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Full Name:
The Dolphin
Patron of Truth and Knowledge
Patron of Truth and Knowledge
Ranuzha is the ancient god of truth and knowledge, usually depicted as as either a dolphin with skin that glows like moonstones or a beautiful merman whose tail is thickly encrusted with such stones. Ranuzha is also said to possess a voice that can charm even the hardest of hearts and is revered by musicians throughout the known world. He is also associated with the blue moon, Isabar.


The priests and priestesses of Ranuzha of old were among the world's first scholars and who commissioned the building of the first libraries. Libraries have become Ranuzha’s temples, traditionally built with adjoining chapels where visitors may pray and worship. Each chapel was classically either built over a natural source of water or furnished with fountains depicting Ranuzha surrounded by a school of dolphins with moonstones or pearls embedded into his tail.

Holy Day

Ranuzha's holy day grew out of the long winter nights and was made popular by its reverence among the Elves. In midwinter, on the longest night of the year, families large and small gather, usually at the home of the eldest living patriarch or matriarch. Here, all who are able stay up the entire night, telling stories of history and myth. For many, this is done over a period of days rather than only one night, as it is the one time many larger families are all able to gather together. Amongst the Elves in particular, this Holy Day is treated with great excitement and ceremony, and the stories are told by only the best scholars and storytellers and sometimes staged and performed as plays.