Tantive IV

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A CR90 corvette star cruiser in the service of House Organa, and Lael's personal starship. It has a complete crew and generally carries at least one squadron of soldiers, either from Alderaan or the Resistance (though the Resistance fighters dress like Alderaan troops).

As a vessel of state, the ship features dining rooms for hosting state dinners, as well as conference centers suitable for negotiations with interstellar dignitaries. Lael maintains a personal office on-board in addition to his personal suite.

Technical specifications

Manufacturer........: Corellian Engineering CorporationReminder: The game does not treat every aspect of every source as canon. Click here to refer to the game's theme and canon guidelines!
Model...............: CR90 CorvetteReminder: The game does not treat every aspect of every source as canon. Click here to refer to the game's theme and canon guidelines!
Class...............: CorvetteReminder: The game does not treat every aspect of every source as canon. Click here to refer to the game's theme and canon guidelines!
Length..............: 150 meters
Nav. Computer.......: Standard
Sublight Drive......: Girodyne Ter58 ion turbine engines (11)Reminder: The game does not treat every aspect of every source as canon. Click here to refer to the game's theme and canon guidelines!
Atmosphere Speed....: 950 km/h; ~590 MPH
Hyperdrive..........: Class 2.0
Defenses............: Enhanced+ level deflector shields; Enhanced-level hull
Armament............: Enhanced-level turbolasersReminder: The game does not treat every aspect of every source as canon. Click here to refer to the game's theme and canon guidelines!
Crew................: 46
Cargo Capacity......: 3,000 tons
Consumables.........: 10 years