusions, and conjuring objects.



Gabe's family owns a vast inventory of enchanted objects, ranging from the commonplace to the rarest of magical antiquities. While Gabe cannot access the best of these, he does have a modest collection of his own, and he can always sneak one of the less secure items from the family vault.


Gabe's family owns a very successful and lucrative magic shop that has been enchanted to do business across every known world. The Greythornes also own one of the worlds' largest occult libraries. Their collection has a copy of almost every magical tome or book known in the magical community, as well as many unknowns.


Gabe's family is absurdly wealthy, to the point where their fortune could never effectively run out. Gabe is the an heir to the estate with a trust fund, and he already has access to enough personal funds to make him independently one of the wealthiest people in the world.



Gabe is very literally a sugar addict. This can happen to certain fairies at times, and the fairy blood in Gabe is quite potent. The good news is, sugar doesn't really cause him any specific health risks. The true danger here is that Gabe is generally too quick and too ready to accept a sweet treat, and in the right mood he can be as bad about donuts as Scooby-Doo with a Scooby Snack.

Craves Attention

Having grown up in the shadow of such a prestigious family, Gabe tends to crave attention. This means that he often takes foolish risks, go to greater extremes, and otherwise push certain limits more than he should. Deep down, he just wants to prove himself.

First Spell

Gabe's family is known for a magical quirk: the first spell they ever cast is never a rote spell from a book, always a pure act of creation from their own wishes, hopes, or even fears. This first spell's effect is always permanent and can never be undone. In Gabe's case, his First Spell had a somewhat embarrassing effect on him, and he hides it from most people.

The following logs feature Gabe Greythorne: No pages meet these criteria.

Faction Memberships

Queensmouth Academy

Member of the Queensmouth Academy.

Character Connections

James Addams

James Addams is kept on retainer by Gabe Greythorne's family, both as Gabe's lawyer and also as the administrator of his trust fund.