James Addams

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Full Name:
James Addams
Criminal Defense Attorney
James is a defense attorney and a psychic. Since his gifts awoke within him in his early teens, he's been doing the best he can to balance the mundane and supernatural lives he's living. He's finally taken an opportunity to move to Port-Au-Feu, maybe start a new law firm, and live more in the supernatural world than he's been able to before, while also using his powers and status to help those less fortunate than himself, in whatever way he can.


In the courtroom, James is hard, relentless, a defense attorney who lets nothing get in his way. He pursues the truth, and nothing but the truth, all the way to the bitter end, whatever it takes. But outside the courtroom, he is completely different. He is gentle, kind, selfless. He donates to charity often and tries to help out those who aren't nearly as well off as he is. He's usually wearing a smile, and he doesn't believe he's better off than anyone else, even with his psychic gifts. However, that all changes if someone he cares about is in danger. At that point, he can become enraged, and throw whatever he has at those who dare hurt his friends or family. He becomes a force to be reckoned with, not letting anything stop him, sometimes putting himself in danger to protect others. He can also become different if he's very stressed. He can be more agitated, not as easy-going and relaxed as he usually is, and he may find ways to take his stress out on people, not necessarily on purpose. He almost always regrets his outbursts later, especially if it's a friend or family.


James Addams was born to very well-off parents in New York City, New York in March of 1990. They were business partners, and their business was very successful. But James's family had something else, a gift, dormant in all of his bloodline, but that would manifest in those with the potential to use it well, and selflessness and honor to use it for good, and to aid others. James's father never manifested the gift, and neither did his younger brother. His father's older sister did, however, and when James entered his early teens, he manifested it as well.

James's childhood was definitely that of a spoiled rich kid--though, somehow, seeing many in his city who weren't nearly as fortunate as he was always kept it from going to his head. He didn't ask his parents for much, and often he would help other kids by giving them extra money, or food, anything he could do. His little brother, on the other hand, was the opposite. He let the money go to his head, and looked down on those who weren't as fortunate as if they were beneath him. He took after their parents much more than James ever did.

When he entered his teens, James's psychic gifts began to manifest. He found that thinking about things started making things happen. He could move things with the power of his mind, and he could read the thoughts of others around him. He knew his family had these gifts in their bloodline, but never thought he would be able to use them. So he contacted the only person he knew had the same gifts as him, his aunt. He moved across the city to live with her when he was fourteen, and over the next two years she trained him in his abilities, as well as in meditation and focus, which were key to using some of them. She pushed him hard, but his powers grew stronger. By the time he returned to live with his parents when he was sixteen, he not only had fine control of his telekinesis, though not a lot of strength just yet, he could also astral project for a limited amount of time and had started to learn the basics of his telepathic and empathic abilities.

He kept training on his own, even after graduating high school. He knew he wanted to help others, less fortunate than he was, and several possibilities ran through his mind of what he could do with his abilities. He had learned that he had to, at all costs, keep these a secret from anyone who he didn't implicitly trust who wasn't aware that things like this existed, and he had learned why. So, ultimately, he decided to combine two choices: law and psychology.

James went to college following his graduation from high school, majoring in criminal justice and minoring in analytical psychology. He also began to get more involved in the supernatural world and trained his powers even more. He learned to manipulate fire, ice, and electricity, and to use his telekinesis to fly. He also learned more of his telepathic and empathic abilities, learning how to modify memories to make people never know he was using powers that, to them, shouldn't exist. But he started to realize how stressful some of his abilities were, and during the summer after his second year of college, something terrible happened.

He wasn't holding any jobs, because his parents were paying for his college. But he was taking a couple of classes for summer semester, just to keep the ball rolling. This was stressful enough. But he made a mistake, he hadn't been paying enough attention while flying, and didn't realize just how many people had seen him landing until he heard all the thoughts, at which point he knew he was in trouble. He had began the process of modifying all their memories, but it was a large group, maybe twenty people, and his stress levels were higher than he realized. Modification like this was stressful, especially on a large scale, and his stress levels exceeded the danger zone. He never remembered what happened, but he woke up a few days later in a hospital bed. His aunt had told him that he had killed at least a couple of people with telekinetic blasts, burned a building down, and caused mass chaos. The incident was officially deemed an accident, as there was a special team sent to cover it all up, but he was on the radar of some pretty powerful people who could kill him if he made that mistake again.

He restricted his use of his abilities after that for a couple years. He never wanted to hurt anyone, and killing had weighed on him. He couldn't remember what happened, but he could never, ever forget what his aunt had told him. He got his degrees in criminal justice and analytical psychology, and he eventually became a defense attorney. From there he rapidly rose to the top of his field, because he had never, ever lost. No client he had taken had gone to prison, because no client he had ever taken on was truly guilty. He learned to use his abilities to help him win case after case, without anyone knowing he was doing it.

Eventually, in 2015, he opened his own firm in New York City. He ran it well, and he became very well known amongst others in his field. His streak of helping put those truly guilty away and keeping those truly innocent free continued, and his involvement in the supernatural world eventually returned, especially after he had created the app for his watch that would allow him to always see his stress levels.

A few years went by, and he was living well and doing what he could to help the less fortunate. But something called to him. There was something in another city, the supernatural nexus, Port-Au-Feu, so he sold his law firm in July of 2020 and packed up to move to Port-Au-Feu, to see just what awaits him next.