Lael Organa

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Full Name:
Lael Organa
Prince of Alderaan
Lael is the Crown Prince of Alderaan, its representative in the Galactic Senate, and secretly one of the leaders of the forces opposed to the Galactic Empire.


Lael is an intelligent, level-headed, kind, caring young man with a sharp wit, a strong sense of justice and a clear morality. He can also be rebellious, head-strong, impatient, emotionally insecure, and short-tempered - family traits, to be sure.


Lael Organa was born Lael Skywalker, the son of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Senator Padme Amidala of Naboo, two days after the first Empire Day at the Kallidah research base on an asteroid in the Polis Massa system. His twin brother, Luke Skywalker, would be separated from him and raised by their father's stepbrother , but Lael was adopted by Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan and his wife, Queen Behra, who never told him about his true ancestry.

Instead, they raised him to overcome it. Raised as the heir to the throne of Alderaan, Lael spent many hours learning the craft of leading - history, politics, etiquette, language, art, diplomacy - all these were drilled into him by his aunts, who assumed his education as soon as he could speak (which was before he was even a year old). While his quick mind picked these things up easily enough, Lael was a head-strong boy and chafed under this attention, often fleeing the palace with his friend Winter to escape into the city or the woods.

Bail tried to temper his young son's stubbornness by taking him with him on diplomatic missions, some of which were fronts for secret missions related to the Rebellion. It was here that young Lael learned to hate authoritarianism as it existed in the current form of the Empire, and developed a genuine empathy and kindness for those oppressed by it. He began to study in earnest, and by the time he was fourteen, he was a junior legislator in the Alderaan delegation.

His easy charm and fiery passion about issues got him noticed in the Senate, and at home. He worked tirelessly for the least in the galaxy within the Senate while secretly continuing to help his father and the Rebellion.

When he was in his late teens, his popularity as a legislator resulted in his being elected as the youngest Senator ever to serve. Bail proudly stepped down, eager to give his bright young son a chance to develop his leadership abilities as well as do more directly with the Rebellion.

So that's where we find our young hero. A newly-appointed Senator still learning his craft and trying to topple the machine from within. It's a dangerous game, but he's not scared.