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Full Name:
The Sun Cow
Patron of Peace and Civilization
Patron of Peace and Civilization
Ancient goddess of peace and Civilization, Seleth is generally depicted as either a petite Halfling brunette or a plain brown cow. She is associated with the sun, and the Halflings are her chosen people. One of the less ostentatious goddesses, there is little known about Seleth in general, whose desires and worshipers alike are dedicated to the seemingly simple ideals of peace, harmony, and the stability brought by civilization. She is also seen by some as the embodiment of the sun.

Many used to say that Seleth herself intervened to spare the Halflings from becoming more deeply affected by the Great War, which hardly touched their homeland in the area around Halvington, north of the Kenngoth Mountains.


There were no temples, priests, or priestesses to honor Seleth. However, many artisans and builders long kept likenesses of cows in their homes to honor the goddess, and it was even a custom for a few of the world’s to farmers keep brown dairy cows as honored guests in their homes, allowing all sorts of mischief in the name of peace and civilization. It is still common to see carvings and tokens of cows kept as "lucky charms" to bring a good harvest or to herald peaceful negotiations. Curiously, the opposite seems to be true in Lyne, where a common insult is to call someone (male or female) a "cow," implying that they are useless, which some say is a reflection on the attitudes of Lyne toward Seleth's ideals.

Holy Day

Celebrations of Seleth tend to depend on where one is. Usually, they revolve around the completion of cities and peace treaties. For example, many residents of Omenaru still celebrate the building of the city, and more still celebrate the day Omenaru was officially returned to splendor by the coming of humans. Many of these celebrations do not center around Seleth herself, as the concentration tends to be on the peace treaty or city, but most involve toasts given to the goddess with phrases such as, "To the sun's cow!" Images of the hammer and bell are often used in decorating feasts and great halls for the duration of these feastdays.

In times past, Seleth was often revered during the annual midwinter festival. This tradition was favored amongst the Elves in particular, some of whom still keep the day. The return of the sun to "dominance" in the north of the world was celebrated with grand balls by the wealthy and raucous feasts by the lower social classes. The climax of this celebration comes at midnight of the longest night, when one person chosen to represent the sun and another to represent the passing seasons enact a short play, in which the first rids the second of their guise of gray rags, revealing beautiful colors beneath. This celebration is often combined with the Holy Day of Ranuzha, the Night of Tales.