Quinn Brightheart

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Full Name:
Quinn Brightheart
Prince Quinn the Fair
Crown Prince of Altur
Young Adult
OC NPC (None)
Prince Quinn is known by all to be fair of face and of form, just as he is fair in his dealings with others and in his manner. He is easily as beloved as his father, though he is seen less as a heroic figure and more as a romantic ideal. Knights throughout the kingdom seek his favor when they ride into battle or participate in tournaments, and he is known to bestow it upon those who ask with a kind word and a warm smile. A natural athlete, he is known well for his feats of agility, though he shows little interest in fighting and has declined to become a knight, unlike his father before him. He is a skilled user of "white" magic and a natural healer, and he often spends his time using these skills to help the people of his kingdom, especially the poor or downtrodden. All of his time seems to be taken up with study, athletics, or good works, leaving him little time to focus on the job of learning to be king one day. Of course, the people are quick to point out, he is still very young, and the king is in his prime. There are many years left for Quinn to begin to take his destiny as crown prince more seriously.


Warm, friendly, artistic, energetic, thoughtful, but perhaps not of the most focused or serious mindset when it comes to politics.


From his youngest days, Quinn was more interested in athleticism and art than in hunting or learning the ways of knighthood. He has shown great skill as a healer and user of "white" magics, and he has often used this skill to help those in need.